Tuesday, 29 September 2015

‘No evidence of manipulation’ in Planned Parenthood videos


tv-camera-cropJust as Planned Parenthood’s president was being grilled Tuesday by members of Congress about undercover videos revealing the organization’s body-parts trade, a new forensic analysis undercut claims that the videos had been manipulated and were misleading.

The analysis found the “recording are authentic and show no evidence of manipulation.”

The report was delivered to the Alliance Defending Freedom, which hired Coalfire Systems Inc. to analyze the “raw video and audio data files” that have been creating havoc for America’s largest abortion provider.

The videos were made by the Center for Medical Progress, which was supported by several pro-life organizations. Over a period of many months, CMP set up a fake company that negotiated with Planned Parenthood executives for the sale of the body parts of aborted babies, which are used in research.

The sting captured Planned Parenthood executives discussing the price for body parts, the profits and the negative consequences if the public were to discover what they were doing.

One of the outcomes of the video series is Tuesday’s hearing in Congress.

Coalfire is a highly regarded forensic analysis and cybersecurity company that works for Fortune 500 companies.

Read the tested and proven strategies to defeat the abortion cartel, in “Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time.”

Colfire said the CMP video files “are authentic and show no evidence of manipulation or editing.”

“This conclusion is supported by the consistency of the video file date and time stamps, the video timecode, as well as the folder and file naming scheme,” the company said.

Portions that were excerpted were “non-pertinent footage,” such as for “waiting,” “adjusting recording equipment” and  “restroom breaks.”

Coalfire’s conclusion was consistent with a previous analysis commissioned by Planned Parenthood.

But Planned Parenthood has contended the videos, 10 released so far, were manipulated, edited and changed to mislead people about the events they recorded.

However, Fusion GPS, hired by Planned Parenthood, concluded that while “cuts, skips, missing tape, and changes in camera angle” were “suspicious,” its analysis commissioned by Planned Parenthood “did not reveal widespread evidence of substantive video manipulation.”

One video shows a Planned Parenthood executive worried about being “low-balled” in the sale of the body parts of aborted babies.

In another, a Planned Parenthood executive explains the availability of “intact” fetal bodies. Another has a corporate executive discussing prices and stating, “I want a Lamborghini.”

Yet another video revealed an abortion executive talking about changing procedures to obtain the human organs that researchers would want.

Another video features a former abortion worker explaining how she was told to scavenge the brain from an aborted child whose heart was still beating.

Several investigations have commenced at the state and congressional levels.

Read the tested and proven strategies to defeat the abortion cartel, in “Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time.”

The Fusion GPS report criticized CMP investigators for using two cameras, and a television producer who watched the videos identified “the use of ominous music, replays, color manipulation, ‘scratch’ effects, strategic display of frame counters and timestamps” to create “gotcha” moments.”

The second analysis noted, however, that any discrepancies are consistent with efforts to remove “non-pertinent” segments.

The report said that even the recordings from separate audio-only devices aligned with the video.

“The uniformity between the footage from Investigator 1′s camera and Investigator 2′s camera also support the evidence that the video recordings are authentic,” the report said.

“The Coalfire forensic analysis removes any doubt that the full length undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress are authentic and have not been manipulated,” said ADF Senior Counsel Casey Mattox.

“Analysts scrutinized every second of video recorded during the investigation released by CMP to date and found only bathroom breaks and other non-pertinent footage had been removed. Planned Parenthood can no longer hide behind a smokescreen of false accusations and should now answer for what appears to be the very real crimes revealed by the CMP investigation.”

The issue is that federal law allows the donation of fetal tissue for research, but bans profiting. It also bans changing the abortion procedures to obtain body parts.

“Planned Parenthood is an organization that cares about one thing: making a profit at the expense of women’s health,” said ADF Legal Communications Director Kerri Kupec.

“The investigative videos, whose authenticity was confirmed by the report, show that Planned Parenthood is an abortion machine whose top executives and doctors haggle and joke about the harvesting and selling of baby body parts. Women deserve far better. American taxpayer money should be redirected to fund local community health centers and not subsidize a scandal-ridden, billion-dollar abortion business.”

In the first undercover video released by CMP, Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood commented on crushing babies.

“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact,” she said.

See the first video:

In the second video, Planned Parenthood’s Mary Gatter said, “I want a Lamborghini.”

See her comments:

In the fifth, Melissa Farrell of Planned Parenthood’s Houston clinic discusses “intact fetal cadavers”:

The seventh video has the testimony of a Planned Parenthood worker who tapped an aborted infant’s heart and saw it start beating.

And No. 8 has Cate Dyer, CEO of Stem Express, admitting Planned Parenthood sells fully intact aborted babies.

WND has reported on the videos as they have been released. They are posted online.

Related stories:

‘No evidence of manipulation’ in Planned Parenthood videos

Baby body-parts trade evidence? Just look on YouTube

‘If videos heavily edited, why did Planned Parenthood apologize?’

Planned Parenthood offers free sex disease tests

from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2015/09/30/no-evidence-of-manipulation-in-planned-parenthood-videos/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2015/09/29/no-evidence-of-manipulation-in-planned-parenthood-videos/

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