Sunday, 31 January 2016

5 ways to profit from the great repositioning

Big selloffs in global markets are moments we can learn from, if nothing else.

There is a Great Repositioning that is occurring now, and it’s important that you understand what it means for the markets and more importantly, for you.

First, part of the reason for the January 15 Friday selloff was that no one, given the state of the global economy, was interested in holding positions over the long U.S. holiday weekend. You see, if you don’t sell your positions on Friday, if, when China and Europe open on Sunday and Monday (U.S. time), the markets crash, you’re holding stocks that have lost value when they open on Tuesday in the U.S. Institutional traders at the global banks and hedge funds refuse to take on that kind of risk, so they sell. That’s just a practical reality.

Second, is a larger issue about the stock market in general at this point. As I noted in an earlier piece, we’re getting very close to institutional repositioning — or as I call it, the Great Repositioning — of all asset classes (stocks, bonds, real estate, precious metals, etc) now that it’s clear the global economy is still sick and the U.S. isn’t out of the woods yet. This isn’t a reckoning, but it’s a close as you can get in financial terms.

And as this occurs, you need to remember one fundamental fact: Individual investors are nothing to the global investing game.

Institutional investors — banks, brokerages, insurance companies, hedge funds, major corporations, etc. — dominate the stock market, particularly trading in the stocks of the S&P 500 and beyond.

This is from a speech from U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Commissioner Luis Aguilar in 2013:

[This] conference recognizes the important role played by institutional investors and the great influence they exert in our capital markets. The role and influence of institutional investors has grown over time. For example, the proportion of US public equities managed by institutions has risen steadily over the past six decades, from about 7 or 8% of market capitalization in 1950, to about 67 % in 2010.

Institutional investor ownership is an even more significant factor in the largest corporations: In 2009, institutional investors owned in the aggregate 73% of the outstanding equity in the 1,000 largest U.S. Corporations.

That was seven years ago, at the beginning of the financial implosion. There’s a good chance that that number is closer to 90 percent by now.

You see, by getting individual investors involved in the market through investment vehicles like mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and even 401(k) retirement plans and IRAs, the financial industry has taken the power of the individual investor unto themselves.

If you invest in a specific stock, it’s held by the brokerage. It’s yours, but even then, they can use the stock that they hold in your name as leverage to go short or long that stock, or play options on that stock. It’s kind of like a bank using your mortgage as money they can invest (which they do).

Here’s the rub. When you invest in mutual funds or ETFs, you are actually buying investment vehicles that were built and are controlled by the institutions.

The myth they sell is, you are getting a broad selection of stocks for a small investment. And it’s true, it’s just that when push comes to shove, the institutional investors are more interested in their own success than yours.

It’s why full service brokers are a thing of the past. It’s why there are now firms that use computer models to help investors “save” for retirement.

It’s really about these institutions controlling more of your money and using it for their own good — and bonuses.

A small, boutique, second generation brokerage I have used for more than three decades just announced that they’re getting rid of their retail accounts and will only be an institutional broker moving forward. This is the piece of the Great Repositioning that you need to know if you’re investing.

How do you protect yourself?

No. 1 — Be an investor, not a trader. You can’t beat the big boys at their own game. Don’t try. Stick to buying stocks that you plan on holding for at least three to five years. It could be a small biotech or a reliable utility; plan on holding them. Small companies need time to prove themselves, and big stocks that kick off dividends are built for the long term; that’s the point of the dividend.

No. 2 — Avoid mutual funds and ETFs. There’s no point giving the institutions more power than they already have. There are a few exceptions to this rule like Sprott silver and gold funds that you can convert from shares to bullion.

No. 3 — Diversify your portfolio beyond stocks and bonds. There’s no reason you have to rely on the stock or bond markets to make money. Real estate, precious metals, collectibles, there are plenty of places to put your money to use that have no more risk than leaving it in the hands of the institutions.

No. 4 — Don’t panic when things go south. Most individual investors are far too emotional when it comes to their investments. When the market goes south, fast, that’s not the time to sell. That’s the suckers’ game. Wait until the dust settles, re-evaluate where you need to be moving forward when you have a clearer view of the big picture.

No. 5 — The trend is your friend. That’s true, if you know how to use it. You can’t beat the institutions, but you can ride in their wake. If they like something, it probably is going to be a decent trend for a couple years or more. Stick with it until everyone everywhere is saying what a great trend it is. Then sell, because that’s likely the top.

The best story to illustrate this is, Joseph Kennedy said than in the winter of 1928 a shoeshine boy gave him a stock tip. His famous quote was, “You know it’s time to sell when shoeshine boys give you stock tips.” Nowadays, use the talking heads on the financial shows as your shoeshine boys.

Case in point: Everyone was saying how the economy is doing great in December. The Fed even raised interest rates for the first time in more than a decade. And then January happened. All the signs were there but everyone — even the Fed — was whistling past the graveyard.

-GS Early

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President Bloomberg: A nightmare for the Constitution

There’s a great deal of chatter about billionaire businessman and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg jumping in to the 2016 presidential election. If you value the Constitution, you’d better hope the headlines don’t become reality.

Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch urged Bloomberg to get in the race last week, saying via Twitter: “This is Bloomberg’s last chance. You never know until your hat is in the ring! Events change everything, especially during elections.”

The media tycoon’s encouragement came after The New York Times reported that Bloomberg has tasked a team of advisers to construct a plan for a potential independent presidential campaign.

“His advisers and associates said he was galled by Donald J. Trump’s dominance of the Republican field, and troubled by Hillary Clinton’s stumbles and the rise of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont on the Democratic side,” the Times reported.

In other words, Bloomberg is poised to enter the race as a “voice of reason” candidate to counter Trump’s boisterous rhetoric on the right and Sanders’ open socialism on the left.

Since headlines of a potential Bloomberg bid broke, there’s been much discussion about whether he actually has a chance as a third-party candidate. And given the modern history of presidential politics, many folks have already written him off as a nonstarter.

But for people wary of a possible Bloomberg presidency because of his total disdain for the Constitution, discounting his chances could be a dangerous wager.

After all, the New York billionaire isn’t taking the decision lightly. He’s been a perennial “maybe” in presidential races for as long as many voters can remember. And according to people close to him, his decision not to run in the past was based largely on his belief that he couldn’t win.

Bloomberg has spent millions of dollars in recent years conducting polling and gathering data to examine how successful he would be in a presidential race. If he jumps into this one as a third-party candidate, you can bet it means the data say he has a real shot.

And his immense fortune won’t hurt his chances.

Like Trump, Bloomberg the candidate would be able to fund a massive campaign with his own bank account. Because he doesn’t need to do fundraising to sustain a campaign, getting into the race late isn’t going to cause too much trouble.

According to reports, Bloomberg has told friends and political allies that he’s willing to spend at least $1 billion of his fortune to buy a seat in the Oval Office.

Based on the chatter, veteran pollster Frank Luntz recently conducted a survey to see how Bloomberg might do in a general election against current leading establishment candidates Trump and Clinton.

The result showed that Bloomberg could take 29 percent of the vote, compared to 37 percent for Trump and 33 percent for Clinton.

“The numbers are clear and compelling: there is definitely room for a second billionaire in this election,” Luntz declared.

This is bad news for constitutional conservatives who care about things like privacy and the 2nd Amendment.

Bloomberg has been both a Democrat and a Republican— but he’s never really changed all that much. The reason is simply because he is, above all, a statist. He favors rampant surveillance, harsh gun laws, massive military/welfare spending and nanny state policies over liberty.

We’ve covered many of his anti-Constitution positions here over the years:

Sadly, you can bet the big government proponents of both parties will support Bloomberg if he enters the race– even if they never say so aloud. He’ll also be able to leverage the power of his media empire and relationships (Fox’s Murdoch and others) to make as many average Americans as he can believe he’s the sensible choice.

As a consumer of alternative media, understand that you are in the minority of people who know better— now’s the time to start spreading the word. If liberty lovers aren’t able to convince enough of their fellow Americans to take account of stories like the examples above, we may all be left reminiscing about the good old days of freedom we enjoyed under the Obama administration.

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Keep your mouth healthy by avoiding the dentist

If your doctor said you needed to have your big toe removed from your completely healthy foot to prevent crowding in your shoe, you’d call him crazy. Yet, because the medical establishment has found a way to separate the mouth from the rest of the body in terms of health, thousands of people happily allow their dentists to perform similarly ridiculous procedures every year.

Think about it. You don’t go to a “doctor” for your mouth, you go to a “dentist.” And beyond telling you to avoid sugary candy and drink dark beverages through a straw, your dentist likely has little to say about how what you eat and drink, along with the supplements you take, affects your oral health.

That’s because most dentists have a rather simplistic, and totally wrongheaded, view of how to maintain good oral health. Just use fluoridated water and chemical toothpaste, and then we’ll operate on your mouth every few years, they say.

Meanwhile, those of us who follow new developments in alternative health are constantly learning new things about just how vital proper nutrition is to good oral health. And it makes perfect sense if you understand that good health for any particular part of your body relies on good health practices focused on the body as a whole.

For instance, it’s pretty well proven that CoQ10 improves gum health, prevents heart disease and improves gut bacteria.

This is not a coincidence. The mouth is the gateway to the stomach and heart.

Unfortunately, dentists can’t make very much money by prioritizing nutrition for good mouth health. In fact, promoting information about the link between proper nutrition and oral health would be a profit killer for the dental community.

Instead, Western dentists promote bad science to make sure they always have an endless supply of patients to cut, drill, fill and, most importantly, bill.

Wisdom tooth removal is a perfect example of how this medical fraud works.

Removal of the teeth that dentists have termed “third molars” account for about 5 million surgeries each year. And the annual cost of hacking out those 10 million natural and usually perfectly healthy teeth exceeds $3 billion.

As you can see, it’s a lucrative fraud.

The cost to the economy and broader medical establishment is likely much more than the astronomical sum dentists pocket each year from wisdom tooth removals.

That’s because the procedure is responsible for 11 million days of what medical researchers call patient days of “standard discomfort or disability.” Put simply, that’s millions of days of missed work and decreased productivity caused by a mostly unnecessary procedure.

In rare cases, when wisdom teeth are chronically infected, the surgery actually makes sense. But according to longtime critic of wisdom tooth removal Jay Friedman, a veteran dentist not afraid to call out his colleagues, less than one-third of the millions of extractions fall into this category.

Even more outrageous, Friedman contends, is that thousands of patients who undergo needless wisdom tooth removal suffer irreversible health consequences, including deadly infections and permanent loss of sensation in the mouth. People have even died as a result of the useless procedure.

Remember, it’s about money.

Maxillofacial surgeons, the guys who preform most wisdom tooth extractions, earn an average of more than $500,000 a year.

And thanks to Friedman’s research, we know a huge chunk of that comes from risking patient health with unnecessary surgeries.

He noted in a paper on wisdom tooth removals: “Eliminating these extractions would reduce the oral and maxillofacial surgeon’s annual income by $347 486, resulting in an annual savings to patients of more than $1.9 billion, or $2.2 billion if extractions by general practitioners are included.”

In other words, these medical “professionals” are nothing more than gamblers willing to play roulette with your health to pad their bottom lines.

The good news is that a little information goes a long way in preventing yourself from being victimized.

Remember, your focus should always be on full-body health. But if you notice pain, inflammation or signs of tooth decay in your mouth, there are some specific supplements you can add to your daily routine for relief.


Research has shown that Americans who suffer from gum disease often share a common deficiency of this vital coenzyme which is responsible for helping the body’s cells produce the energy they need to remain healthy.

CoQ10 is usually found in bountiful supply in organs like the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, spleen, pancreas and adrenal glands, which require huge amounts of energy to function. Unfortunately, if you don’t have enough CoQ10 in your body, there’s little left over for less energy-hungry tissues like your gums.

The good news is that increasing intake of CoQ10 as little as 50mg per day in the form of a quality supplement has been proven to reverse gum disease.


The head-to-toe health benefits of omega-3s are innumerable. And the helpful fatty acids are no slouch when it comes to dental health.

Research published in the Journal of Dental Research shows that omega-3s provide powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial benefits that can significantly reduce periodontitis, a gum infection that gradually destroys soft tissue and bone that supports the teeth.

If you’re like most Americans and you don’t get enough omega-3s from eating oily fish several times a week, supplementing with krill oil will do wonders for your health. A dose of around 1000mg per day of a quality supplement should do the trick.

These supplements, along with a good natural-based oral hygiene regimen and healthy diet, will help you avoid having to visit dentists who are dying to suggest unnecessary and dangerous oral procedures.

Editor’s Note: One of the sneakiest ways medicine profits from your “health” is by recommending medical procedures—yes, even surgery!—that you don’t need and don’t want. I found a group of doctors willing to speak out against this money-grabbing scheme. So I put together an urgent report to warn you about the 45 medical procedures you don’t need but many doctors prescribe anyway. Click here and I’ll mail you a copy today for just $9.95. I normally sell my exclusive reports to my newsletter subscribers for $19.95. But this information is so shocking, I want to get it into as many hands as possible. Get your copy today for just $9.95.


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Dangerous incompetence: Homeland Security lost hundreds of guns and badges

A newly released investigative report reveals that Department of Homeland Security officials managed to lose track of at least 165 guns and more than 1,300 government agent badges and credentials in just over two years.

Todd Shepherd, investigative reporter for the libertarian think tank the Independence Institute and founder of Complete Colorado, relayed in his report:

Almost 900 of the 1,300 lost or stolen badges or credentials were from the sub-agency Customs and Border Protection (CBP); about 300 were under the responsibility of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and approximately 200 were responsible to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Of the missing guns, all but 31 DHS declared are “lost” are currently listed as “stolen” in government records.

Michael Brown, former Undersecretary of Homeland Security and Director of FEMA, told Shepard that the massive security problem warrants further investigation by the DHS’s government watchdog.

“Law enforcement credentials, badges or ID cards can be used to access areas closed to the public, restricted access areas, and allow a person to pose as a law enforcement official where lax inspection of the credential to match it with the person carrying it allows that person entry to restricted areas,” Brown told Shepard. “Possession of these kinds of credentials gives terrorists or criminals the basic information needed to counterfeit other credentials.”

“For example,” Brown continued, “a terrorist cell could use these credentials or counterfeited credentials to access public events posing as law enforcement officials, bypassing security measures designed to detect explosives or other contraband.”

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How medical fraud is destroying your health

Fraud always operates under the color of law. Look for fraud anywhere. You will find it in government, in politics, in religion, in money, in finance, and absolutely in organized medicine. Being alert for fraud is not paranoia, but survival.

Fraud and deceit has carried teeming millions to an early grave. Just think of the millions of young boys and men who have died in phony wars camouflaged with propaganda.

And just think of the millions of men, women and children who have suffered a living hell and then were sent to an early grave at the hands of “orthodox medicine.”

Yes, orthodox or organized medicine has the prettiest face of all and is almost untouchable. In fact, organized medicine, which should be called “organized promotion of sickness and death,” persecutes and prosecutes truth in healing with all the police power of government.

Orthodox medicine is modern medicine that promotes “treatment” but denies healing.

Money is in treating but never in curing. So-called “medical research” is hunting but never finding. This is the cloak of modern medicine.

Last week I told you some ways that propaganda is destroying your health.  The problem is, people just accept whatever government alphabet soup agencies, controlled corporate media and their doctors tell them without question. There is no inquiry because we are taught from infancy that “doctor knows best” and “government is looking out for us.”

We succumb to this deception and fraud because we are too trusting and too lazy to question establishment medicine. The price you pay to question can be high; see herehere,  here,  here and here.  But the price not to is higher.

Mass vaccination is the biggest hoax and may be the biggest crime ever perpetrated on mankind. The “people” who perpetrate the “immunization” crimes are well versed in psychological warfare. Mass crimes are created under the altruistic phrase “for the greater good.” The “greater good” they seek is the creation of so-called herd immunity. This is achieved by sacrificing the few for the good of the many.

That is to say, vaccination-pushing researchers and scientists and physicians recognize that there are those who are going to suffer immediate and severe adverse reactions — including death — from vaccines, but the trade-off, they believe (or at least tell us they believe) is the reduction in disease among the general population for the “greater good.” That term, “greater good,” is statist philosophy that the people are cattle and some have to be sacrificed.

Vaccines kill natural immunity. Natural exposure to “germs” in childhood can lead to natural immunity and long-term health.

A vaccination is a method by which diluted disease agents are introduced into the system by avoiding the natural defense mechanisms of the body. They are, in a sense, parachuted behind enemy lines. Without any means to expel these agents (pathogens), they (the viruses) are eventually incorporated into the cells of the body.

This creates a profound confusion throughout the entire organism as to what is actually the organism (self) which is to be protected, and what is foreign (non-self), which is to be expelled. At some point the immune system will begin to attack cells within the body to rid the organism of the foreign substance. This results in chronic autoimmune disease.

It is no real mystery as to why there is so much autoimmune disease in America today.

Let’s use common sense, something almost extinct today. Vaccines and immunizations are made from the products of disease, and the idea that disease can be made to cure itself is the end product of pathological thinking. Disease cannot be its own cause, neither can it be its own cure, and certainly not its own prevention. We pay for our medical superstition with our lives.

Most insidious of all are the hidden dangers lurking in vaccines; dangers known to drug makers, scientists and doctors that are routinely dismissed, covered up or outright lied about. These include animal contaminates, toxins, metals and retroviruses.


No commentary about the dangers in vaccinations is complete without the standard avalanche of retorts from readers about how Jonas Salk’s polio vaccine eradicated polio in the U.S. This is pure argle-bargle and a testament to the power of medical propaganda.

Salk was, in fact, a medical criminal on the order of Josef Mengele who used Federal funds to conduct medical experiments on helpless patients at a Michigan insane asylum. In 1955, when the Salk polio vaccine was introduced, polio was considered the most serious post-war public health problem to be faced. In 1956, six New England States reported sharp increases in polio rates, from more than double in Vermont to 645 percent in Massachusetts, despite — or rather because of — the polio vaccine program. Idaho and Utah saw such an increase in polio cases and deaths they halted the vaccine program.

The pharmaceutical companies — which benefitted financially from the polio outbreak — funded the writings on the history of polio and its treatment. As such, the pharmaceutical companies were presented in the best possible light. Americans were not told about the many people who developed paralysis after being vaccinated against polio. Nor were they told about David Bodian, M.D., Ph.D., from the Poliomyelitis Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University. Bodian told the International Poliomyelitis Conference in 1954 — the year before the polio vaccine was introduced — injections and other vaccines, such as the DTP vaccine, “may be causing polio.”

Polio’s rise in the United States coincided with an increased use of pesticides in the 1950s, many of which were byproducts of chemical weapons manufactured during World War II. These pesticides were found to increase susceptibility to viral infections, studies showed. Exposure to pesticides also came through milk, which was heavily contaminated with pesticides — including DDT — and from crops being dusted with government-approved pesticides. Much of the milk had to be destroyed, according to a U.S. Senate report.

Researchers recognized a higher incidence of polio among those who had undergone tonsillectomies. Ice cream, made from contaminated milk, was commonly given to children following tonsillectomies. And tonsils play a key role in warding off infections — a role not understood in the mid-20th Century.

The “decline” in suspected polio cases in the U.S. can be traced to sleight-of-hand by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which over the decades following 1950 began to reclassify what was and was not considered polio.  In other words, over the last 60-plus years the CDC eradicated polio by simply giving a different name to diseases that would have in the 1950s been called “polio.” (Similarly, the CDC inflates flu infection rates by reclassifying infections as flu with no evidence.)

In 2002 the journal Lancet published a study showing that about half of the cases of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma being diagnosed annually were linked to a monkey virus called SV-40. SV-40-contaminated polio vaccines were given to a generation of Americans in the 1950s and 60s. SV-40 is now being found in brain and bone tumors and in other cancers previously rare that are becoming more prevalent. It has also been detected in lung cancers and lymphatic cancers.

Former Food and Drug Administration virologist John Martin said, “SV-40 infection is now widespread within the human population almost certainly as a result of the polio vaccine.” How widespread? About 200 million Americans were exposed to SV-40 between 1955 and 1963, and estimates put the cancer rate in that population at one in 200 as a result of exposure to SV-40. And researchers have found that it can be transmitted sexually and can be passed down from mother to child.

Evidence of SV-40 infection have been found in children born after 1982, leading some experts to suggest the virus may have even remained in the polio vaccine until as late as 1999, even though it was suspected by some researchers like Dr. Maurice Hilleman and Dr. Benjamin Sweet in the late 1950s.


Researchers have found that as much as 6 percent of the U.S. population shows the presence of a retrovirus called xenotropic murine retrovirus (XMRV) and related retroviruses, and these retroviruses are found in a high percentage of people with prostate cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, Lou Gehrig’s disease, treatment-resistant Lyme disease and Parkinson’s Disease.

Retroviruses are viruses composed of RNA rather than DNA and have a unique property to transcribe their RNA into the DNA after entering a cell. HIV is a type of retrovirus.

The aforementioned Dr. Heilleman, a leading pioneer in vaccine research and development and developer of Merck’s vaccine program, claimed Merck’s hepatitis B vaccine caused the U.S. HIV/AIDS epidemic, and that the vaccine also caused lupus.

The word xenotropic means the virus had a non-human origin but is now able to live and multiply in humans. It was introduced into humans through vaccines after cross-contamination in experimental cultures.

In 1991, American immunologist Elaine DeFreitas reported to the CDC, the FDA and the National Institutes for Health about the retrovirus problem. Those agencies began a systematic cover-up of the retrovirus issue until December 2014, when the FDA approved technology developed to clean up retrovirus-contaminated blood products and vaccines.

In 2014, CDC researcher William Thompson, Ph.D., blew the whistle on CDC research hiding a link between the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and increased rates of autism in black children.

In fact, vaccines are the perfect crime on humans. That’s because most of the time there are years separating cause and effect — receipt of the vaccine and the onset of symptoms of disease.

We really never seem to learn. If anything, we regress. Our willingness to die on the altar of so-called medical science is one of the very great reasons why no real improvement is made in fundamental health. When the people get tired of dying by medication, vaccination and immunization, they will demand education and information on alternative health to replace the medical monopoly.

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Supremes set date to decide ‘what is sin’

The United States Supreme Court

The United States Supreme Court

It’s a case in which the U.S. government has been accused of claiming the authority to “determine what is in fact a sin.”

The critics, meanwhile, have accused the U.S. Supreme Court of tilting the playing field in advance.

But the Little Sisters of the Poor case against the Obamacare law is moving toward a resolution with the U.S. Supreme Court announcing arguments have been scheduled for March 23.

The nuns who run elder care centers worldwide are contesting the Obamacare requirement that their employee insurance plans cover abortion pills.

The Becket Fund, which is working on behalf of the nuns, said the high court will decide whether the Little Sisters of the Poor and other faith-based ministries can be forced to change their health-care plans “to offer drugs that violate their religious beliefs when those same drugs could be made available through healthcare exchanges.”

“After promising that the Little Sisters’ religious beliefs would be protected, the government created a new regulation requiring the Little Sisters change their healthcare plan to offer drugs that violate Catholic teaching,” the group explained. “One third of U.S. workers are employed by secular companies (e.g., Exxon and Visa) that the government has exempted from having to provide these same drugs in their plans because those employers did not try to update their health plans under ACA and are ‘grandfathered.’”

In the lower courts, the Little Sisters have argued that the requirement to participate in the government’s plan to distribute contraceptives violates their exercise of religious freedom. While an earlier Supreme Court opinion protected some for-profit companies from the law’s requirement, nonprofit organizations were left at risk.

The accusation that the government had become the arbiter of religious beliefs came in a friend-of-the court brief filed by the Thomas More Law Center on behalf of dozens of client.

“If this appeal is lost, the government becomes the head of every religious denomination in the country by its assumed authority to determine what is in fact a sin,” said Thomas More’s president, Richard Thompson.

From the past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is available some critically important advice, “Surviving the Medical Meltdown: Your Guide to Living Through the Disaster of Obamacare.”

The organization’s brief argues that neither the government nor the Supreme Court “can determine whether an act does or does not violate a person’s religious beliefs.”

“Rather, the Supreme Court must accept the non-profits’ assertions that the notification requirement is indeed against their religion.”

To accept otherwise, the brief says, “is to supplant the church and the Bible with the government, allowing the Supreme Court and the government to interpret [tenets] of faith.”

“This slippery slope would subject all religious exercise to the whim of the government’s approval,” it said.

“The court is not the arbiter of sacred Scripture and cannot determine whether the notification form and letter are attenuated enough from the provision of contraceptives that they do not substantially burden petitioners’ religion,” the brief said. “Delving into this inquiry requires the court to interpret petitioners’ religious beliefs on the morality of the different levels of complicity with sin.

“Therefore, the court can only determine whether petitioners are being compelled to do something that violates their faith – here, filling out the notification form or writing a notification letter to HHS, both of which trigger the dissemination of contraceptives and abortifacients to their employees in connection with their employee health plans.”

It was the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that, according to the brief, assumed the authority of determining what is sin.

From the past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is available some critically important advice, “Surviving the Medical Meltdown: Your Guide to Living Through the Disaster of Obamacare.”

Another recent brief explained: “Perhaps the apex among a host of acts of governmental arrogance in this case was displayed not by HHS, but when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit acted as if it had ecclesiastical powers of absolution, having decreed that by just signing a paper, Little Sisters would not be ‘morally complicit in providing contraceptive coverage.’”

The brief said one would expect that “on the issue of who the God of Heaven and Earth will hold ‘morally complicit,’ it would be the Little Sisters which would have the greater expertise than a federal judge.”

WND also reported when another brief charged that the Obama administration adopted the “secular amorality” of a committee from the Institute of Medicine in demanding the abortion pill coverage.

And it charged that the high court now has “tilted the playing field” by excluding First Amendment arguments from its discussion of the mandate that religious employers cover abortion pills in their insurance plans.

“It can be seen that this court, by excluding any briefing of the Free Exercise issue in this case, has tilted the playing field – making it virtually impossible for the petitioners to achieve a meaningful victory,” said the brief submitted by the attorneys at William J. Olson P.C. and the United States Justice Foundation on behalf of the USJF, Eberle Communications Group, Public Advocate of the U.S., Citizens United Foundation, Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall and others.

The Supreme Court has agreed to rule on whether the government’s interest in a private medical group’s “overarching objective of promoting and facilitating a secularized sexual lifestyle for women without the need to incur any out-of-pocket costs to prevent or terminate an unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease” warrants ordering religious employers to violate their First Amendment-protected right to exercise their religious beliefs, the brief notes.

The brief explains there are First Amendment principles supporting the Little Sisters and others, but the Supreme Court said the only arguments that would be reviewed concern the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which establishes conditions under which the government can make a demand that violates religious beliefs.

“This court’s refusal to consider the First Amendment constitutional issues takes the process of constitutional exclusion one step beyond that which occurred last year in the case of Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores,” the brief says.

In the Hobby Lobby case, the court decided the government could assign the cost of abortions demanded by employees to taxpayers rather than the company’s health insurance program, citing the RFRA law but excluding First Amendment discussion.

It said the law’s requirements for a “compelling interest” and a “least restrictive” method were not met, providing only a narrow window of protection.

“The protection of religious liberty promised by RFRA proponents was dramatically overstated. … [The law] actually makes it the law of the United States that, under certain circumstances, as in the seemingly unreviewable opinion of a majority of the nine unelected lawyers then sitting on this court, the government ‘may substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion’ when the government’s claimed interest really mattered,” the breif explains.

The brief says the court “should revise the questions presented on which certiorari is granted, and ask the parties to participate in supplemental briefing on the Free Exercise Clause issue. Unless this court pushes this ‘reset button,’ it could easily reach a decision that RFRA provides no statutory protection for petitioners, forcing them to be morally complicit in facilitating abortion, even though a decision reached under the Free Exercise Clause would have demanded the opposite result.”

Such a conclusion, the lawyers warned, “would deserve no respect from the American people.”

The Supreme Court already has ruled several times on Obamacare, the first time redefining the “fees” in the law as “taxes” to avoid violating the Constitution. The justices also ruled that insurance exchanges “established by the state” includes federal as well as state exchanges, meaning subsidies can be granted in states that chose not to establish an Obamacare exchange.

However, the court ruled in the Hobby Lobby case that religious employers cannot be required to participate in some parts of the law.

The justices recently refused to look into the fact that although the Constitution requires tax-revenue bills to start in the House, Obamacare was written and launched in the Senate. It was adopted by only Democrat votes in both the House and Senate, but it is expected to raise hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes.

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No trust? Microsoft to count Iowa votes

(THE HILL) — Microsoft volunteered to provide the technology to help tally up the results of Iowa’s caucus, free of charge. Now it will be put to the test Monday night.

The contests in both parties are expected to go down to the wire. And the spotlight will be on precinct officials who have been trained on a new Microsoft app, which is meant to cut down on human error and speed up the reporting process.

Both the Republican and Democratic parties in Iowa have expressed strong confidence in Microsoft, dismissing late suspicion of corporate influence from the campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) early last week.

Party officials have said no errors have been spotted in caucus dry runs. But the Sanders campaign has created its own backup reporting system, as has the Hillary Clinton campaign.

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Christian mega-author: Trump ‘absolute catastrophe’ as president

Christian author Joel Rosenberg in front of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp was liberated 71 years ago on Jan. 27, 1944, by the Soviet army.

Christian author Joel Rosenberg in front of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, which was liberated 72 years ago on Jan. 27, 1944, by the Soviet army.

A best-selling Christian author known for his high-level government contacts inside Israel says most of the candidates running for president, including the front-runners of both major parties, are ill-prepared to deal with the threat of what he calls “apocalyptic Islam.”

Joel C. Rosenberg, author of the popular “Last Jihad” series and “Epicenter” among many other novels and non-fiction books, says Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton do not have the skill set needed to deal with Iran’s mullahs or the growing threat of the Islamic State.

“I would say there are probably three candidates right now who are particularly strong on this issue,” said Rosenberg, whose latest novel, “The First Hostage,” centers on a plot by Islamic terrorists to kidnap the U.S. president. “The person that’s been speaking and working on these issues for the longest is former Sen. Rick Santorum. He wrote the original sanctions on Iran. He’s very experienced.”

Given that Santorum “doesn’t seem to have traction” with voters, Rosenberg said the next tier of candidates he sees as most prepared to deal with the Islamic threat are Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.

“I’ve been impressed by Sen. Marco Rubio. I’ve met with him to talk about these issues in Iowa, and then he’s asked me to send him various fact sheets and backup and he has been speaking about ‘apocalyptic Islam’ in debates, in speeches, so he’s embraced that language, not because I persuaded him but we did talk about some of the nuances, and he’s served on the Senate foreign-relations committee as well as the intelligence committee.”

Aside from his writing career, Rosenberg is founder of the Joshua Fund, which seeks to mobilize Christians to “bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus.”

Rubio adopts ‘apocalyptic’ language

Rosenberg spoke with WND Thursday, just hours before the GOP debate. During the debate Rubio again spoke of “apocalyptic Islam,” saying ISIS has an end-times vision that involves provoking Western powers into a “World War III” scenario in Dabiq, Syria.

Cruz also has impressed Rosenberg.

“He has spoken a little bit about apocalyptic Islam. I’ve met him several times. I’ve spent more time with his father than him,” he said. “But I’ve met with some of his colleagues and advisers, so I feel confident that he understands the threat.”

“I would put those three in a different category, of people who get it and have demonstrated to me that they’re serious about neutralizing the threat of Iran and ISIS.”

Rosenberg says “radical Islam” is a threat in itself and includes groups like the Muslim Brotherhood that work to implement Shariah law in various parts of the world.

But within radical Islam is another group of Muslims that believes in “apocalyptic Islam,” he said, and this includes the Islamic State, also called ISIS.

“All devout Muslims, whether Sunni or Shiite, believe in the coming of their so-called Mahdi in the last days, that he will establish a global Islamic caliphate in the last days and they believe in a final judgment,” Rosenberg told WND. “But that doesn’t mean all Muslims believe in committing genocide.”

“What is unique about Iran and ISIS is they believe in a genocidal eschatology, that you believe you must slaughter thousands or millions to accomplish your religious objectives, and this is stated openly by both those regimes,” he said. “I produce fact sheets on both so people can examine for themselves what we’re talking about because this stuff sounds crazy, and it can be hard to grasp without looking at the data. The problem is the candidates are not looking at the data.”

This billboard showing the Imam the Muslim Jesus behind Imam Mahdi graces the Vali-Asr Square in Tehran. It was completed in late 2014.

This billboard showing the Muslim Jesus behind Imam Mahdi graces the Vali-Asr Square in Tehran. It was completed in late 2014.

Rosenberg, 48, is author of 10 fiction and five non-fiction books about Islam, the Middle East and Bible prophecy. His novels have sold more than 3 million copies.

Born in Rochester, New York, to a Jewish father and gentile mother, Rosenberg now makes his home in Israel with his wife and family.

A major theme of his books is that to misunderstand the nature and threat of evil is to risk being blindsided by it.

“On Dec. 7, 1941, we were blindsided by an imperial Japan,” he told WND. “On Sept. 11, 2001, we were blindsided by al-Qaida.”

On the Democratic side, Rosenberg sees no evidence that the party’s leaders are interested in even having an honest debate about the true nature of “radical” or “apocalyptic” Islam.

“Secretary Clinton fully supports President Obama’s approach toward Iran and the Islamic State. I’ve seen no daylight between Clinton and Obama,” he said. “In fact, Secretary Clinton fully supports the Iran nuclear deal.”

Flirting with evil

Rosenberg said his novels, though fiction, are heavily researched and based on insights he’s gleaned from many political, intelligence and religious leaders.

“I was sitting and having breakfast recently with former CIA Director James Woolsey, who of course worked under (Mrs. Clinton’s) husband and he said something to me I found interesting. He said if you read through the Iran deal, as an arms control agreement it’s not that bad, if it were made with Denmark, or some other rational, normal government,” he said. “But when you make the deal with an Iranian regime that is calling for the annihilation of the U.S. and Israel and is driven by an apocalyptic, end-times, theology, the deal is not only dangerous but insane.

“That’s what Obama has done and that’s what Clinton supports,” he said.

Is it too late for America? Joel Rosenberg investigates in his book, “Implosion: Can America Recover from its Economic and Spiritual Challenges in time?”

A what about Bernie Sanders, the self-described socialist running against Hillary Clinton in the primaries?

“Mr. Sanders goes even further, saying we should normalize relations with Iran,” Rosenberg said. “Clearly the two leading Democrats running for president and the current president have no idea how dangerous Iran is and so they’re making bad decisions,” he said.

Not impressed by Trump

In doling out report cards for the GOP presidential candidates, Rosenberg seems to save his most stinging rebuke for Trump.

By describing Obama’s Iran nuclear deal as a badly negotiated “contract,” Trump misses the point, according to Rosenberg. This is not to be treated as a real estate deal, he said, but something where lives hang in the balance.

“The leading candidate in the GOP has no clue. He would be an absolute catastrophe as president,” Rosenberg says. “He said he would not rip up the deal with Iran. He says it’s a contract. First of all it’s not a contract. Our government has not signed it and Congress has not approved it. This is like a gentleman’s agreement between our president and the government of Iran. So he doesn’t understand just how dangerous it is.”

Rosenberg said Trump’s lack of experience in matters of foreign policy has leaked out in some of his comments.

“Mr. Trump says he would kill not only the terrorists but their families. So this is a war crime. Mr. Trump is proposing war crimes as a solution, as a foreign policy,” he said. “This is insane. And yet many conservatives and many evangelicals are supporting Mr. Trump.

“So on the topic of foreign policy and the Islamic state we have a president who doesn’t understand the nature of the threat and we have two front runners who are not prepared to do anything to neutralize that threat.”

Rosenberg said he believes the vast majority of Muslims are not violent by nature.

“About 90 percent of the Islamic world does not subscribe to violent jihad,” he said. “About 7 to 10 percent support violent jihad. Now radical Islam, their objective is to attack us, whereas apocalyptic Islam wants to annihilate us. Radical Islam wants to use violence to drive the infidel out of their part of the world.

“Apocalyptic Islam isn’t simply trying to attack us on their soil but all over because it wants to establish an Islamic caliphate all over the globe.”

He said there’s no way to stop apocalyptic Islam without destroying the entire movement. Limited strikes being doled out by the Obama administration are like pinpricks – they can be annoying or even painful but will only help the apocalyptic leaders of ISIS to expand their appeal and their worldwide recruitment efforts.

“It’s not going to work because, the more you retreat, they’re coming to the next genocidal group to expand their kingdom,” Rosenberg said.

He sees “apocalyptic Islam” is a subset within “radical Islam.”

“Quite a few of the Republican candidates do understand this generally,” he said. “But the two Cubans (Cruz and Rubio) and certainly Santorum above all, have really demonstrated to me they know what they are talking about.”

Rubio’s mistake

Rosenberg said Rubio made a mistake by sponsoring the Gang of Eight immigration reform bill in 2013.

“He was approaching immigration purely as a domestic policy and that was I think a mistake,” he said. “His membership in the Gang of Eight, as he’s repented of that, he’s used that to justify why he was wrong before.”

Of the three frontrunners on the GOP side, Rosenberg believes Trump is the least prepared to deal with the Islamic threat. (Photo: Twitter)

Of the three frontrunners on the GOP side, Rosenberg believes Trump is  least prepared to deal with the Islamic threat. (Photo: Twitter)

Rosenberg then returned to criticizing Trump as “having absolutely no idea what he’s talking about.”

“He’s talking about killing women and children, and he won’t rip up the Iran deal. I’m just Identifying people who are showing good judgment on these issues and I’m disturbed that the frontrunner has shown none,” Rosenberg said. “He has spoken highly of Vladimir Putin. And yet you have a big chunk of the Republican Party and evangelicals who are drawn to him and aren’t working their way through the issues. There is nobody in the party worse than Mr. Trump on foreign policy and national security issues. I’m convinced he would be an unmitigated disaster.”

Surprised by Trump’s evangelical support

Rosenberg said he is most surprised by Trump’s ability to garner support from evangelicals.

“Generally I think the conservatives and evangelicals, they see him as strong, and as tough, but they perhaps are not paying close attention to the fact that he’s wrong and ill-informed and irrational on foreign policy,” he said. “He is not rooted in the basic principles of American liberty and security. When asked where does he get his foreign policy advice from, he said he gets it from the Sunday-morning TV shows. I meet with CIA directors, prime ministers and foreign ministers – and I’m a novelist. I think the standard ought to be a little higher for the frontrunner of the Republican nomination for president.”

In contrast to many other conservative pundits, who see Trump as unstoppable in his drive to win the GOP nomination, Rosenberg said he expects Trump to lose some traction as the primaries unfold.

“I suspect Trump is going to hit some speed bumps and we’ll watch an emerging race between Cruz and Rubio,” he said.

Here are Rosenberg’s opinions on some of the other GOP candidates:

Rand Paul: Like Trump, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky has said he would not rip up the deal with Iran. Rosenberg is not a fan of Paul’s “isolationist’ worldview.

“Rand Paul would be horrible. He has a set of principles that are isolationist that I don’t agree with but he isn’t getting traction,” Rosenberg said.

Ben Carson: “I believe Dr. Carson is a genius as a surgeon and a complete novice when it comes to foreign policy and national security. The stakes and the risks we face as American people are too great to entrust to a novice. The oval office is not a place for on-the-job training. The role of Commander in chief is not for the uninitiated. And to put it in the hands of people who don’t know what they’re doing is foolishness, especially when there are people who do know and have displayed good judgment.”

Jeb Bush: The former Florida governor, like Trump, Paul and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, has said he would not immediately tear up the deal with Iran.

“I like him. I think he’s a good man. I think he has a solid world view on some of these issues but he has not shown strength as a commanding leader, he’s sinking in the polls and is running ads to attack his own protégé (Rubio) so I don’t think he’s a real factor.”

Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee: “I believe Huckabee and Christie have, generally, a reasonably sound understanding of radical Islam, but the three I mentioned, as I watched them they are talking with a level of detail that strikes me as different and deeper and better prepared.”

Donald Trump: “He doesn’t listen to anybody. He’s unaccountable. He’s a billionaire who would go to the White House not believing he has to talk to anybody, listen to anybody,” Rosenberg said. “I would never have thought to create a candidate in a novel as unqualified and as dangerous as Donald J. Trump. He is a fictional character who would have never dawned on me. I think he is dangerous and the American people deserve better.”

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Pro-Obamacare legal expert admits president broke law



A University of Michigan law professor who has written  commentaries and opinion pieces in major publications from the Los Angeles Times to the New York Times in praise of Obamacare now admits the president broke the law in his implementation of a requirement that citizens buy government-ordained health insurance plans or be fined.

Nicholas Bagley’s new stance grabbed the attention of Case Western Reserve University professor Jonathan Adler.

Writing at the Volokh Conspiracy legal blog, he pointed out that there’s nothing new about claims that “the Obama administration has repeatedly flouted legal requirements or acted outside the scope of its delegated authority when implementing Obamacare.”

But it’s significant when an ardent Obamacare advocate admits it.

“It is more notable when a prominent defender of the Obama administration acknowledges that the administration has colored outside the lines, and not always with good justification,” Adler wrote. “So those interested in the Affordable Care Act and the administrative law should give Nicholas Bagley’s new paper on ‘Legal Limits and the Implementation of the Affordable Care Act’ a careful read. The paper’s still in draft form – and in my view bends over backward to provide the most charitable read of the administration’s actions – but still concludes that the administration has violated the law repeatedly in implementing the ACA, even if not quite as often as some administration critics have claimed.”

Bagley wrote: “On occasion … the administration has strayed beyond legal limits. Two episodes raise especially serious legal concerns: the administrative delays and the decision to finance cost-sharing reductions out of an appropriation governing tax refunds. In both cases, Republican recalcitrance threatened to undermine the president’s signal achievement. And in both cases, the president appears to have broken the law.”

Regarding the multiple delays announced by Obama during the Obamacare implementation, he wrote, “The delays are … bald efforts to avoid unwanted consequence associated with full implementation of the ACA.”

Here’s the help you’ll need to prepare your household for the realities of living under a centralized health-care system — order Dr. Lee Hieb’s “Surviving the Medical Meltdown: Your Guide to Living Through the Disaster of Obamacare”

He pointed out that Obama made “public announcements of its nonenforcement policies” to “encourage the regulated community to disregard provisions of the ACA.”

Bagley explained that the administration announced numerous delays for various requirements of the law.

“They were conscious decisions to put off the dates on which congressional statutes directed at private actors took effect.”

He noted that even the Obama administrations Office of Legal Counsel had warned the president that he could not “in the guise of exercising enforcement discretion, attempt to effectively rewrite the laws to match its policy preferences.”

On the issue of cost-sharing subsidies – the additional federal subsidies for those making less than 250 percent of the poverty level – he emphasized they are “essential” to Obamacare.

“Without them, health plans would have to bear the full costs of the cost-sharing reductions that they’re required to make – an estimated $167 billion over 10 years,” he said.

“But there’s a problem,” he continued. “Although the ACA directs the Treasury Secretary to issue cost-sharing payments, it’s black-letter law that ‘a direction to pay without a designation of the source of the funds is not an appropriation.’”

And while Obama asked for the money, Congress refused.

“The administration then quietly determined that it did not need an annual appropriation. It instead concluded [the law] already appropriates the money to pay both premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions.”

The Obama administration argues that the law was set up as a permanent and ongoing appropriation.

However, Bagley noted, a law “may be construed to make an appropriation out of the Treasury … only if the law specifically states than an appropriation is made.”

“Nothing in the ACA specifically appropriates money for cost-sharing reductions,” Bagley wrote.

In fact, he said, a court case brought by the U.S. House likely will be decided early this year that “could raise a legal cloud over the ACA in the middle of a presidential election.”

Bagley noted that “in the face of committed resistance from a Republican-controlled Congress that wishes to undermine the ACA … the administration may have felt that it had little choice but to find an appropriation where non exists.”

It is, however, a “troubling precedent” for the future, he said.

Further, Bagley warned, “Eventually, too, the courts will lose patience with a presidential practice of dressing up lawbreaking in the garb of law.”

While he noted that Obama followed the law many times in his pursuit of Obamacare, “it’s hard for me to shake the fear that we are entering an era marked by the relentless chipping away at the rule of law.”

“I don’t want to seem alarmist: for now, such chipping away is modest. But it appears poised to become a durable feature of American governance, with consequences I can’t begin to anticipate. … It seems to me that the rule of law is a terrible thing to waste.”

Adler noted: “The Obama administration has repeatedly flouted legal requirements or acted outside the scope of its delegated authority when implementing Obamacare. I’ve argued as much in numerous blog posts, congressional testimony and in a chapter on what I call the ‘Ad Hoc Implementation of Obamacare’ in a new book, ‘Liberty’s Nemesis: The Unchecked Expansion of the State.’”

He said: “It seems to me the administration has strayed from the ACA’s text law when and where it thinks it’s difficult for critics to obtain judicial review, though other explanations are possible, too. In any event, the paper helps further a discussion about the appropriateness of what some consider administrative ‘self-help.’ This is not the first administration to take liberties with a statute when Congress refused to cooperate (see, e.g., what the Bush administration did with the Clean Air Act), and it won’t be the last.

“A real question is whether the Obama administration’s actions with regard to the ACA are an augur of what is to come in the future,” Adler said.

Here’s the help you’ll need to prepare your household for the realities of living under a centralized health-care system — order Dr. Lee Hieb’s “Surviving the Medical Meltdown: Your Guide to Living Through the Disaster of Obamacare”


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Doctor warns Hillary: Your meds could kill you

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton

NEW YORK – A California physician who had his license to practice medicine revoked in the state because he refused to administer the anticoagulant medication Coumadin, believes Hillary Clinton’s use of the drug could be more life-threatening to her than the possibility of a recurring blood clot.

Dr. David K. Cundiff, who contacted WND after reading a WND story Thursday about Clinton’s use of the drug, said he is inclined to support the Democratic presidential candidate but is speaking out mainly because of concern for her personal health.

WND reported Thursday that the medication Clinton has taken since 1998 to deal with her blood-clotting problems – cerebral venous thrombosis – may have dangerous side effects. They include blurred vision and confusion – both of which she has been reported to have experienced – plus a tendency to bleed excessively even from minor injuries.

The ‘Stop Hillary’ campaign is on fire! Join the surging response to this theme: ‘Clinton for prosecution, not president’

“My interest in cerebral venous thrombosis and in Hillary Clinton’s case is public health-based rather than political,” Cundiff explained to WND.

“I think that her medical risks are much more from the side effects of the Coumadin than the recurrence of a venous thrombosis.”

‘At high risk the rest of her life’

On his website,, Cundiff describes his concern about Clinton’s medications.

“Hillary Clinton has had three episodes of venous thrombosis (clots in veins): deep vein thrombosis (blood clots) in her leg in 1998 and 2009 and thrombosis in veins in her brain (cerebral venous thrombosis) in 2012. On July 31, 2015, Ms. Clinton’s doctor revealed that Ms. Clinton still takes the blood thinner (anticoagulant drug) Coumadin (warfarin),” the doctor writes.

“If her doctors follow current clinical practice guidelines, Coumadin or other blood thinners will continue for the rest of her life. This puts her at high risk for major bleeding.”

Taking into consideration Clinton’s medical history of suffering venous thrombosis, Cundiff calculates she has about five times the chance of a woman her age of developing another blood clot, amounting to a 20 percent chance over the next 10 years.

He writes that Clinton’s chance of dying from a blood clot if she is not taking Coumadin, or any other prescribed anticoagulant medication, is only about 1.5 percent. But if she continues taking Coumadin, her chance of a major bleeding episode before 2025 would be about 50 percent, with a 10 percent chance of experiencing a fatal or disabling hemorrhage.

Harvard-affiliated physician lends support

Cundiff’s concerns about the practice of prescribing anticoagulant medications for blood-clot patients has received support from Dr. Magdy Selim, M.D., Ph.D., at the Stroke Division, Department of Neurology, at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Selim is also affiliated with the Harvard University Catalyst, a network of scientists also known as the Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center, funded in part by the National Institutes of Health.

In an editorial titled “Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: Another Heparin Controversy,” Selim discussed favorably Cundiff’s published research on the dangers of prescribing anticoagulants like Coumadin to blood-clot patients.

After noting that Cundiff’s published research suffers from certain limitations encountered by referencing unpublished medical research data, Selim observed:

Despite these limitations, Cundiff raises valid concerns and questions of clinical and therapeutic importance that are yet to be fully answered. The use of anticoagulants in patients with CVT (blood-clots in the brain) poses a real risk: ICH (Intracerebral Hemorrhage, or bleeding within the brain).

Still fighting license revocation

On April 21, 2010, an administrative law judge in California rejected Cundiff’s petition to have his physician’s license reinstated in the case of a patient who died from clots. Cundiff stopped administering Coumadin to the patient, who had an alcohol problem the doctor believed could trigger internal bleeding.

After appealing all the way to the California Supreme Court, however, his petition was rejected.

“The Superior Court judge told me in court that all I needed to do to get my license reinstated was to admit that it was my error to stop heparin (another anticoagulant medication) and Coumadin in my patient with a DVT (deep vein thrombosis, or deep vein blood-clot) along with liver failure, advanced tuberculosis, severe malnutrition, alcoholism and tenuous social support,” he said.

He also had to promise to treat all future patients suffering venous thromboembolism with anticoagulants.

“I told him my Hippocratic Oath and I my own research and judgment on this issue would prevent me from committing to make either of those declarations,” Cundiff said.

“The only route that I will accept to get my license reinstated is for the Federal Drug Administration to declare all anticoagulant drugs contraindicated for venous thromboembolism,” he stressed.

Cundiff has filed a petition with the FDA regarding venous thromboembolism. He received an interim letter from the agency saying his situation was so complex that it needed more time than six months to respond.

“Once the FDA follows my petition and bans anticoagulants for venous thrombosis, I will request that Governor Jerry Brown and Attorney General Kamala Harris personally review my case and order my license reinstated,” Cundiff told WND.

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Ted Cruz: If Christians vote, race ‘would be over’

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas

Editor’s note: If U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz became president, just what actions would he take – not just “on Day 1,” but on the first 100 days of his presidency? The eye-opening answers are revealed, by Cruz himself, in a new book just published by WND Books.

The book, authored by Cruz’s father, Cuban-American pastor Rafael Cruz – titled “A Time for Action: Empowering the Faithful to Reclaim America” – includes a powerful 3,000-plus word “Epilogue” by son Ted Cruz, which is excerpted below.

In Rafael Cruz’s stirring narrative, one truth that becomes increasingly evident is that Ted Cruz’s devout Christian faith had a lot to do with the presidential candidate’s father – and with benefiting from all of his trials, tribulations and profound lessons his dad learned.

While “A Time for Action” unfolds the harrowing story of Rafael, a refugee from communist Cuba, and his escape to America, the main purpose of the book is to lay out the elder Cruz’s vision for America, and specifically, his detailed blueprint for how Christians can and must take their country back from the secular progressive forces that have come to dominate the once Judeo-Christian nation.

Here is U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s powerful “Epilogue” to “A Time for Action”:

WB295_mn“A Time for Action: EPILOGUE”

by Sen. Ted Cruz

If you’ve read this far, you now understand why, for my entire life, my father has been my hero.

My cousin Bibi (the daughter of my aunt, Tía Sonia) and I have often reflected on what a blessing it is to be the children of those who fled oppression. As children, we would sit at the feet of our grandparents, Abuelo and Abuela, and hear stories of my dad and my aunt fighting in Cuba.

My father, fighting against Batista, was imprisoned and tortured by Batista’s army. My Tía Sonia, a few years later, fighting against Castro, was likewise imprisoned and tortured. When you are the children of those who fled oppression and came to America, it makes you appreciate how precious and fragile liberty truly is.

My dad is a freedom fighter. And if we need anything today, it is more freedom fighters.

Our country is in crisis. The challenges we are facing today are not like in the past, and the upcoming 2016 presidential election will not be an election like every other. We are bankrupting our kids and grandkids. Our constitutional rights are under assault from Washington as never before. And America has receded from leadership in the world, making the world a far more dangerous place. Today, our friends and allies no longer trust us, and our enemies no longer fear us.

I am convinced, it is now or never. There comes a point where the hole is too deep, the debt is too great, our liberties are too receded, and there is no going back. I don’t think we’re there yet … but we’re close. Very close.

It is a time for truth. It is a time for action.

* * *

In September 2015, I met at the county jail with Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk jailed for acting according to her faith. She and I embraced, and I thanked her for her courage. I told her that millions were inspired by her stand. That she was being lifted up in prayer by believers across America and across the world. That she may have thought she was alone in that jail cell, but she didn’t realize just how crowded it was.

SPECIAL OFFER: Get an autographed copy of Rafael Cruz’s powerful new book, “A Time for Action: Empowering the Faithful to Reclaim America,” at a discounted price, from the WND Superstore.

A year ago, if I had suggested that a Christian woman would be sent to jail for honoring her faith, that would have been dismissed as crazy. Paranoid, even. But that is where we are.

Why was Kim Davis jailed? Two reasons: First, the Supreme Court’s fundamentally illegitimate gay marriage opinion. Five unelected lawyers declared themselves, in Justice Scalia’s words, the “rulers” of 320 million Americans, insisting that their radical view of marriage – contrary to the biblical definition, to the understanding of marriage that predated America by millennia – would be forced on the rest of us. That was not law. Courts don’t make law. And that was not the Constitution. In the penultimate paragraph of his dissent, Justice Scalia predicted that state and local officials would refuse to obey the court’s lawless edict.

Second, a federal district judge and the state of Kentucky both violated Kentucky law. Kentucky, like the federal government and many states, has a Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which protects expressions of faith. It mandates reasonable accommodations for religious faith. Thus, Jehovah’s Witnesses are exempted from having to make pledges or oaths, which is contrary to their faith. Amish are exempted from sending their children to mandatory schooling. Christian Scientists are exempted from mandatory medical treatments. Muslim truck drivers are exempted from carrying alcohol. Jews are exempted from being forced to work on the Sabbath. All of that is current law.

And yet, Christians are somehow singled out. Kim Davis, as a Christian, did not want her name to appear on a homosexual marriage license. Under Kentucky law, her faith should have been respected and her name removed. Since the state decided to treat the court opinion as law, it would have been a simple matter to comply with Kentucky’s RFRA and accommodate Kim’s religious convictions. Instead, she was sent to jail, the act of an imperious, arrogant judge wanting to punish a Christian for daring to live according to her faith.

In the aftermath of Ms. Davis’s imprisonment, virtually every Democrat – and sadly, more than a few Republicans – said that she should either abandon her faith and issue the same-sex marriage certificates or resign her office. They gravely intoned that her honoring her faith was somehow a profound threat to liberty and the rule of law. What nonsense.

And, it seems, none of those commentators was concerned with the behavior of other government officials (with whom they agreed) defying actual laws. None raised concern about former San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom granting same-sex marriage certificates, when doing so was directly contrary to California law. Nor were they troubled by the current San Francisco mayor’s policy – mirrored by Democratic mayors in cities across America – declaring San Francisco to be a “sanctuary city.” Thus, San Francisco openly obstructs federal immigration law, in effect inviting violent criminal illegal aliens, such as the career criminal who is accused of murdering Kate Steinle.

Nor do most of the politicians take serious issue with the extraordinary pattern of lawlessness demonstrated by President Obama. Whether it is federal immigration law, or welfare reform law, or even his own Obamacare, the president, repeatedly, has simply refused to follow the law.

None of these commentators who are outraged by Kim Davis has called for the resignation of the San Francisco mayor or of President Obama. How can it be that one Kentucky clerk, honoring her Christian faith, poses a grave threat to the rule of law, but a president who routinely ignores federal law is not a problem at all? The hypocrisy is staggering.

What we are really seeing is an increasing hostility to religious liberty, and to Christians in particular. When Kim and I visited in that Kentucky jailhouse, I told her she was highlighting the threats to millions, that each of us could be next. Trembling at the impact she was having, she replied, “It is all to the glory of God.”

These threats are coming. And not just to Kim Davis. In the summer of 2015, I was honored to host a rally for religious liberty in Iowa. Some twenty-five hundred people came out to attend the rally, and we listened to the stories of heroes who had stood for their faith and been persecuted: Dick and Betty Odgaard, Aaron and Melissa Klein, Chief Kelvin Cochran, Sergeant Phillip Monk, Barronelle Stutzman, Blaine Adamson. Amazing stories. Ordinary people – a florist, a baker, a soldier, a fireman – who stood by biblical values and faced vicious persecution. If you want to be inspired, watch the video of their stories at www.

They are not alone. Indeed, at the Supreme Court oral argument in the gay marriage case, Justice Alito asked the Justice Department whether, if the Obama administration prevailed, the next step would be for the IRS to deny tax-exempt status to Christian colleges and universities that follow a biblical teaching of marriage. By extension, his question could apply as well to Christian grade schools, Christian charities, or even Christian churches. Chillingly, the Obama solicitor general replied that, yes, that was a real possibility.

These threats are only growing. If we don’t stand up and stop them, you and I could be next. Chief Cochran was fired from his job as Atlanta’s fire chief because he wrote, in his personal time, a Christian book discussing and analyzing Scripture. Pastors, being punished for preaching the Word of God could well be next.

The Iowa religious liberty rally ended with the story of Naghmeh Abedini, the wife of Pastor Saeed Abedini, an American citizen sentenced to eight years in an Iranian prison for the crime of sharing the gospel. Tragically, the Obama administration’s extended negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran did nothing to secure Pastor Saeed’s release, or that of his fellow American hostages languishing in Iranian prisons. Our commander in chief should be fighting for the release of American hostages, not appeasing Islamist dictators.

All of us pray fervently for the swift and safe release of all of the hostages. And yet, even in the darkness of an Iranian prison cell, God is sovereign. Since he began his sentence, Pastor Saeed has led dozens of fellow prisoners and even some of his captors to Christ.

* * *

As I write this today, I’m campaigning for president. Our campaign is enjoying enormous momentum; I could not be more encouraged.

We need strong leadership. Principled, constitutional leadership.

If I am elected president, let me tell you what I intend to do on the very first day in office:

The first thing I intend to do is rescind every single illegal and unconstitutional action taken by President Obama.

The second thing I intend to do is instruct the Department of Justice to open an investigation into Planned Parenthood and the horrible videos that have emerged and exposed them, and to prosecute any and all criminal violations by that organization. The administration of justice should be blind to party and ideology; the only allegiance of the Department of Justice should be to the laws and Constitution of the United States.

The third thing I intend to do is to instruct the Department of Justice, and the IRS, and every other federal agency, that the persecution of religious liberty ends today. That means that our servicemen and women will be able to pray and worship God, and their commanding officer has nothing to say about it. That means that the Little Sisters of the Poor – a Catholic charity against which the Obama administration is currently litigating to try to force the nuns to pay for abortion-inducing drugs – will have the case against them dismissed.

The fourth thing I intend to do is to rip to shreds Obama’s catastrophic Iranian nuclear deal. The single greatest national security threat facing America is the threat of a nuclear Iran – we should not be sending over $100 billion to a theocratic zealot like the Ayatollah Khamenei, who pledges “death to America” – and if I am president, under no circumstances will Iran be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons.

The fifth thing I intend to do is begin the process of moving the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, the once and eternal capital of Israel.

All of that is on day one. It is an example of how quickly things can change. The Left, and the media (who are in cahoots), try to convince us that nothing can change. They want us to give up. But strong presidential leadership, backed by the American people, can usher in dramatic change.

In the days that follow, as president I intend to do the following:

Go to Congress and repeal every word of Obamacare. In its place, we will pass commonsense health care reform that makes health insurance personal, portable, and affordable, and keeps government from getting between our doctors and us.

Instruct the Department of Education – which should be abolished – that Common Core ends today. Education is too important to be dictated by unelected bureaucrats in Washington; it should be controlled at the state or local level, where we parents have direct control over our children’s education.

Expand school choice – the civil rights issue of the twenty-first century – so that every child, regardless of race, ethnicity, income, or zip code, has a right to access an excellent education.

Rebuild our military, and honor the commitments made to our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines. Peace through strength should always be our goal, but we must remember that we can’t have the first without the second. If we are committed to peace, we need an equally profound commitment to maintaining America’s strength.

Reform the VA to give our veterans the right to choose their own doctors at whatever hospital they wish, and protect the right of our servicemen and women to keep and bear arms and protect themselves.

Stand up and defeat radical Islamic terrorism. Confront it by its name. Utterly destroy ISIS, which is the face of evil, crucifying Christians, beheading children, and working to establish an Islamic caliphate to spread their theocratic hate. And as commander in chief, make clear to jihadist militants across the globe, “If you go and join ISIS, if you take up arms and wage jihad against America, trying to kill innocent men and women, you are signing your death warrant.”

Finally, finally, finally secure the borders and end sanctuary cities. Put an end to the Obama administration’s indefensible practice of releasing violent criminal illegal aliens, and pass Kate’s Law, ensuring that fewer violent criminals go free.

Take on the EPA, and the CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau), and the alphabet soup of federal agencies that are strangling small businesses and killing jobs. Unchain booming economic growth, so that young people coming out of school once again have two, three, four job offers and a brighter economic future.

Unleash an American energy renaissance, allowing America finally to become energy self-sufficient and ushering in millions of high-paying jobs. Stopping the Obama administration’s war on coal and crushing regulatory assault will revitalize manufacturing across America, enabling us to bring back millions of jobs from foreign nations like China, based not on low-cost labor, but on abundant God-given low-cost energy.

And work with Congress to pass fundamental tax reform, passing a simple flat tax. Where all Americans can fill out their taxes on a postcard. And when we do that, we should abolish the IRS.

This is a bold, aggressive agenda. And yet it’s simple common sense. Return to the free-market values and constitutional liberties that built America. Live within our means. Don’t bankrupt our kids and grandkids. Follow the Constitution.

SPECIAL OFFER: Get an autographed copy of Rafael Cruz’s powerful new book, “A Time for Action: Empowering the Faithful to Reclaim America,” at a discounted price, from the WND Superstore.

How can we get it done? Ecclesiastes 1:9 tells us “there is nothing new under the sun.” And I believe where we are today is very much like the late 1970s.

The same failed economic policies. The same misery, stagnation, and malaise. The same feckless and naïve foreign policy. Indeed, the very same countries – Russia and Iran – openly laughing at and mocking the president of the United States.

Why does that analogy give me so much hope and optimism? Because we know how that story ended. Millions of men and women rose up and became the Reagan Revolution.

And it didn’t come from Washington. Washington despised Ronald Reagan. (Remember, Reagan had primaried Gerald Ford in 1976. You want to incense the Republican establishment? Come within an inch of defeating the incumbent Republican president in a primary.) It came from the American people – from people just like you and me – and it turned the country around. We went from misery and stagnation to booming economic growth. To millions being lifted from poverty into prosperity and the American dream. We went from our hostages languishing in Iran, to winning the Cold War and tearing the Berlin Wall to the ground.

And the same thing is happening today. When we launched our campaign for president at Liberty University (the largest Christian university in the world), the mainstream media scoffed. The New York Times opined, Cruz has almost “no chance” to win because the GOP “despises” him.

I’ve often joked, “I kinda thought that was the whole point of the campaign!”

If you think Washington is doing great, that we need to keep going in the same direction and just fiddle about the edges, then I ain’t your guy. But if you think Washington is profoundly broken, that there is bipartisan corruption of career politicians in both parties who get in bed with lobbyists and special interests and who grow and grow government, and that we need to bring power out of Washington and back to we the people . . . that is what this campaign is all about.

And the support has been incredible. From the grassroots. From the people.

In the first two quarters of the campaign, out of seventeen Republican candidates for president, our campaign raised more hard money than that of any other Republican candidate. Over $14.3 million, from all fifty states. Our average contribution was sixty-eight dollars.

To date, we’ve received more than 275,000 contributions, from people all over the country going to

Signing up, volunteering, contributing. As of September 2015, we have financial supporters in over 55 percent of the zip codes in America.

And we’re seeing the old Reagan coalition coming together. Conservatives, evangelicals, libertarians, young people, Hispanics, African Americans, women, Reagan Democrats.

No other candidate has the grassroots team we have put together . . . in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada, and all across the South – the so-called SEC primary states that are voting on Super Tuesday.

If you agree with my father’s message, that our country is in crisis, that we must change direction now, then join us. The only force powerful enough to defeat the Washington cartel is we the people.

We need revival. We need awakening. And it is happening all across America. If you wonder why our government is daily assaulting life, and marriage, and religious liberty, why we’ve abandoned Israel and aided and abetted the rise of radical Islamic terrorism (going so far as President Obama’s working to send more than $100 billion to Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei), the answer is simple. In 2012, 54 million evangelical Christians stayed home. And millions more Reagan Democrats – blue collar Catholics – stayed home as well.

If our nation’s leaders are elected by unbelievers, is it any wonder that they do not reflect our values?

I tell you this: we will stay home no longer.

If the body of Christ arises, if Christians simply show up and vote biblical values, we can restore our nation.

Imagine, in 2016, if just 44 million evangelicals stayed home. Now, let me be clear: that would be a miserable failure. It would mean we failed to reach and motivate 44 million Christians to take a stand. But even so, if just an additional 10 million evangelicals showed up, the election would be over.

We wouldn’t be waiting up at 2 a.m. to see the results in Ohio or Florida. Instead, they would call the election at 8:45 p.m., because 10 million more Christians showing up is all it takes.

That is our task. To do it together. For pastors to take the lead, to reawaken the Black Robe Regiment and call upon Christians to stand for truth.

It is a time for truth. It is a time for action.

It is our time to preserve the last best hope of mankind, to restore that shining city on a hill that is the United States of America.

From our first days, God’s providential blessing has been on our nation, and I’m convinced God isn’t done with America. Brighter days are still ahead, if only we stand and act in accordance with our faith.

SPECIAL OFFER: Get an autographed copy of Rafael Cruz’s powerful new book, “A Time for Action: Empowering the Faithful to Reclaim America,” at a discounted price, from the WND Superstore.

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