Monday, 28 September 2015

Clinton team shuts out WND from meeting


Chelsea Clinton and members of the Clinton Global Initiative (Photo: Adam Schultz / CGI)

NEW YORK – As the annual Clinton Global Initiative meeting was kicking off in New York City on Saturday, the organization notified WND it would not grant press credentials to Senior Staff Writer Jerome R. Corsi.

CGI offered no explanation for its decision – Corsi had been permitted to cover last year’s event – but amid criticism that Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is managing its message by limiting media access, he apparently is not welcome.

Corsi has authored a series of articles, beginning in April, on the extensive investigation by Wall Street analyst and investor Charles Ortel of the Clinton Foundation.

Ortel concludes the foundation is a “vast criminal conspiracy” that, since its inception, has violated numerous federal and state laws.

Find out who the true Hillary in “Hillary Unhinged: In Her Own Words,” the raw and humorous collection of quotes that pitilessly underscores her hypocrisy and endless pandering

In June, the Hillary Clinton campaign denied access to print pool reporter David Martosko, the U.S. political editor for London’s Daily Mail. Martosko showed up at the campaign’s breakfast stop in New Hampshire only to learn he was not being allowed in.

Pool reporters are responsible for sending reports from the campaign trail to the rest of the press corps.

Among the few in-person interviews Hillary Clinton has conducted recently was Sept. 4 with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, a reporter and network known to be favorable to the Clinton presidential campaign. In the interview, Clinton said she was “sorry” there has been so much controversy over her private email server.

As the controversy over Clinton’s email and the Clinton Foundation continue, many invitees have decided to skip this year’s CGI meeting.

On Saturday, Politico reported Clinton Foundation invitations had been turned down by Pope Francis, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen, movie star Leonardo DiCaprio and singer Elton John.

“The glitzy Clinton Global Initiative gathering in New York, which has the lofty title ‘The Future of Impact,’ was supposed to have been a celebration of the accomplishments of the $2 billion Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation’s past work as it pivots towards a future with Chelsea Clinton at the helm,” wrote Politico reporters Kenneth P. Vogel and Noah Weiland.

“Instead, it’s become emblematic of the foundation’s struggles to regain its luster, while scaling back some of its ambitions and restructuring amid heightened scrutiny of its internal workings, the diminished role of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the prospect that former president Bill Clinton also could be forced to step back,” Politico said.

On Sunday, the Washington Examiner reported that among the prominent figures who backed out of attending the “scandal-plagued foundation gala” were Arianna Huffington and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

On Sept. 19, USA Today reported that six prominent corporate donors that attended in 2014 withdrew, including Samsung, ExxonMobil, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Hewlett Packard. The corporations contributed million dollars to the foundation last year.

For the first time since he has been president, Barack Obama also declined to attend the CGI annual meeting, even though he was in New York City Monday to deliver a message to the 70th General Assembly of the United Nations.

PricewaterhouseCoopers’ auditing of the Clinton Foundation has been a focus of Ortel’s investigation. As WND reported in June, Ortel has concluded PWC’s accounting work product for the Clinton Foundation in 2013 “is riddled with uncorrected errors and falsehoods.”

Ortel has raised concern that the Clinton Foundation could damage PWC’s international reputation as one of the “Big Four” accounting firms, much as the Enron scandal caused accounting giant Arthur Anderson LLP to lose its license.

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