Monday, 31 August 2015

Rocky Top embraces the gender-neutral PC madness

The University of Tennessee has become the latest public institution of higher learning to boldly step into the gender-neutral madness of political correctness.

Last week, Donna Braquet, the director for the Pride Center (UT’s official gay and lesbian outreach office), posted a set of online suggestions aimed at instructors, advising them not to “assume someone’s gender by their appearance, nor by what is listed on a roster or in student information systems.”

Braquet went further, suggesting that faculty drop altogether the use of gender-specific pronouns like “he” and “she” in favor of a word you may not have heard of: the supposedly gender-neutral, politically-correct pronoun “ze.”

Fortunately, the creators of “ze” burdened the word with the same set of declensional forms and word endings in order to show the word’s role in a sentence. That means you really have to learn this word in all its forms if you are, for some reason, serious about using it.

Sound confusing? Here’s a chart:


Here’s Braquet’s explanation of how this is supposed to be helpful:

In the first weeks of classes, instead of calling roll, ask everyone to provide their name and pronouns. This ensures you are not singling out transgender or non-binary students. The name a student uses may not be the one on the official roster, and the roster name may not be the same gender as the one the student now uses.

This practice works outside of the classroom as well. You can start meetings with requesting introductions that include names and pronouns, introduce yourself with your name and chosen pronouns, or when providing nametags, ask attendees to write in their name and pronouns.

… We are familiar with the singular pronouns she, her, hers and he, him, his, but those are not the only singular pronouns. In fact, there are dozens of gender-neutral pronouns.

A few of the most common singular gender-neutral pronouns are they, them, their (used as singular), ze, hir, hirs, and xe, xem, xyr.

These may sound a little funny at first, but only because they are new. The she and he pronouns would sound strange too if we had been taught ze when growing up.

The proposal has met with ridicule, but UT has so far kept Braquet’s post online. “We have paid people a lot of money to sit around and come up with this nonsense,” Tennessee State Rep. Bill Dunn told WATE News last week. “It makes me kind of mad.”

The university’s nudge toward political correctness comes at a time when the majority of Americans are pretty much fed up with it. Rasmussen released a poll Friday showing that 71 percent of adults believe excessive political correctness has, as Donald Trump famously said, become a big problem in the United States.

The post Rocky Top embraces the gender-neutral PC madness appeared first on Personal Liberty®.

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