Sunday, 29 May 2016

Bernie Sanders try to oust unfavorable DNC chiefs falls flat

Sen. Bernie Sanders

Sen. Bernie Sanders

Sen. Bernie Sanders, facing an ever-dwindling chance of claiming enough delegates to win the Democratic Party’s nod for president, tried a hail Mary pass via a letter to the Democratic National Committee, headed by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, demanding the removal of two key leaders he says are biased against him – and lost.

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Attorneys for Sanders wrote in a letter that Governor Dannel Malloy, co-chair of the Standing Platform Committee, and Barney Frank, former congressman and present co-chair of the Standing Rules Committee for the 2016 national convention, “have been harsh, vocal critics of Senator Sanders, and equally active supporters of his challenger, Hillary Clinton.”

The letter went on, calling Malloy and Frank “aggressive attack surrogates for the Clinton campaign,” whose criticisms of Sanders “have gone beyond dispassionate ideological disagreement” in to the arena of “a deeper professional, political and personal hostility” toward the campaign.

“The chairs therefore cannot be relied upon to perform their convention duties fairly and capably while laboring under such deeply held bias,” the letter stated. “The campaign requestfully but emphatically requests … that both Governor Malloy and Mr. Frank be disqualified from the respective positions with the Standing Platform and Rules Committees.”

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DNC officials shortly after penned a letter back to Sanders and his campaign, dismissing the demand.

“Having carefully reviewed your challenge, we find that it fails to meet the criteria … [and] we are compelled to dismiss it,” Jim Roosevelt and Lorraine Miller, co-chairs of the Rules and Bylaws Committee, wrote, the Hill reported.

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