Monday, 3 August 2015

Hillary’s donations to charity were mostly to her own charity: The Clinton Foundation

Hillary Clinton released seven years’ worth of tax returns last week, reflecting tens of millions of dollars in income and some millions of dollars more in charitable giving.

Nearly all of the charitable giving, though, went to the Clinton family’s own charity: The Clinton Foundation.

Beginning in 2001 — that infamously “dead broke” year when Bill Clinton left the White House — the family’s income began to soar. As the TaxProfBlog indicates in a tabular presentation of the Clintons’ annual tax info, the family earned $15.9 million in 2001. They dipped to an impoverished $7.9 million in 2003, and sank as low as $5.5 million in 2008, but came roaring back with annual earnings that, in 2014, nudged $28 million.

As TaxProf notes, the family’s charitable giving from 2007 onward has been a case study in moving money around. Since 2007, the Clintons “made $15 million (10.8 percent of their AGI) of charitable contributions, $14.9 million of which went to the Clinton Family Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative.”

That leaves $100,000 for charitable uses that don’t directly involve the Clinton family and their globalist friends.

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