China’s one-child policy which largely limits families to a single offspring, with certain exceptions, is coming under attack now from the U.S. government, which has issued a report on human trafficking around the globe and faults the “birth limitation” imposed by the Communists in China.
“The Chinese government’s birth limitation policy and a cultural preference for sons create a skewed sex ratio of 117 boys to 100 girls in China, which may serve to increase the demand for prostitution and for foreign women as brides for Chinese men – both of which may be procured by force or coercion,” the government says.
The report released by Secretary of State John Kerry continues, “Women and girls are recruited through marriage brokers and transported to China, where some are subjected to forced prostitution or forced labor.”
The overall report highlights many of the circumstances workers may face with seeking employment, when traveling, moving or making other changes in their lives. It also discusses the steps governments and businesses can take to prevent trafficking.
Kerry’s statement said the problem remains real. And large.
“The bottom line is that this is no time for complacency. Right now, across the globe, victims of human trafficking are daring to imagine the possibility of escape, the chance for a life without fear, and the opportunity to earn a living wage,” he said.
“I echo the words of President Obama and say to them: We hear you, and we will do all we can to make that dream come true. In recent decades, we have learned a great deal about how to break up human trafficking networks and help victims recover in safety and dignity. In years to come, we will apply those lessons relentlessly, and we will not rest until modern slavery is ended.”
Reggie Littlejohn, chief of Womens Rights Without Frontiers, said only a year ago there was a United Nations report released on the annual World Day against Trafficking in Persons and the statement virtually ignored the Chinese practice of forcing abortions on women who already have a child.
At that time, the statement said, “To prevent trafficking, we must address its root causes and the factors that increase individual’s vulnerability to trafficking, including poverty, unemployment, poor access to education and continued gender inequality.”
“Glaringly absent from this list of the ‘root causes’ of human trafficking is China’s One Child Policy. Gendercide under the One Child Policy has created a gender imbalance in which there are 37 to 40 million more men living in China than women. The One Child Policy is the driving force behind human trafficking and sexual slavery within China and throughout Asia and beyond,” she said.
The new U.S. report lists China on the Tier 2 Watch List as it is a “source, destination and transit country” for trafficked persons.
Also because the Chinese government “does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking . . .”
The report also notes that the demand for women is so high in China, “women and children from neighboring Asian countries, including Cambodia, Burma, Vietnam, Laos, Mongolia and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea … as well as from Africa and the Americas, are subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking.”
The report said while China does not yet comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking, it is making efforts.
Further work could include the prosecution of traffickers as well as “government officials who facilitate or are complicit in trafficking.”
The TIP report also raises concerns about the fact that “Chinese authorities continued to forcibly repatriate North Korean refugees by treating them as illegal economic migrants – despite reports that many North Korean female refugees in China were trafficking victims . . . [these repatriated refugees] may face severe punishment, even death.”
“Why does the Chinese government turn a blind eye to officials who are complicit with or facilitate human trafficking and sexual slavery? Do they believe that sexual slavery is necessary because of the extreme gender imbalance they have created through the One Child Policy?” Littlejohn said.
“My heart breaks for the young women and girls who escape the violent brutality of North Korea by slipping across the Chinese border, only to find themselves snapped up in the sex slave trade. These women and girls are utterly helpless. They can be beaten, raped and sold as prostitutes or forced brides, but there is nothing they can do about it.
“If they are able to escape from their captors and report their mistreatment to the Chinese authorities, they will be repatriated to North Korea, where they may be accused of treason and executed. Both China’s One Child Policy, and the unique plight of North Korean refugees in China, should be front and center in any discussion of human trafficking and sexual slavery, especially by the U.N. Women on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons,” she said.
The State Department report said any government modification of the “birth limitation policy” could very well help lower the future demands for prostitution and for the acquisition of foreign women as brides for Chinese men.
China has announced in recent months some accommodations to families under its One Child Policy, but the rule still is imposed as the whim of government officials.
WND reported earlier that WRWF was calling for people to step up and pressure the Chinese Community Party that instituted it, because the emerging economic powerhouse is sensitive to such action.
Littlejohn cited the recent reversal by the CCP of a decision to force one woman to have an abortion.
“The fact that the CCP reversed its decision and allowed this couple to have their baby demonstrates that it does, in fact, respond to pressure, both domestic and international – despite its protestations to the contrary – so we need to keep up the pressure,” she said.
The individual case developed, according to the South China Morning Post, when a pregnant woman moved from one province to another and then was ordered suddenly to have an abortion.
Read and sign a petition to the Chinese government opposing forced abortions.
The report said the family planning commission in Guizhou province later overturned a ruling from county officials requiring the abortion.
The report said Tan Yi was “originally told in her home city of Huangshan in Anhui province that she could have a second baby because she was divorced from the father of her first child.”
But she then moved and “was told the pregnancy had to be terminated because one-child policy rules were enforced more strictly there.”
The teacher was told she would lose her job if she failed to have an abortion.
But in a notice posted this week, the commission changed the order.
The Chinese report noted the case got “considerable media attention in China, with stories about the enforcement … regularly making headlines.”
Littlejohn said media attention is the key.
Her organization posted a petition directed to Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai asking for an end to the forcible abortions.
“We … are deeply concerned for the suffering caused by these forced abortions and respectfully request that the Chinese government stop this brutal practice,” it states.
Tens of thousands of signatures were collected.
Littlejohn said: “We are delighted that [Tan Yi] and her husband will be allowed to have their baby. Our hearts nevertheless go out to this couple because of the harrowing experience of coming so close to suffering the excruciating pain of a late-term forced abortion.
“Their experience dramatically demonstrates what I’ve been saying all along: China is continuing its horrific practice of late-term forced abortions.
“This is savagery, and it must be stopped,” she said.
She explained, despite headlines touting the claim the policy has been “eased,” nothing really has changed.
“The fact that the Chinese Communist Party is allowing some couples to have a second child does not mean that they have ceased their appalling methods of enforcement. Couples still need to have a birth permit for the first and for the second child, or face forced abortion,” she said. “This case also demonstrates that the One Child Policy is not enforced uniformly throughout China. A pregnancy may be allowed in one province and not allowed in another. There’s no uniformity. ”
She noted the plight of Tan Yi and her husband, Meng Shaoping, generated “outrage” when reports were disseminated widely throughout China and internationally.
Littlejohn previously explained that the One Child policy really is more about maintaining control over a population than anything else.
It already is blamed for the fact that an estimated 37 million Chinese men never will marry, trafficking in sexual slavery is surging in China and among neighboring nations and, ultimately, why the nation will implode economically.
She said the goal of the policy is to terrorize.
“Forced abortion continues in China, terrifying both women and men,” she said in remarks prepared for delivery to Congress recently. “Some of these forced abortions have been so violent that the women themselves sometimes die along with their full-term babies.”
She said forced abortion is “so terrifying that victims at times succumb to mental illness, and China has the highest female suicide rate in the world.”
“Men also are terrorized. Some have been killed or maimed for life. Others have lost control and murdered family planning officials. Some men have resorted to suicide in protest over the excessive fines imposed by the government. The spirit of the Cultural Revolution lives on in the family planning police, who have been able to steal, intimidate, torture and kill with relative impunity.”
Her video on the issue:
from PropagandaGuard

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