Monday, 3 August 2015

What should we do about our do-nothing Congress?

Remember how excited conservatives were in November when Republicans won a majority in the Senate and expanded their majority in the House? “We’ve finally got the votes to get things passed!” was the jubilant cry.

I’m sorry to say it turned out we were just fooling ourselves. So far in the new Congress, conservatives haven’t won a single significant legislative victory. Reduce government spending? Balance the budget? Abolish Obamacare? Stop funding Planned Parenthood? Forget about it! The powers that be in Washington will make sure most of these will never even come to a vote, much less get passed.

Congress is about to head home for its summer recess. Yes, the lawmakers are taking a break from all of their legislative exertions during the first half of the year. As usual, as far as conservative were concerned, it was all talk, no action. During the past seven months, conservatives got a lot of the rhetoric, but saw virtually no legislative accomplishments.

And it doesn’t look like things will be any different when Congress’ vacation is over. Yes, there will be some huge issues on the agenda: the nuclear deal with Iran, funding for Planned Parenthood, raising the federal debt, the IRS attack on conservative organizations, the lies about Benghazi, the Hillary Clinton email scandal and much more.

Does anyone believe House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will lead the conservative fight on any of these? I don’t. We’ve been burned too many times in the past to believe they’ll represent our interests and desires now. Once again, it will be business as usual in our nation’s capital. Conservatives will get the rhetoric, but the left will get the appropriations.

The so-called leadership believes we will be so distracted by all of the hype and hoopla over the coming presidential election, most of us won’t even notice our failure to win any victories in Congress.

And you know what? They’re probably right.

Those gruesome videos confirmed our worst suspicions about Planned Parenthood. Yes, they are very careful about how they “crunch” aborted babies so they don’t damage the parts they want to sell.

I, for one, didn’t need to know this to believe that the federal government had no business giving Planned Parenthood some $528 million in taxpayer funds last year. Yes, I know the argument that none of this money was used directly to pay for the hundreds of thousands of abortions that Planned Parenthood performed last year.

Technically, that may be true. But so what? Does anyone doubt that it was this incredible cascade of taxpayer largesse that enabled Planned Parenthood to maintain its role as the No. 1 provider of baby parts?

If conservatives can’t win this battle, what can we win? I’m very much afraid that with this Congress and under its present leadership, the answer is nothing that really matters.

To say I’m disgusted would be an understatement. How about you?

Until next time, keep some powder dry.

–Chip Wood

The post What should we do about our do-nothing Congress? appeared first on Personal Liberty®.

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