Hillary Clinton
Fully half of likely Democratic voters said in a recent Rasmussen Reports survey they would vote for Hillary Clinton even if she were to be indicted for a felony.
The shocking finding was based on a national telephone and online query to 1,000 likely voters, and has a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points.
And by the numbers: Only 43 percent of likely U.S. voters thought Clinton ought to suspend her campaign immediately if she’s charged with a felony in connection to her home-based email server. Fifty percent, however, think she should keep on seeking the high office, felony indictment be danged, until she’s proven guilty in court.
Democrats more than Republicans thought Clinton should keep campaigning in the face of a felony, by a margin of 71 percent to 30 percent.
And while 40 percent all voters said they were less likely to vote the Clinton ticket because of her ongoing email server scandal – which has brought on a federal criminal investigation – another 48 percent shrugged it off and said the issue has no bearing at all on their vote. Another eight percent, meanwhile, said the email scandal “makes them more likely to vote for the former first lady,” Rasumussen reported.
It’s not like the voters who support Clinton in the face of a felony charge think she’s innocent. Rather, they recognize her likely guilt – but support her just the same.
One more statistic from the survey: “Sixty-five percent consider it likely that Clinton broke the law by sending and receiving emails containing classified information through a private email server while serving as secretary of state. This includes 47 percent who say it’s very likely. These findings are unchanged from January.”
from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/hillary-indicted-huge-number-would-still-vote-for-her/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/hillary-indicted-huge-number-would-still-vote-for-her/
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