Monday, 25 January 2016

Anti-gun Bloomberg teases $1 billion White House run


Michael Bloomberg

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is teasing a “battle of the billionaires” for the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The fierce anti-gun activist put out a trial balloon that involves a campaign budget of $1 billion.

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“If Donald Trump wins and Mr. Bloomberg gets in you’re gonna have two multi-billionaires running for president,” Democrat candidate Bernie Sanders said during a “Meet the Press” interview on Sunday. “The American people do not want to see our nation moved toward an oligarchy.”

Sources close to Bloomberg have said that a decision to enter the race will be made by mid-March. WCBS-TV in New York reported Jan. 10 on a poll commissioned by Bloomberg to see how he would fare as a third-party candidate, and sources confirmed the $1 billion war chest to the station on Monday.

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The findings of the 73-year-old’s poll were not disclosed, but two sources told CNN on Saturday that more votes would be siphoned from Republican front-runner Donald Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz than Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Trump, who has led his opponents since August, welcomed the chance to take on the former mayor.

“I would love to have Michael get in the race – I don’t know if he’s going to do it – but I hope he does. I’d love to compete against Michael,” WCBS reported.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

A poll released Monday by Morning Consult concluded that a three-way race that included Bloomberg would see him never gaining more than 13 percent of the vote, the station reported.

The survey had Trump defeating Hillary Clinton 37 percent to 36 in one scenario; Sanders upset Trump 35 percent to 34 percent in another.

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