Monday, 31 August 2015

Low magnesium linked to heart disease, high blood pressure

Many people have strokes and heart attacks even though they have no high cholesterol and no high blood pressure. However, they do have nutritional deficiencies specific to the human heart.

In his book, “Holy Water, Sacred Oil; the Fountain of Youth,” C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.., explains how low magnesium levels affect our health:

As a single essential (heart and high blood pressure) nutrient, lack of magnesium may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient — our diet of white flour, white sugar and prescription drugs destroys magnesium. Magnesium is the most critical mineral required for the electrical stability of every cell in the body. With few exceptions, low or deficient DHEA magnesium is found in every illness. The majority of Americans lose 80-90% of their DHEA magnesium between the ages 30 and 80, accelerating the aging process. In perhaps no illness is magnesium deficiency more relevant than myocardial infarction (and high blood pressure) or acute heart attack and aging.

Shealy says that Cell Wellness Restorer™ is a quick and painless way to restore magnesium levels and good health.

High blood pressure and heart disease respond quickly to proper nutrition.

We should supplement our high sodium diet with magnesium, potassium and other organic minerals.

Adults need 400 mg of magnesium daily. It’s best as a gluconate, picolinate, lactate, sulfate or aspartate. But most government dietary surveys indicate that people obtain less than that amount from their diets — sometimes as little as 50 percent of the magnesium they need for good health!

To boost your intake of this beneficial mineral and manage your metabolism, include more magnesium-rich foods in your daily diet, such as roasted pumpkin and squash seeds, bran cereal, brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, pine nuts, oil-roasted peanuts, halibut and spinach.

If you are on drugs for high blood pressure or for any other problem, stay under the supervision of your health practitioner. It is sometimes dangerous to suddenly stop taking drugs. They must be gradually eliminated over time.

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You will hear these lies as the economic collapse progresses

In the years since the derivatives disaster, there has been no end to the absurd and ludicrous propaganda coming out of mainstream financial outlets; and as the situation in markets becomes worse, the propaganda will only increase.

This might seem counterintuitive. You would think that the more obvious the economic collapse becomes, the more alternative analysts will be vindicated and the more awake and aware the average person will be. Not necessarily.

In fact, the mainstream spin machine is going into high speed as more negative data is exposed and absorbed into the markets. If you know history, then you know this is a common tactic by the establishment elite to string along the public with false hopes so that they do not prepare or take alternative measures while the system crumbles around their ears. At the onset of the Great Depression, the same strategies were used. Consider if you’ve heard similar quotes to these in the mainstream news over the past couple months:

  • John Maynard Keynes in 1927: “We will not have any more crashes in our time.”
  • H.H. Simmons, president of the New York Stock Exchange, Jan. 12, 1928: “I cannot help but raise a dissenting voice to statements that we are living in a fool’s paradise, and that prosperity in this country must necessarily diminish and recede in the near future.”
  • Irving Fisher, leading U.S. economist, The New York Times, Sept. 5, 1929: “There may be a recession in stock prices, but not anything in the nature of a crash.” And on Oct. 17, 1929: “Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau. I do not feel there will be soon if ever a 50 or 60 point break from present levels, such as (bears) have predicted. I expect to see the stock market a good deal higher within a few months.”
  • W. McNeel, market analyst, as quoted in The New York Herald Tribune, Oct. 30, 1929: “This is the time to buy stocks. This is the time to recall the words of the late J.P. Morgan that any man who is bearish on America will go broke. Within a few days there is likely to be a bear panic rather than a bull panic. Many of the low prices as a result of this hysterical selling are not likely to be reached again in many years.”
  • Harvard Economic Society, Nov. 10, 1929: “… a serious depression seems improbable; [we expect] recovery of business next spring, with further improvement in the fall.”

Here is the issue: As I have always said, economic collapse is not a singular event; it is a process. The global economy has been in the process of collapse since 2008, and it never left that path. Those who were ignorant took government statistics at face value and the manipulated bull market as legitimate and refused to acknowledge the fundamentals. Now, with markets recently suffering one of the greatest free falls since the 2008/2009 crash, they are witnessing the folly of their assumptions; but that does not mean they will accept them or apologize for them outright. If there is one lesson I have learned well during my time in the liberty movement, it is to never underestimate the power of normalcy bias.

There were plenty of “up days” in the markets during the Great Depression, and this kept the false dream of a quick recovery alive for a large percentage of the American population for many years. Expect numerous “stunning stock reversals” as the collapse of our era progresses, but always remember that it is the overall trend that matters far more than any one positive or negative trading day (unless you open down 1,000 points as we did on Aug. 24). And even more important than the trends are the economic fundamentals.

The establishment has made every effort to hide the fundamentals from the public through far-reaching misrepresentations of economic statistics. However, the days of effective disinformation in terms of the financial system are coming to an end. As investors and the general public begin to absorb the reality that the global economy is indeed witnessing a vast crisis scenario and acknowledges real numbers over fraudulent numbers, the only recourse of central bankers and the governments they control is to convince the public that the crisis they are witnessing is not really a crisis. That is to say, the establishment will attempt to marginalize the collapse signals they can no longer hide as if such signals are of “minimal” importance.

Just as occurred during the onset of the Great Depression, the lies will be legion the closer we come to zero hour. Here are some of the lies you will likely hear as the collapse accelerates.

The crisis was caused by Chinese contagion

The hypocrisy inherent in this lie is truly astounding, to say the least, considering it is now being uttered by the same mainstream dirtbags who only months ago were claiming that China’s financial turmoil and stock market upset were inconsequential and would have “little to no effect” on Western markets.

I specifically recall these hilarious quotes from Barbara Rockefeller in July:

  • “Something else that doesn’t matter much is the Chinese equity meltdown — again. China may be big and powerful, but it lacks a retail base and fund managers experienced in price variations, never mind a true rout …”
  • “Doom-and-gloom types have been saying for a long time that we will get a stock market rout when the Fed finally does move to raise rates. But as we wrote last week, history doesn’t bear out the thesis, not that you can really count on history when the sample size is one or two data points …”

Yes, that is a bit embarrassing. One or two data points? There have been many central bank interventions in history. When has any central bank or any government ever used stimulus to manipulate markets through fiat infusion and zero interest-fueled stock buybacks or given government the ability to monetize its own debt and actually been successful in the endeavor? When has addicting markets to stimulus like a heroin dealer ever led to recovery? When has this kind of behavior ever not created massive fiscal bubbles, a steady degradation of the host society or outright calamity?

Suddenly, according to the mainstream media, China’s economy does affect us. Not only that, but China is to blame for all the ills of the globally interdependent economic structure. And the mere mention that the Fed might delay the end of near zero interest rates in September by a Federal Reserve stooge recently sent markets up 600 points after a week-long bloodbath, meaning the potential for any interest rate increase no matter how small also has wider implications for markets.

The truth is the crash in global stocks, which will undoubtedly continue over the next several months despite any delays on zero interest-rate policy (ZIRP) by the Fed, is a product of universal decay in fiscal infrastructure. Nearly every single nation on this planet, every sovereign economy, has allowed central and international banks to poison every aspect of their respective systems with debt and manipulation. This is not a “contagion” problem; it is a systemic problem to every economy across the world.

China’s crash matters not because it is causing all other economies to crash. It matters because China is the largest importer/exporter in the world, and it is a litmus test for the financial health of every other country. If China is failing, it means we are not consuming; and if we are not consuming, then we must be broke. China’s crash portends our own far worse economic conditions. That is why Western markets have been crumbling along with China’s despite the assumptions of the mainstream.

China’s rate cuts will stop the crash

No, they won’t. China has cut rates five times since last November, and this has done nothing to stem the tide of their market collapse. I’m not sure why anyone would think that a new rate cut would accomplish anything besides perhaps a brief respite from the continuing avalanche.

It’s not a crash; it’s just the end of a ‘market cycle’

This is the most ignorant non-explanation I think I have ever heard. There is no such thing as a “market cycle” when your markets are supported partially or fully by fiat manipulation. Our market is in no way a free market; thus, it cannot behave like a free market. And thus, it is a stunted market with no identifiable cycles.

Swings in markets of up to 5 percent to 6 percent to the downside or upside (sometimes both in a single day) are not part of a normal cycle. They are a sign of cancerous volatility that comes from an economy on the brink of disaster.

The last few years have been seemingly endless market bliss in which any idiotic day trader could not go wrong as long as he “bought the dip” while Fed monetary intervention stayed the course. This is also not normal, even in the so-called “new normal.” Yes, the current equities turmoil is an inevitable result of manipulated markets, false statistics and misplaced hopes; but it is indeed a tangible crash in the making. It is in no way an example of a predictable and nonthreatening “market cycle.” And the fact that mainstream talking heads and the people who parrot them had absolutely no clue it was coming is only further evidence of this.

The Fed will never raise rates

Don’t count on it. Public statements on China by globalist entities like the International Monetary Fund, for example, have argued that their current crisis is merely part of the “new normal,” a future in which stagnant growth and reduced living standards is the way things are supposed to be. I expect the Fed will use the same exact argument to support the end of zero interest rates in the U.S., claiming that the decline of American wealth and living standards is a natural part of the new economic world order we are entering.

That’s right; mark my words: One day soon, the Fed, the IMF, the Band for International Settlements and others will attempt to convince the American people that the erosion of the economy and the loss of world reserve status are actually good things. They will claim that a strong dollar is the cause of all our economic pain and that a loss in value is necessary. In the meantime, they will, of course, downplay the tragedies that will result as the shift toward dollar devaluation smashes down on the heads of the populace.

A rate hike may not occur in September. In fact, as I predicted in my last article, the Fed is already hinting at a delay in order to boost markets or at least slow down the current carnage to a more manageable level. But, it will raise rates soon, likely before the end of this year after a few high-tension meetings in which the financial world will sit anxiously waiting for the word on high. Why would the Fed raise rates? Some people just don’t seem to grasp the fact that the job of the Federal Reserve is to destroy the American economic system, not protect it. Once you understand this dynamic, then everything the central bank does makes perfect sense.

A rate increase will occur exactly because that is what is needed to further destabilize U.S. market psychology to make way for the “great economic reset” that the IMF and Christine Lagarde are so fond of promoting. Beyond this, many people seem to be forgetting that ZIRP is still operating; yet volatility is trending negative anyway. Remember when everyone was ready to put on their “Dow 20,000″ hat, certain in the omnipotence of central bank stimulus and QE infinity? Yeah, clearly that was a pipe dream.

ZIRP has run its course. It is no longer feeding the markets as it once did, and the fundamentals are too obvious to deny.

The globalists at the BIS in spring openly deemed the existence of low interest-rate policies a potential trigger for crisis. Their statements correlate with the BIS’s tendency to “predict” terrible market events it helped create while at the same time misrepresenting the reasons behind them.

The point is ZIRP has done the job it was meant to do. There is no longer any reason for the Fed to leave it in place.

Get ready for QE4

Again, don’t count on it. Or at the very least, don’t expect renewed QE to have any lasting effect on the market if it is initiated.

There is truly no point to the launch of a fourth quantitative easing program, but do expect that the Fed will plant the possibility in the media every once in a while to mislead investors. First, the Fed knows that it would be an open admission that the last three QEs were an utter failure. And while their job is to dismantle the U.S. economy, I don’t think they are looking to take immediate blame for the whole mess. QE4 would be as much a disaster as the European Central Bank’s last stimulus program was in Europe, not to mention the past several stimulus actions in China by the People’s Bank of China. I’ll say it one more time: Fiat stimulus has a shelf life, and that shelf life is over for the entire globe. The days of artificially supported markets are nearly done, and they are never coming back again.

I see little advantage for the Fed to bring QE4 into the picture. If the goal is to derail the dollar, that action is already well underway as the IMF carefully sets the stage for the yuan to enter the SDR global currency basket next year, threatening the dollar’s world reserve status. China also continues to dump hundreds of billions of dollars in U.S. Treasuries, inevitably leading to a rush to a dump of Treasuries by other nations. The dollar is a dead currency walking, and the Fed won’t even have to print Weimar Germany-style in order to kill it.

It’s not as bad as it seems

Yes, it is exactly as bad as it seems, if not worse. When the Dow can open 1,000 points down on a Monday and China can lose all of its gains for 2015 in the span of a few weeks despite institutionalized stimulus measures lasting years, then something is very wrong. This is not a hiccup. This is not a correction that has already hit bottom. This is only the beginning of the end.

Stocks are not a predictive indicator. They do not follow positive or negative fundamentals. Stocks do not crash before or during the development of an ailing economy. Stocks crash after the economy has already gone comatose. Stocks crash when the system is no longer salvageable. Since 2008, nothing in the global financial structure has been salvaged; and now the central banking edifice is either unable or unwilling (I believe both) to supply the tools to allow us even to pretend that it can be salvaged. We’re going to feel the hurt now, all while the establishment tells us the whole thing is in our heads.

–Brandon Smith

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Hillary’s desperate name-calling strategy

Just how desperate is Hillary Clinton’s campaign to change the focus of articles about her faltering campaign? For weeks now, the No. 1 topic has been the scandal about the private email server she used while she was secretary of state. How could they get the press to talk about something else?

Well, here’s an idea. How about comparing her potential Republican opponents to terrorists? Yeah, that’s the ticket. No doubt that’s why we heard the following from her, during a campaign appearance in Ohio last week:

Now, extreme views about women, we expect that from some of the terrorist groups; we expect that from people who don’t want to live in the modern world, but it’s a little hard to take from Republicans who want to be the president of the United States.

Hey, Hillary, it isn’t the Republicans who treat women and even young girls as sex slaves; who force them into becoming suicide bombers; who want to deny them the right to vote, the right to drive and even the right to get an education. No, it’s the people you refuse to call Islamic terrorists.

But no matter. Hillary’s absurd escalation of the “war on women” rhetoric worked, at least for a while. And just to make sure the focus stayed on her vicious name calling, she later expanded the attack by comparing Republicans to Nazis.

In other words, Hillary’s campaign strategy now is to switch the focus from the stupid things she did as secretary of state to the stupid things she says as a candidate.

Joe Trippi, a top Democratic strategist, says the plan is simple. “The more the discussion is about the difference between her and the Republican field on women’s health or immigration,” he acknowledged, “that’s far better turf for her to be fighting on than another news cycle on the emails or the server.”

Such a strategy won’t hurt Hillary much with her base. They’re all in favor of such Republican bashing, no matter how exaggerated it is.

No, what’s hurting Hillary a lot more is the simple fact that most potential voters simply don’t believe her. And who can blame them?

The latest poll results in Iowa confirm that Hillary’s desperate efforts aren’t working. A Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics survey, taken just a few days ago, says that support for Hillary Clinton has plummeted 20 percent in the state, to just 37 percent. Meanwhile, the percentage of voters who prefer Bernie Sanders, the Vermont socialist who has emerged as her top opponent, has soared to 30 percent. The Clinton campaign must be dumbfounded that Sanders is now within 7 percent of their candidate.

And here’s something that is probably even more worrisome for them: The top choice of 14 percent of Iowa’s potential voters is now Vice President Joe Biden. And he isn’t even a declared candidate … yet.

Yes, the Clinton campaign is in deep, deep trouble. It will take a lot more than name calling to put it on track again.

Hillary has corralled a ton of money and a bunch of top political talent. Unfortunately for her, it won’t be enough. Because when push comes to shove, she’s just not very likable or believable.

And that’s probably why, once again, she won’t be able to grab the brass ring.

Until next time, keep some powder dry.

–Chip Wood

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Trump mocks Jeb on illegal immigration ‘love’

(BREITBART) — GOP frontrunner Donald Trump took to Instagram, posting a video that criticizes fellow GOP presidential candidate former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush for saying illegal immigration is an “act of love.”

“Yeah, they broke the law, but it’s not a felony,” Bush states. “It’s an act of love.” In Trump’s video, Bush’s statement is featured with three mug shots of illegal immigrants that all committed violent crimes during their stay in the United States.

“Love? Forget love, it’s time to get tough!” pops onto the screen following Bush’s statement.

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Dems: Party shielding Hillary with skimpy debates

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt.

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt.

WASHINGTON – Several Democrat candidates for president are complaining that their party is protecting Hillary Clinton from scrutiny by limiting the number of debates this election season.

The GOP has scheduled eight debates, with three pending, for its candidates, making a total of 11.

The Democrats plan just six debates, with the first one not scheduled until October.

Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., told CNN on Sunday: “I think that that is dead wrong and I have let the leadership of the Democrats know that.”

On Friday, candidate Gov. Martin O’Malley, R-Md., went so far as to accuse the Democratic Party of devising a “rigged process.”

On MSNBC Monday morning, veteran liberal commentator Al Hunt agreed with O’Malley’s assessment that Democrats were limiting the debates to protect Clinton, but he said the party had even bigger problems.

“Yeah, sure they are. I think, by the way, that O’Malley exaggerates the importance,” Hunt said. “The problem the Democrats have is they ought to have a Reince Priebus type as their chair person. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a member of Congress, isn’t doing anything the Democrats need to do organizationally, and she’s not an effective chairperson. The debates are a secondary issue.”

Sanders wouldn’t go as far as O’Malley, saying, “I think that rigging is a strong word.” But, he added, “I would like to see more debates.”

He had previously told CBS, “We need serious debate about serious issues. There are so many major problems facing our country. I think more debates is better.”

Talk about the Democratic National Committee, or DNC, protecting Clinton has begun circling Washington in the last few weeks.

On Aug. 18, liberal commentator Kirsten Powers wrote in USA today, “[P]arty insiders are making sure their preferred candidate – Hillary Clinton – is protected from debate.

She cited O’Malley, who had told the Hill, “It’s all about trying to preordain the outcome, circle the wagons and close off debate. If (the Democratic Party leaders) could actually accelerate the date of the Iowa caucuses and hold them tomorrow – they’d like to do that. Then there’d be no campaign at all. That’s what they’d really like.”

Powers cited a Bloomberg poll in April that found nearly three-quarters of Democrats (and independents) said a “serious” challenger to Clinton would be good for the party.

“Instead,” wrote Powers, “we have party officials and a Democratic front-runner who believe they have the right to stack the decks in favor of their desired outcome.”

Powers called it a “scheme by Clinton’s DNC cronies” that was “poised to backfire.”

“Her arrogant and secretive email server shenanigans are reminding Americans just how entitled and unaccountable Clinton believes herself to be. Refusing to debate her primary opponents – including one who has ignited the kind of excitement Clinton could only dream of – will just fuel the sense that she believes she doesn’t have to campaign to become president.”

Powers concluded by calling Clinton, “a terrible candidate who needs sharpening before battling the GOP nominee.”

Even back in May, the leftist website Salon ran an article titled, “Democrats’ ‘protect Hillary’ plan: How the DNC’s thin debate schedule hands Clinton the advantage.”

Describing the Democratic National Committee as an “informal adjunct of the Hillary Clinton campaign,” Jim Newell, wrote:

“For all the public comments the DNC will issue about how it’s hoping for an open, competitive, democratic nomination process, its job is to protect Hillary Clinton from being unduly tarnished ahead of the general election. I write none of this with malice. It’s just the way things are! And given the way things are, if, say, Bernie Sanders gave Hillary Clinton a run for her money or even took the nomination, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz would have a heart attack.”

Clinton, the former secretary of state and current front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, has had a rocky campaign. Now she has even more reason to worry.

She has faced surprisingly strong competition from Sanders, an avowed socialist who now trails Clinton in the first primary state of Iowa by just seven points.

Clinton has lost a third of her support in Iowa since May.

Vice President Joe Biden is now considering entering the race.

Clinton is also under investigation by the FBI for the use of a private email server as secretary of state, which contained emails with classified information, contrary to her denials.

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Planned Parenthood: Videos substantially real


An organization hired by Planned Parenthood to analyze the sting by the Center for Medical Progress that exposed the organization’s sale of baby body parts contends the video reports are misleading.

But Fusion GPS concluded that while “cuts, skips, missing tape, and changes in camera angle” were “suspicious,” its analysis commissioned by Planned Parenthood  “did not reveal widespread evidence of substantive video manipulation.”

The videos released over the past two months, which have prompted widespread horror and outrage, show Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of body parts with representatives in the trade.

WND reported Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards took her complaints about the videos — some of which were ordered by a judge to be released after Planned Parenthood tried to block them –  to Congress, asserting the undercover investigators should be investigated.

One video shows a Planned Parenthood executive worried about being “low-balled” in the sale of the body parts of aborted babies.

Four congressional committees and several states are investigating claims that Planned Parenthood has profited from sale of the parts and has altered procedures to obtain them, which are both illegal acts.

Several other states have concluded their investigations with no charges.

Read the tested and proven strategies to defeat the abortion cartel, in “Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time.”

The analysis commissioned by Planned Parenthood said the CMP videos contain “intentional post-production edits,” which means they “cannot be relied upon in official inquiries as a credible record of events unless the record is supplemented by CMP’s original unedited material.”

CMP, however, has released the lengthy, unedited footage that was used to make the produced video presentations.

The Fusion GPS report criticized CMP investigators for using two cameras, and a television producer who watched the videos identified “the use of ominous music, replays, color manipulation, ‘scratch’ effects, strategic display of frame counters and timestamps” to create “gotcha” moments.”

The report commissioned by Planned Parenthood said: “The numerous errors, discrepancies and omissions in the CMP transcripts render them useless as ‘evidence.’ They also cannot be relied upon in official inquiries as a credible text record of what is said in the videos.”

In response, CMP said the “forensic analysis” was nothing more than “a pseudoscientific production by Fusion GPS, a political opposition-research company that has no forensic certifications.”

“While the report, which contains multiple errors, set out to delegitimize CMP’s video evidence, it only provides evidence of the opposite: the report admits that ‘This analysis did not reveal widespread evidence of substantive video manipulation’ and that it ‘shows no evidence of audio manipulation.’”

CMP said the Planned Parenthood report “attempts to cast aspersions on the investigative footage because of the use of two cameras.”

“In reality, the use of multiple cameras corroborates the scenes recorded and enhances the evidentiary value of the footage. CMP provides law enforcement and official investigators with the original files from all recording devices.”

LifeNews reported CMP on Monday released a supplemental video to shed “more light on the profit Planned Parenthood makes associated with the sale of aborted babies and their body parts.”

In the first undercover video released by CMP, Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood commented on crushing babies. “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”

In the second video, Planned Parenthood’s Mary Gatter joked, “I want a Lamborghini.”

A former StemExpress worker, Holly O’Donnell, said in No. 3 that she fainted in horror when she was asked to process an aborted baby.

In No. 4, Savita Ginde of Planned Parenthood’s Denver clinic said she didn’t want to do a flat fee. “A per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”

In the fifth, Melissa Farrell of Planned Parenthood’s Houston clinic discusses “intact fetal cadavers.”

The sixth video returns to O’Donnell, who confirms fetal remains are taken for research without patient consent.

The seventh horrifying has the testimony of a Planned Parenthood worker who tapped an aborted infant’s heart and saw it start beating.

And No. 8 has Cate Dyer, CEO of Stem Express, admitting Planned Parenthood sells fully intact aborted babies.

Read the tested and proven strategies to defeat the abortion cartel, in “Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time.”

An old story

WND also has reported that as horrific as the videos appear, they should surprise no one, since such practices have been documented for nearly two decades already.

A price list uncovered by a pro-life organization dated June 1998 shows that the price per specimen from a second trimester abortion is $90 fresh and $130 frozen.

Mark Crutcher, whose Life Dynamics organization was a ground-breaker in investigating the abortion behemoth that gets some $500 million annually from U.S. taxpayers, worked on that investigation.

His group reported back in February 2000 how the baby parts market works: “A baby parts ‘wholesaler’ enters into a financial agreement with an abortion clinic in which the wholesaler pays a monthly ‘site fee’ to the clinic. For this payment, the wholesaler is allowed to place a retrieval agent inside the clinic where he or she is given access to the corpses of children killed there and a workspace to harvest their parts.”

He continued: “The buyer – usually a researcher working for a medical school, pharmaceutical company, bio-tech company or government agency – supplies the wholesaler with a list of the baby parts wanted. … when such orders are received … they are faxed to the retrieval agent at the clinic who harvests the requested parts and ships them to the buyer.”

The documentation was provided at that time to Life Dynamics by a worker who left Comprehensive Health for Women, a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Overland Park, Kansas.

“Black genocide in 21st century America?” Watch incredible “MAAFA 21” documentary!

Among the documents was a “Fee-for-Services” Schedule A, effective June 1998, which outlined a charge of $220 per specimen for first-trimester aspiration abortions and $260 if the baby parts were frozen.

Crutcher’s report, citing Planned Parenthood’s own paperwork, found that one agent sold during February 1996 alone 47 livers, 11 liver fragments, seven brains, 21 eyes, eight thymuses, 23 legs, 14 pancreases, 14 lungs, six arms and one kidney-adrenal gland.

He also sold three orders of blood from the unborn child. The retrieval agent “harvested all of the parts,” the report said, explaining that “in order for the blood of an aborted child to be sold, the dead baby had to be brought to him intact.”

The “specimens,” the report said, would have generated up to about $25,000 in revenue for one month from one retrieval agent at one Planned Parenthood business.

Crutcher reported that the tissue logs reveal that one baby is often chopped up and sold to many buyers.

For example, babies taken from donors 113968 and 114189 were both killed late in their second trimester and cut into nine pieces. By applying the price list, buyers would have been invoiced between $3,510 and $5,070 for these parts, he said.

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Obamacare abortion-pill mandate ‘unconstitutional’


A federal judge on Monday undermined the Obama administration’s position that only “religious organizations” can be exempted from Obamacare’s requirement that insurance policies provide contraceptives, including abortion-causing drugs.

In a case brought by the non-profit March for Life, U.S. District Judge Richard Leon ruled that those who oppose abortion on the basis of faith or moral beliefs should be exempt.

After an uproar, Washington backed down from the contraceptive mandate, exempting religious organizations. But it has fought case after case to impose that requirement on everyone else.

The administration has lost several times, including the U.S. Supreme Court Hobby Lobby case.

In the newest ruling, Leon found the mandate “violates the equal protection clause of the Fifth Amendment and must be struck down as unconstitutional.”

Matt Bowman, a senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom, which represented March for Life, said the ruling opens the possibility that a range of additional individuals and organizations qualify for an exemption.

Get “Surviving the Medical Meltdown” for tips on dealing with the “disaster” of Obamacare.

The judge noted the way the Obama administration handled the exemption for religious organizations.

“What HHS claims to be protecting is religious beliefs, when it actually is protecting a moral philosophy about the sanctity of life,” he wrote. “HHS may be correct that this objection [to abortion] is common among religiously affiliated employers. Where HHS has erred, however, is in assuming that this trait is unique to such organizations.

“It is not,” he wrote.

For example, “anti-abortion advocacy is March for Life’s sole and central tenet. ”

“It is an entity founded exclusively on pro-life principles, and its governing ethos – indeed its corporate dogma – is staunchly anti-abortifacient,” Bowman said.

“To say that its employees oppose contraceptives understates the vehemence of their objection,” he said. “According to plaintiffs, March for Life’s employees not only reject abortifacients in principle, but they ‘don’t want them, don’t want coverage for them, and will not use’ them in practice.”

He argued that March for Life and exempted religious organizations “are not just ‘similarly situated,’ they are identically situated.”

“Their employees share, as a function of their belief system, the ‘unique’ tenets of an employment relationship that HHS seeks to protect. It is difficult to imagine a more textbook example of the trait HHS purports to accommodate.”

The judge said that not exempting March for Life because it is “not religious” is “nothing short of regulatory favoritism.”

The judge said that if the purpose of the religious employer exemption is, as HHS states, “to respect the anti-abortifacient tenets of an employment relationship, then it makes no rational sense – indeed, no sense whatsoever – to deny March [for] Life that same respect.”

“The order is the first one to be granted in favor of an organization opposed to the mandate for pro-life reasons based on moral convictions instead of religion,” ADF said in its report on the ruling.

March for Life, which holds its well-known, pro-life march each year in Washington, asked for the injunction in July 2014.

Forced to ‘betray values’

The Obamacare mandate was written to force employers, regardless of their moral convictions, to provide insurance coverage for abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization and contraception under threat of heavy financial penalties through the IRS.

“Pro-life organizations should not be forced into betraying the very values they were established to advance,” said Bowman.

“This is especially true of March for Life, which was founded to uphold life, not to assist in taking it. The government has no right to demand that organizations provide health insurance plan options that explicitly contradict their mission.”

March for Life was organized after the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion nationwide. Its very existence is based on its opposition to abortion, and its moral beliefs “forbid it from furthering abortion through health insurance coverage it offers to its employees,” ADF argued.

March for Life’s beliefs “are based solely on non-religious ethics and science,” ADF said, even though some employees also claimed faith-based reasons.

“Americans should not be forced to choose between following their deepest convictions and submitting to unlawful and unnecessary government mandates,” added ADF Senior Counsel Kevin Theriot. “We hope other courts that consider similar cases will issue their own orders upholding the right of pro-life organizations to be free from this type of government coercion.”

ADF and other attorneys are litigating a number of other cases also focusing on the abortion-pill mandate.

Along with Hobby Lobby, Wheaton College of Illinois and others have won rulings.


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Supremes rule on clerk who refuses to marry ‘gays’

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis

The full U.S. Supreme Court, including two justices who openly performed “same-sex wedding” ceremonies while the legality of that very issue was pending before them as judges, on Monday denied a Kentucky county clerk her constitutionally protected religious freedom rights and left standing an order that she issue “same-sex marriage” licenses in violation of her faith.

A request had been submitted to the court for a stay in the order while the case involving Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis is developed at the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals by attorneys with Liberty Counsel.

Mat Staver, the founder, said Davis would report to work on Tuesday and “face whatever she has to face.”

He told reporters, “She’s going to have to think and pray about her decision … she certainly understands the consequences either way.”

Justice Elena Kagan, who oversees the district, was one of two justices, along with Ruth Ginsberg, who defied conventional judicial ethics behavior and perform a “same-sex wedding” while the case was under consideration. She had gotten the request for a stay and referred it to the whole court.

But the justices refused to consider Davis’ constitutionally enumerated religious rights and without comment, refused to act.

Read Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage in the WND Superstore!

Those who have raised complaints about Davis’ actions pointedly have bypassed more than 100 other locations in Kentucky where they could obtain their license any time they wanted in order to put Davis in the position of facing possible criminal charges and punishment.

Liberty Counsel has pointed out that even the district court, which issued the order against Davis, admitted that the case presented a “conflict” between “two individual liberties held sacrosanct in American jurisprudence.”

One was the enumerated right to religious freedom, the other the newly created marriage right.

Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver had argued, “Providing religious conviction accommodations is not antithetical for public employees. Throughout our history the courts have accommodated people’s deeply held religious beliefs.

“The Supreme Court’s marriage opinion does not suggest that religious accommodations cannot be made or that people have a fundamental right to receive a marriage license from a particular clerk,” he continued, referencing the original opinion.

“There is absolutely no reason that this case has gone so far without reasonable people respecting and accommodating Kim Davis’s First Amendment rights,” he said.

“The SSM Mandate demands that she either fall in line (her conscience be damned) or leave office (her livelihood and job for three decades in the clerk’s office be damned). If Davis’ religious objection cannot be accommodated when Kentucky marriage licenses are available in more than 130 marriage licensing locations, and many other less restrictive alternatives remain available, then elected officials have no real religious freedom when they take public office.”

The courts have misbehaved already, the document arguments.

“No court, and especially no third-party desiring to violate religious belief, is fit to set the contours of conscience,” Liberty Counsel argued. “For if that were true, a person who religiously objects to wartime combat would be forced to shoulder a rifle regardless of their conscience or be refused citizenship; a person who religiously objects to work on the Sabbath day of their faith would be forced to accept such work regardless of their conscience or lose access to state unemployment benefits; a person who religiously objects to state-mandated schooling for their children would be forced to send their children to school regardless of their conscience or face criminal penalties; a person who religiously objects to state-approved messages would be forced to carry that message on their vehicles regardless of their conscience or face criminal penalties; a person who religiously objects to capital punishment would be forced to participate in an execution regardless of their conscience or lose their job; a person who religiously objects to providing abortion-related and contraceptive insurance coverage to their employees would be forced to pay for such coverage regardless of their conscience or face staggering fines.”

Those are examples “that the majority who adhere to a general law …. Do not control the dictates of individual conscience.”

The Obergefell decision, in fact, recognized the religious rights of Americans, even while creating the new right to “same-sex marriage.”

“Obergefell unanimously held that First Amendment protections for religious persons remain despite SSM,” Liberty argued.

WND reported earlier that “gays” were demanding Davis be charged with official misconduct.

Davis had stopped issuing any marriage licenses, in order not to discriminate, following the Supreme Court’s creation of the new marriage right.

She also has filed a separate lawsuit against her governor for violating her religious rights.

In Obergefell, the four dissenting Supreme Court justices – John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito – all warned that creating the new right of same-sex “marriage” would war against the existing right of religious exercise embedded in the U.S. Constitution.

“And here we are, two months later, and it is already happening,” Staver said.

Liberty Counsel warned two years ago, Staver said, that religious freedom would be replaced by the new “right” to a “same-sex marriage.” They were roundly criticized by the left for resorting to “scare tactics” and “conspiracy theories.”

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Sheriff: Obama’s ‘war’ on cops sparked Texas ambush

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke says the Obama administration is leading a “war” on U.S. law-enforcement officers.

The sheriff made his comments in the wake of the ambush and shooting death of a Houston officer who died while filling up his vehicle at a gas station.

“I said last December that war had been declared on the American police officer, led by some high profile people — one of them coming out of the White House, one of them coming out of the Department of Justice,” Sheriff Clarke told Fox News on Saturday.

“It’s open season right now, no doubt about it. … I’m tired of hearing people call [Black Lives Matter] black activists. They’re black slime, and it needs to be eradicated from American society and American culture. I need every law-abiding person in the United States of America to stand up and start pushing back against this slime, this filth disparaging the American law enforcement officers within these communities.”

Watch video of Clarke’s statements:

Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth, 47, died Friday night in Cypress, Texas, after being shot 15 times. Houston resident Shannon J. Miles, 30, was arrested in connection with the attack after it was determined that .40-caliber shell casings from the crime scene matched a handgun in his home.

Miles appeared in state District Court on Monday and is being held without bond.

Miles intends to plead not guilty to capital murder.

“He had indicated to the investigating officers that he was not involved in the case,” Miles’ attorney, Anthony Osso, told AP on Monday.

“This rhetoric has gotten out of control. We’ve heard Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter. Well, cops’ lives matter, too. And take that to the bank,” Harris Country Sheriff Ron Hickman said Saturday.

“We need to hear more of that from everybody,” Sheriff Clarke told Fox News in response to Sheriff Hickman’s statement. “This whole movement — ‘Black Lies’ I’ve renamed it — because it’s based on a lie, the ‘Hands up, don’t shoot.’ That’s why I said this slime need to be eradicated from American society and American culture.”

Osso said Monday that his client will soon undergo a psychological examination, CNN reported. The suspect has a criminal record that goes back to 2005 and a history of mental illness, AP reported. He was also arrested in 2012 and spent months inside a state mental hospital.

Last week’s killing in Houston pushed the number of ambushes in 2015 to 23.

The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund reported in December that 15 officers were killed in 2014, CNN reported Monday. The organization said that number tripled the number of ambushes perpetrated on law enforcement personnel in 2013.

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‘Mega’ Agenda 21 resurrected with pope’s help

Pope Francis is the 266th pope, and he will arrive in the U.S. to meet with President Obama on the 266th day of the year.

Pope Francis is the 266th pope, and he will arrive in the U.S. to meet with President Obama on the 266th day of the year.

As the choppy waters of September 2015 move ashore, all eyes will be on Pope Francis’ visit to the United States, jittery stock markets and signs in the heavens.

Francis is expected to enthusiastically endorse a new U.N. document that promises to wipe out poverty by 2030 by reordering the world economy along the line of socialist principles. The document, titled “Transforming Our World: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” also seeks to “strengthen universal peace” and usher in a new era of shared prosperity.

The pope’s visit marks just one in a series of historic and potentially prophetic events during the month of September.

  • The climax of the biblical Sabbath year known as the Shemitah occurs on Sept. 13, along with a partial solar eclipse.
  • The largest-ever military exercise, Jade Helm, concludes Sept. 15, while the world’s most ambitious scientific experiment is taking place all month at the CERN Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Congress is supposed to vote on Obama’s Iran nuclear deal by by Sept. 17.
  • The 266th pope arrives on Sept. 23, the 266th day of the year, which also happens to be Yom Kippur or the Jewish Day of Atonement, and the beginning of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, also known as “the Feast of the Sacrifice.”
  • Francis will be the first pope to address a joint session of Congress Sept. 24.
  • Francis delivers the keynote speech Sept. 25 to the U.N. sustainability summit in New York.
  • On Sept. 28, the fourth and last of the “blood moons” takes place on the biblical Feast of Tabernacles.

Short of a global economic collapse, the U.N.’s rollout of its new agenda for sustainable development could have the most far-reaching impact of all these events.

See all of Jonathan Cahn’s books, movies and teachings in one place.

“Basically they are rebooting Agenda 21,” said Tom DeWeese, president and founder of the American Policy Center, and they are calling on the world’s most visible religious leader to promote the agenda.

The U.N. 2030 Agenda includes 17 goals that aim for the re-ordering of all human activity.

Despite the failure of Agenda 21 to “end poverty,” the pope and the U.N. will ask 193 national leaders to go home from the Sept. 25-27 summit and promote the new U.N. plan to usher in its planned global utopia, DeWeese said.

“These same NGOs (who failed to end poverty through Agenda 21) are headed to New York City to announce their new 2030 Agenda to ‘Transform the World,’” he said. “The preamble to the document says ‘All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan.’”

But unlike 1992, when nobody was paying much attention as Agenda 21 was rolled out at the U.N. Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, all eyes will be on the pope as he sings the praises of the new U.N. plan on Sept. 25, DeWeese said.

DeWeese and others expect a massive promotional campaign to combat climate change. That’s where the pope comes in. He will wrap the sustainability principles in the verbiage of social justice and helping the poor, perhaps even citing Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, encouraging other world religious leaders to follow his lead in embracing the U.N. prescription for mankind.

The ‘overthrow’ of capitalism

But what is “sustainable development?”

Patrick Wood, an economist and author of “Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation,” says it’s clear the U.N. and its supporters see sustainable development as more than just the way to a cleaner environment. They see it as the vehicle for creating a long-sought new international economic order, or “New World Order.”

Wood says this involves the overthrow of capitalism and the free enterprise system on a global scale.

Christiana Figueres, the U.N.’s top climate change official, admitted as much in a comment earlier this year.

“This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history,” Figueres, who heads up the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, told reporters in February.

“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for the at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution,” Figueres said.

Francis, as the first Jesuit pope, is well known for his socialist leanings.

His statements in his encyclical about the need for global governance to combat “climate change,” must be looked at in the context of the pope’s background and announced priorities.

‘A New World Order based on socialism’

Author Tom Horn points out that Father Malachi Martin predicted in his book “The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church,” what might happen if a Jesuit ever gets control of the Vatican.

Tom Horn

Tom Horn

As a Jesuit himself and a longtime Vatican insider, Martin, who died in 1999, had hoped that what he predicted would never actually play out, but it is becoming apparent that his predictions are playing out exactly as he said they would, Horn said in a recent commentary on SkyWatch TV.

“He said there was a secret war between the Jesuits and the other Catholic priests to take control of the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican in particular,” Horn said. Traditionalists such as Cardinal Raymond Burke have been demoted by Francis.

Horn believes the pope’s recent encyclical on climate change and the reshuffling of key Vatican leaders may have something to do with what’s about to occur on the global stage.

Check out the blockbuster documentary film, “The Last Pope,” bundled with Tom Horn’s book “Petrus Romanus,” about the final days of the papacy.

130514petrusromanuscover“Malachi (Martin) said the Jesuits would use the Vatican, because it’s not like any other Christian denomination,” Horn said. “It’s got 90 ambassadors parked there on any day, it’s got political relationships with most of the nations of the world, and Malachi said that’s why the Jesuits wanted to seize control of the Vatican, so they could use it as a machine, he said, that would give assistance to the rise of a New World Order and he very specifically said they would use it to do the things that Pope Francis is doing now, a New World Order based on socialism, Marxism, and that they would work in tandem ultimately with the rise of the antichrist for the implementation of the objectives of the antichrist.”

If they succeed in doing away with capitalism, which Figueres openly stated was the goal, the question is, what will replace it?

“I say it’s technocracy,” Wood said. “They say it’s the ‘green economy’ and ‘sustainable development.’”

But regardless of what you call it, the U.N. plan calls for more centralized planning of economies, more regulations, less freedom, he says.

“If the world continues on this trajectory, we will lose everything that sustains any semblance of individual liberty and freedom,” he said. “Someone else will decide what to manufacture, how much to make, who and how much an individual may purchase, and at what cost. Someone else will tell you where you can work, for how long, at what wage. Someone else will tell you where you can live, how big it will be, how many children you can have and where you will send them for indoctrination. There will be no private property rights, no ability to pass wealth to your children.”

Phasing out national sovereignty

In the summary of the High-Level Political Forum of Sustainable Development that came up with the 17 goals to be implemented by 2030, it clearly states that member nations will be expected to make “constitutional amendments and creation or adjustments of institutions,” in order to implement the goals.

Martin Sajdik, president of the U.N. Economic and Social Council, states in the summary that “Governments must respond with policies that support individuals throughout their life course and promote non-discrimination and inclusivity,” with “adequate attention” given to “marginalized and disadvantaged groups, including children, youth, the old, women, indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities and migrants.”

The U.N. is calling for a massive propaganda campaign at all levels to bring its “transformative global agenda” into being. It even has a slogan, “Leave no one behind.”

Sajdik in his summary describes how U.N. Agenda 2030′s goals will be promoted, extending into social media, traditional media and even embedded in every nation’s pop culture through music and art:

“Communication should aim to make people understand how they personally contribute to the global agenda and to feel proud of this. It will be important to project that this is a universal agenda, with a much greater level of ambition than one could have imagined a few years ago. The motto to ‘Leave no one behind’ is also a powerful vehicle for mobilizing people. It can be a two-way street, and be used to collect data on what people want and to create feed-back loop.

“The agenda should be communicated through social media, traditional media and traditional civil society mobilization techniques as well as art, music and culture. Communication will have to happen in all countries and at all levels, down to the local grass roots level where implementation takes place. It needs to reach all groups and to be tailored to various countries and groups. It is also good to identify and target trend-setters in various communities.”

While a small cadre of activists are poised to expose the U.N. 2030 agenda as a war against national sovereignty and the middle class, the vast majority of Americans are completely unaware of the U.N.’s plan to reorder society and transform the global economic system.

There has been virtually no coverage of the 2030 Agenda in the establishment media to date, but Wood says to get ready for a barrage of media indoctrination that appeals to the emotions.

“The people are so unaware of the magnitude of this,” Wood said. “Agenda 21 was introduced as a voluntary program, very innocuous, where all their apologists said ‘we didn’t force it on you so what’s the harm?’”

In reality very little turned out to be voluntary. “It’s been implemented from the top down, and very cleverly, the spin they put on it is unbelievable,” Wood said.

Instead of wiping out poverty, the elimination of plentiful coal and forced greening of the economy will drive more people into poverty, Wood believes.

Anyone who protests will be branded as a “conspiracy theorist” or worse.

This is a process that has been mastered by the left since the 1970s and 80s, when the elites started using Hollywood to push their agenda.

“It reminds me of the skit they did in 1981 on the Barney Miller show on the Trilateral Commission,” Wood said. “It was hilarious but it was complete misinformation, branding anyone who would talk about it as an idiot. Where did that little hit piece come from and work its way into a Barney Miller segment?

“The message came out, you bring this up and you deserve to be in jail.”

Wood was at the time trying to market his 1979 book, “Trilaterals over Washington,” co-authored with Dr. Antony Sutton of the Hoover Institute at Stanford University. The book was boycotted and never saw the light of day on the shelves of major bookstores.

So he expects similar attacks on anyone who exposes the truth about U.N. Agenda 2030.

“They put out the spin, and that’s what people remember,” he said. “They clearly have got the upper hand at this point and I think awareness is the key. We have to hammer it and call it for what it is and maybe we can change the spin. If they win, they will shut us up.”

To come up with the 17 goals and 169 targets in the “outcome document,” U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon appointed 27 “eminent persons” to the so-called “High-level Political Forum.” Only one American, former Clinton chief of staff and Trilateralist John Podesta, who also served as Obama’s top climate change adviser and now is managing Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

It is this 29-page document that will be up for a vote of the General Assembly at the Sept. 25-27 U.N. summit.

“There will be lots of smokescreens to keep people’s attention away from this,” Wood said.

“What they intend to do I believe is to have a presentation of the document; they will have a lot of people say a lot of good things about it, but it will not be open for discussion. You will not be able to add to it or change it but they will have speakers like the pope say this is great and needs to be approved,” Wood said. “The idea is to get every nation on the planet to sign on to the outcome and say they will commit to do these things.”

Congress forced to go along?

And, just like they did so effectively with Agenda 21, the U.N. will again stress that there is no legally binding mechanism for Agenda 2030. That means it’s not a treaty, but it is a “politically binding” document.

“Agenda 21 wasn’t legally binding either; it was politically binding. The difference is subtle. Political leaders like Obama will use a politically binding document to brow beat Congress and tell them if you do not follow this you will devastate our reputation on the world stage. Congress will say ‘we didn’t sign any legally binding agreement on this,’ but the president will say ‘it doesn’t matter, I signed it and you will carry it out.’ It’s like what he’s doing with the Iran deal right now.”

The Republican leadership will likely side with Obama, marginalizing those members in the House and Senate who object.

“If Congress doesn’t go along with Obama on this you know what he’s going to do, he’s going to go straight to the EPA and tell them to tighten the screws and we’ll just meet these goals and targets ourselves, through regulations, we’ll complete the kill off of the coal industry, we’ll refuse tax exempt status for anyone who tries to resist us.

“Obama will tell them, ‘look, I made a politically binding agreement on this, you can’t back out, and regardless of what you decide, I’m going to carry it out, and Congress is left neutered. Impotent. Like they have been on everything else he has done.”

Wood expects Republicans such as Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, and many of the others running for president, would, if elected, follow through with implementing the 2030 Agenda.

“At this point there will be zero chance except that you literally disband these agencies, like the EPA, because you can’t get rid of these technocrats, they have incredible power,” Wood said. “This is the problem people don’t understand. Who is really wielding the power today? Most Americans believe it’s Congress. But they don’t. Even a new president coming in cannot go in and selectively remove these career bureaucrats. They are civil servants, some were hired by Reagan.”

The only candidate who promised to close entire agencies such as the EPA and Department of Education was Ron Paul.

“He was the only one who promised that. It would have been almost like civil war in every direction if he had been elected,” Wood said. “It would be tough, it would not just be a stroke of the pen, it would be very hard, but it could be done. Awareness is the big thing here. And if the people don’t finally figure out what a big scam this is, we’re in trouble.”

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New Christian movie stuns at box office


Secular reviewers aren’t exactly fond of the new movie “War Room,” made by the producers of the Christian films “Courageous” and “Fireproof.”

In fact, TV Guide reported it got “nearly universal bad reviews.”

But TV Guide said that despite the reviews, “War Room” earned $11 million and challenged “Straight Outta Compton” for the No. 1 slot, making it “a formidable force at the box office.”

On Friday, “War Room” topped “Compton,” which finished with $13.2 million for the weekend.

Brent Lang at Variety, writing under the headline “‘War Room’ Stuns With $11 Million,” said the box office “underwent a religious conversion this weekend as Christian crowds flocked to ‘War Room,’ lifting the low-budget salute to prayer above the Zac Efron drama ‘We Are Your Friends.’”

He noted it was filmed for a “mere $3 million.”

See WND Superstore’s extensive collection of Christian movie offerings

Paul Dergarabedian, senior media analyst with Rentrak, told Variety, “These are the kind of outlier events that happen and wake everyone up to the fact that faith-based audiences are passionate and looking for content.”

WND reported “War Room” co-producers and co-writers Alex and Stephen Kendrick believe this work is their best yet.

“‘War Room’ is filled with heart like our other films,” Stephen told WND. “Like our other films, you’re gonna laugh, you’re gonna cry, be caught up with the story and inspired by messages from Scripture that hopefully will enrich your own life.”

RELATED WND REVIEW OF ‘WAR ROOM’: Christian movie among ‘best ever’?

Alex said he and his brother spent a lot of time praying for guidance regarding the film’s emphasis, and the answer was that it should be about prayer itself.

“[God] pointed us to the power of prayer, and even the weapon that prayer can be, and the fact that we need to go seek Him first and do our battles first in prayer,” Alex told WND.

The concept of prayer as a battle inspired the movie’s title, according to Alex. Just as military commanders plan their strategy in a war room before they hit the battlefield, the Kendricks believe Christians must go into their prayer closets and pray before going outside and living out the gospel.

Alex cited Matthew 6:6, where Jesus instructs his followers on how to pray: “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

See the WND Superstore’s huge selection of movies, from “Alone Yet Not Alone” to “Trapped in Hitler’s Hell”

Said Alex: “We want to call the church and remind them of the crucial priority that prayer should be in your life for every area. You can pray about anything. But spend that time exclusively with the Lord, undistracted, before we fight our battles in life.”

The Kendricks have both served as Baptist pastors.

Chris Stone of the Faith Driven Consumer, said the film’s makers “have an authenticity with this audience.”

“They have consistently delivered a good product that resonates with the community.”

About the reviewers cataloged on the Rotten Tomatoes website giving the movie a “rotten” rating? The brothers say the critics may not understand the movies, but the audience does.

It’s about a disintegrating marriage saved by intense prayer.

Wrote Lang: “The brothers have transformed themselves into Steven Spielberg of Christian cinema. Their names above the title are enough to open movies that are firmly pitched to the faithful.”

The Kendricks believe now is a great time for Americans to turn to God through prayer, considering all the turmoil in the country.

“We believe that right now, the politics is not getting it done, more money is not getting it done, the fights and the racism, the cultural wars,” Stephen said. “We go back to, what does Scripture say God will do if we repent, if we as a nation will seek his face and humble ourselves and pray? He says he’ll heal our land. He says He’ll work. We see it in history. We see it in the Scripture. We believe He wants to do it now.”

The Kendricks urge everyone to take part in the 9/11 National Day of Prayer and Repentance. Held every year on Sept. 11, the event calls on Americans to heed the words of 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their sinful ways, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.”

See their message:

The event is held on the anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks because that day was a “national wake-up call” and “epitomized our dependence on God and our helplessness without Him,” according to

The Kendricks agree with the event’s founders that Americans have slipped into a pattern of immorality and need to pray for God’s mercy on them and on the country.

“God has worked miraculously in previous generations when believers united together across racial and denominational lines and began to cry out to Him on behalf of their nations,” Stephen stated. “The second and first Great Awakenings in America happened because believers were praying. We believe the time is now for believers to get desperate before the Lord and begin to cry out to Him based upon what is going on in our country.”

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