Monday, 2 May 2016

Climate hustle: ‘They’ve juiced the science’


(Photo: Twitter)

For one day only, theaters across America screened a new documentary aiming to expose the “scientific nonsense” of the climate change movement and show it’s nothing but a huge wealth redistribution scheme.

“Climate Hustle” is in theaters Monday, May 2. It’s a project spearheaded by Marc Morano, executive editor and chief correspondent at

“This is a film aimed for the general public, and what we’re trying to do is reinforce what they know in their gut that what they’ve seen every night on the nightly news, all the propaganda, all the academia, coming from Hollywood, coming from the United Nations, coming from Al Gore means they’re being hustled scientifically and politically,” Morano said.

“They’ve juiced the science,” added Morano, citing former United Nations who expose the system in “Climate Hustle.” “They discard data that doesn’t support them. They suppress scientists, they threaten journal editors. Mostly they intimidate scientists who don’t go along.”

Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Marc Morano:


He said the film shreds the conventional wisdom that political moves will somehow allow humans to control the earth’s climate.

“There are hundreds of factors influencing our climate,” he said. “Carbon dioxide is but one of them. The idea we can tweak carbon dioxide on the margins and come up with a predictable climate or some impact on the climate, as one scientist says in the film, it’s scientific nonsense.”

To learn where the movie is showing near you, and to buy tickets, visit

Morano said there is also humor in the film, as a result of some of the dire climate predictions over the years.

“We go through the tipping points. We show how the United Nations in the 1980s was predicting a 10-year tipping point, where we must act in order to fight global warming,” Morano said.

“We have Prince Charles. We have Al Gore and a whole host of other people making ridiculous tipping points that have come and gone but they just draw a line and scratch out the old date and enter a new date.”

“Climate Hustle” contends that the insistence of liberals that climate change is our greatest global challenge is simply a way from distracting the public form the real agenda: Spreading the wealth around.

“We have the U.N. on record as saying they want to redistribute wealth by climate policy,” he said. “We have the E.U. climate commissioner saying that even if they’re wrong on the science, they’re doing the right thing by policy. So they don’t even care about the science.

“They’re admitting the science is irrelevant. They’re using a climate scare in order to achieve their agenda,” Morano said.

While important scientific concepts and political ideas are discussed, Morano stressed again that the film is also very entertaining.

“It’s very simply laid out so people can just sit back and enjoy. It’s a popcorn-munching film, I promise,” he said.

Tickets for “Climate Hustle” are sold at the film’s website or at the box office of theaters where it is shown Monday. A list of participating theaters is available at the site.

See the trailer:


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