This is the second installment in a two-part series. Read the first installment, “Obama is aiding and abetting the enemy.”
“Our worst enemies are those we least suspect–ourselves.” – Ivan Panin, “Thoughts.”
Whatever Republican frontrunner Donald Trump may or may not be, I do not think he is a racist. Yet the politically correct on the Left and the Right have painted him that way, and late last week the entrenched Republican establishment made it clear what lengths they will go to see that Trump is not the presidential candidate for the party.
The Skull and Bones Society published a National Review issue that Trump is persona non grata. I don’t know about how you feel, but if the people that are ruining the country don’t like somebody because it puts their personal benefit in jeopardy, then that somebody must be doing something right. In this, Trump is an outlier worthy of inclusion in any additional writings that Malcolm Gladwell does to his original bestseller Outliers, a book about extremely successful people that focuses on intelligence and ambition in a unique way.
Trump wants to execute political correctness, so he says, and do what is best for the country. If you believe him and are sick and tired of how the federal government has run since Ronald Reagan was the President then he probably has your vote. One thing about Trump, he is not weak on issues.
One issue front and center has been Syrian refugees and Muslim immigration into the United States. In the wake of ISIS targeting Christians around the globe and not a way to vet them, Trump is calling for a pause on their entrance into the United States.
The establishment is aflutter. It must be against the Constitution, argues the Right that has moved so far to the Left it is painful to see. Trump wants to go against the Constitution? Do they mean as ultra-liberal President Franklin Roosevelt did with the incarceration in World War II of between 110,000 and 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry who lived on the Pacific coast?
Oh but that was war, screams out the politically correct on both sides of the Congressional aisle against Trump, who called for a total and complete shutdown of future Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on. You don’t have to be a brain surgeon like Dr. Ben Carson, another GOP presidential hopeful, to figure this makes sense.
Pew poll shows multitudes of Muslims already in America hate our guts
According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. Most recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data showing “25 percent of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad” and 51 percent of those polled, “agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah (sic).”
Without looking at the various polling data, said Trump, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad.
That had several newspapers comparing Trump to Hitler, and the liberal Huffington Post said that Trump has become a “full fascist.”
Yet the criticism from Trump’s own party against his proposal was almost as bad. Republican John Kasich said Trump’s “outrageous divisiveness” was more reason why he was “entirely unsuited” to be president. A former Republican presidential rival who was scratching for votes at the bottom of the earth, Senator Lindsey Graham, tweeted that Trump had “gone from making absurd comments to being downright dangerous with his bombastic rhetoric.” And Jeb Bush – whose father and brother didn’t block Muslim immigrants but killed Muslims by the hundreds of thousands in Iraq in Gulf Wars 1 and 2, tweeted that Trump is “unhinged.”
But my favorite critic of Trump regarding his call for a temporary halt to Muslim immigration is former Vice President Dick Cheney, the main architect of the second gulf war. He said that Trump’s Muslim immigration ban is going against everything Americans “stand for and believe in.”
How about what some Muslim Americans stand for and believe in Mr. Cheney? Guys like Kent State University associate professor Julio “Assad” Pino who according to Fox and Friends is being investigated not only for pledging himself to ISIS but as being a local recruiter of students to join ISIS. It is not exactly like he has a booth beside the “Try outs for cheerleaders” but the guy is not exactly incognito. In a recent photograph he looks like he escaped from Iraq’s notorious Abu Ghraib prison.
Unlike Mr. Cheney, I can’t speak for what Americans stand for. But I am pretty sure they stand against risking their family’s lives so that the political establishment in Washington and at liberal universities can be politically correct.
I also don’t think Americans stand for giving billions of dollars away to Muslim countries in which a large percentage of the people support Jihad and the destruction of the United States. In fact four of the five top recipients of annual U.S. foreign aid are Muslim countries. After Israel collected $3.1 billion in 2014, the list of Arab recipients for that year was:
- Egypt: $1.5 billion
- Afghanistan: $1.1 billion
- Jordan: $1.0 billion
- Pakistan: $933 million
All this money isn’t buying America a dollar’s worth of good will. Al Jazeera Arabic media network’s web site conducted an online poll last year asking the question: “Do you support the organizing victories of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria?” Thirty-eight thousand people in the Arab world answered the poll with 81 percent of those polled coming back with the answer, “Yes.”
Obama doesn’t seem to be keeping up with his reading during his two-year goodbye tour because he stated a year ago that 99.9 percent of Muslims are “moderate”. Then again I suspect that Obama’s definition of what a moderate Muslim is and what yours is, are worlds apart.
I’ve got news for anyone who will listen: America is at war with radical Islam, and the stronger they grow the weaker Western society is becoming. You don’t have to look any further than the headlines regarding Arab refugees flooding into Europe. It’s astonishing, but the men living off the milk and goodwill of Germany did a mass sexual assault/grope of German women on New Year’s Eve. And speaking of the almost quarter of a million poor Syrian refugees flocking into Greece, 75 percent of them are men, 12 percent are women and 13 percent are children.
As Trump might say, that’s a terrible deal. And while I do have my doubts about the Donald and the promises he is making, it seems that when it comes to Islam, he actually wants to protect Americans, whereas most liberals and conservatives want to throw us to the wolves if it means they can stay politically correct and in office.
So who really is the enemy: The Arabs that are the horde outside the walls declaring their bloodlust in the name of their god, or Americas so-called political leaders who scurry from the innards of their Trojan Horse and throw open our protective gates?
Yours in good times and bad,
–John Myers
The post Donald Trump: racist or realist on Muslim immigration? appeared first on Personal Liberty®.
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