Friday, 27 May 2016

Kentucky joins lawsuit over Obama’s transgender agenda

President Obama (White House photo)

President Obama (White House photo)

Kentucky has become the latest state to join in a lawsuit against the Obama administration’s transgender agenda.

WND reported earlier this week that Texas took the lead in filing the legal challenge to Obama’s demands that businesses, government and schools cater to the preferences of those with alternative sexual lifestyles.

A viral video from Family Research Council poked fun at Obama for having bathroom on the brain, as FRC chief Tony Perkins said, “We commend Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and these 10 other states for resisting the president’s locker room and bathroom decree that sacrifices the privacy and safety of children.”

“In President Obama’s final drive to fundamentally transform America, he has pushed aside the concerns of parents and schools, the privacy and safety of students, and ignored the boundaries of his constitutional power.”

The special Whistleblower edition “Trans-Mania” exposes the left’s “latest – and strangest – war on reality and normality.”

A report from WAVE3 News in Kentucky now has confirmed that Kentucky is joining the action.

“The federal government has no authority to dictate local school districts’ bathroom and locker room policies,” Gov. Matt Bevin said in a statement. “The Obama administration’s transgender policy ‘guidelines’ are an absurd federal overreach into a local issue.”

Bevin said his administration will protect Kentucky’s control over local issues by joining the fight.

“We are committed to protecting the Tenth Amendment and fighting federal overreach into state and local issues,” he said.

The complaint charges the administration has “conspired to turn workplaces and educational settings across the country into laboratories for a massive social experiment, flouting the democratic process, and running roughshod over commonsense policies protecting children and basic privacy rights.”

The original plaintiffs included Texas, Alabama, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Tennessee, Arizona’s Department of Education, Maine Gov. Paul LePage, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Utah and Georgia.

Officials later said Mississippi, too, was joining the effort.

Critics have charged Obama is threatening the safety of students and trying to blackmail states with his threat to withhold federal funding for schools.

“This lawsuit is challenging the way that the Obama administration is trampling the United States Constitution,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said.

White House officials describe the issue as a civil rights matter, but critics argue Obama’s mandate sacrifices the privacy of hundreds of millions for the lifestyle preference of a few.

WND reported how Washington is trying to make sexual alternatives mainstream.

The conflict reached a high point in 2015 when the U.S. Supreme Court departed from millennia of precedent and the Judeo-Christian foundation of Western civilization to create “same-sex marriage,” a ruling condemned by a four-justice minority as unconnected to the Constitution.

But that wasn’t the end, as the following headlines attest:

The special Whistleblower edition “Trans-Mania” exposes the left’s “latest – and strangest – war on reality and normality.”

The federal government made its latest move after North Carolina lawmakers adopted a law in March requiring people to use gender-designated public facilities that correspond to the gender listed on their birth certificate. The aim was to protect women and children from being confronted by a naked man.

But the Department of Justice then threatened the state with financial penalties, claiming the law violates the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

That argument presumes Congress, in 1964, wanted men to be allowed to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms and vice versa, which is ridiculous, contends Kellie Fiedorek, a legal counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom, which specializes in civil and religious rights.

“North Carolina’s bathroom privacy law, HB2, fully complies with federal law,” Fiedorek said.

“It’s absurd to assert, as the Department of Justice does, that by placing the word ‘sex’ in federal nondiscrimination laws, Congress intended to force states to open their restrooms to people of the opposite biological sex,” Fiedorek continued. “Gov. McCrory and the state of North Carolina are fulfilling their duty to protect the privacy rights of their citizens.

On the new lawsuit, Perkins continued, “If the White House can dictate the policies for every school locker room, shower, and bathroom in America, what could possibly be beyond its reach?

“We are also encouraged by the scores of state leaders who are standing up to the Obama administration’s unilateral redefinition of federal law. It is now time for Republicans in Congress, who have the constitutional authority as a coequal branch of government, to support these state leaders and bring the imperial White House under control.”

The organization earlier poked fun at Obama with a video suggesting he has bathrooms on the brain.

“So … while ISIS is infiltrating America … President Obama seems confused about human biology. While Russia taunts our military … President Obama is fighting for men to access to women’s locker rooms. While Iran and North Korea fire ballistic missiles … President Obama is demanding grown men have the right to use women’s bathrooms,” the video states.

“Who knows what’s next? President Obama could issue an executive order wiping out single gendered bathrooms in national parks … or in federal buildings … or tell the TSA to stop requiring those who fly to declare their biological sex. It’s absurd.”

The video:



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