The “love wins” slogan adopted by homosexuals in pursuit of laws and precedents from which they benefit is “brilliant,” an expert says.
And also dangerous.
“This is something you win campaigns with, by coming up with brilliant slogans. And in fact this is something corporate America understands really well. And this idea that love wins and ‘who are you to deny people who love each other the right to marry,’ that held sway with an awful lot of Americans,” said Paul Kengor, author of ”Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage.”
The results are evident. From American Airlines to the Disney Corporation, from the White House to the Alamo, top American corporations and institutions are celebrating homosexuality these days.
Kengor, a professor and historian who specializes in the history of communism, explains the top-down war on Christian values has been made a lot more appealing as a modern marketing campaign than the grim socialist propaganda of old, which had the same goal.
Kengor believes many Americans came to support homosexual marriage because they wanted to feel good about giving people what they wanted, even though marriage ultimately has to be based on something more than feelings.
But he explained: “It’s a very flawed premise because if you’re arguing that love wins and that’s how you should define marriage, that’s going to create all sorts of problems with marriage that not even the Left would support, or at least not most same sex marriage advocates would support.
“We all love each other’
“For example, if love defines marriage, as a number of people have said, the more love, the better, then you could use the same argument to argue for a polygamist marriage, for a men with two or three women. And if your other arguments is consenting adults who love each other ought to get married… and a man comes up to you with two women who want to marry him, what can you say? They say, ‘I don’t get it, you said love wins, well, we all love each other, the three of us love each other we want our marriage rights now, we want our marriage equality, why can’t we have that?’”
Despite the radical implications of same-sex “marriage,” many major American corporations celebrated the decision to mandate homosexual “marriage” nationwide by the U.S. Supreme Court. These included iconic American businesses such as American Airlines, Macy’s, Target, Honey Maid, JetBlue Airways, Visa, Jell-O, and many others. Even those behind the official social networking account of popular television program Game of Thrones expressed support for homosexual marriage.
Kengor confesses he couldn’t understand why so many American companies were so eager to defend homosexual marriage. However, he suggested the root was cause was intimidation.
“Obviously it’s because some of the people at some of the companies support this. But I think too they’re probably reacting to threats, threats of boycotts, intimidation. And if I was on the Left and supported same sex marriage, I wouldn’t want the support of people who feel like they’re forced to support me because that’s inauthentic. But I think there’s probably a lot of that going on.”
Such intimidation, says Kengor, actually “vindicates the concerns of the state of Indiana and other legislatures that feel the need to protect the freedom of religious believers.”
Since the powerful have already caved, Kengor fears individual believers are even more vulnerable.
“If you have even companies acting like this, let alone what’s been going on with florists, and bakers, and photographers and so forth, then people who are traditional Christians or orthodox Jews or faithful Muslims who believe in male/female marriage will think holding to that position is going to give them this unbelievable backlash by the forces of ‘tolerance’ and ‘diversity’ as they call themselves. They’re crying out and screaming for religious protection.
‘There is freedom of religion’
“Keep in mind, Anthony Kennedy and four other liberals on the Supreme Court may think that gay marriage exists in the Constitution, which it doesn’t, but there is something on the First Amendment in the Constitution called freedom of religion. So that is clearly there. And clearly people, Christians like myself, look at this and we think this is an onslaught, this is a juggernaut, it’s an incredibly intolerant force claiming tolerance and I need my legislature or somebody to protect my religious rights, before they come for me.”
Carl Gallups, a pastor, talk show host, and author of the upcoming book “Be Thou Prepared: Equipping the Church for Persecution and Times of Trouble,” agrees there is a deliberate push to promote homosexuality.
“There is no doubt in my mind that there is, and has been, for a very long time a ‘gay agenda’ in America. The reasons for the nefarious agenda are multitudinous (politically, culturally, sexually, educationally, and geopolitically speaking), however the bottom line for a person who comes from a biblical worldview is that we know it is a deeply spiritual, and even demonic, agenda,” he said.
“But the fact of the ‘gay agenda’ cannot be denied with any credibility simply because the homosexual activists have been quite outspoken, and heavily documented in the media, about the plan for their agenda for a number of decades. This is not a ‘conspiracy theory’ hatched by people with tin foil hats. The gay agenda pushers have worked slavishly, and often rather openly, toward their goals while the majority of America’s churches and voters slumbered and shirked their responsibilities of being watchmen on the wall. The gay activists were counting on that reaction – and America, by and large, did not disappoint them.”
Kengor notes that part of the reason for the agenda’s success was not because of a lack of challenge, but because homosexual activists simply lied about their positions.
One of the most outrageous deceivers, charges Kengor, is none other than the president of the United States, Barack Obama.
“One of the things I show in “Takedown,” is Barack Obama himself has not fundamentally changed on the same sex marriage issue,” commented Kengor.
“In fact, according to David Axelrod, who would know, one of the things Axelrod says is way back in 1996, as a state senator in Illinois, Obama way back then supported same sex marriage. But according to Axelrod, he could not say that publicly and therefore said he supported traditional marriage because of his Christian beliefs. Axelrod said too one of the main reasons Obama did that was political, in particular to get the support of African-American voters, who have always been very traditional on marriage.
‘Considerable deception’
“So if that’s the case, if Axelrod is right – and there’s no reason to believe he is not – you’d have to say that Obama led a pretty considerable deception on this issue over the last 10 years,” Kengor concluded.
Jack Cashill, a WND columnist and author of the upcoming “Scarlet Letters: The Ever-Increasing Intolerance of the Cult of Liberalism,” suggests despite the slick marketing efforts, the campaign of intimidation directed against Christians is at heart another manifestation of Bolshevik style hate campaigns.
“Paul Kengor has this figured out. Although the Soviet Union is dead, its playbook lives on. Until recently, the Left had no use for gays. They were considered bourgeois and counter-revolutionary. Che and his colleagues imprisoned and tortured them at will, and no one on the American Left objected. Then the ideologues on the top discovered that by linking gay marriage and equality they could enlist an army of the muddle-headed and stick a dagger into the heart of Christianity. To date, they have been successful. The very unnaturalness of this effort will eventually undo them, but their undoing will not be pretty.”
Kengor warns conservatives need to adjust to the new reality that modern leftism, or Cultural Marxism, is chiefly about culture, rather than economics.
“Barack Obama talked about fundamentally transforming America. Not an economic transformation, not a transformation of class or anything like that but a fundamental transformation on sexual and gender issues,” he said.
“This cultural offensive is a fundamental transformation. That’s what it is.”
from PropagandaGuard

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