Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Trey Gowdy retiring from Congress?

(Roll Call) It’s been a wild couple of days for Rep. Trey Gowdy.

The three-term South Carolina Republican went from a candidate for majority leader amid the House Republican Conference’s leadership shakeup, to retiring in 2016 to denying that he’s got any plans besides continuing to serve in his current role — all within a roughly 24-hour period.

The drama began Tuesday morning, when freshmen Reps. Mia Love of Utah and Lee Zeldin of New York came out to say they’d support Gowdy for majority leader if he were to run.

But Rep. Mick Mulvaney, Gowdy’s fellow South Carolinian and self-described “best friend,” shot down those rumors.

Then Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, another supporter of the Gowdy as majority leader effort, tried to drum up a groundswell.

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Al Gore won’t rule out 2016 bid

(Mediaite) Former Vice President Al Gore left the door wide open for a possible entry into the 2016 Democratic primary on Wednesday during an interview with Fusion’s Jorge Ramos. After repeated questions from the anchor about his plans, Gore would not definitely say that he has ruled out the possibility of getting in the race.

In quick succession Ramos asked the following questions:

“Are you considering running for president?”

“Are you ruling out any possibility of running for president in this campaign?”

And finally, “I just wanted to know if you want to run for president again.”

Each time, Gore evaded giving a concrete answer.

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Carson campaign raises $20 million in three months

(Politico) Ben Carson’s presidential campaign has raised $20 million in the last three months, according to a new report published Wednesday.

The fundraising haul, which will be made publicly available on Oct. 15, is a staggering sum that would put Carson, the conservative former pediatric neurosurgeon, in the top tier of well-funded campaigns, with more than $30 million raised in total.

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Hillary’s private server was hacker bait

(U.S. World & News Report) Russia-linked hackers tried at least five times to pry into Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private email account while she was secretary of state, emails released Wednesday show. It is unclear if she clicked on any attachments and exposed her account.

Clinton received the infected emails, disguised as speeding tickets from New York, over four hours early the morning of Aug. 3, 2011. The emails instructed recipients to print the attached tickets. Opening an attachment would have allowed hackers to take over control of a victim’s computer.

Security researchers who analyzed the malicious software in September 2011 said that infected computers would transmit information from victims to at least three server computers overseas, including one in Russia. That doesn’t necessarily mean Russian intelligence or citizens were responsible.

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GOP leaders betray us again

Within days, maybe within hours, the Republican surrender on the budget battle will be complete. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is going to push through a so-called “clean” continuing resolution to fund the government for at least a couple more months.

This dirty deal is being called “clean” because it won’t impose any of the conditions that conservatives have been demanding. It won’t defund Planned Parenthood; it won’t oppose the president’s deal with Iran; it won’t make any serious cuts in federal spending. Heck, it won’t even oppose Obamacare or Barack Obama’s amnesty program.

So what will it do? Two things that the weak-kneed Republican leadership has been seeking:

  • First, it will enable them to buy time to put together a long-term budget bill that the Democrats will support. Word from Washington is that a compromise is in the works for a bill that will fund the government into 2017. Please note that this would get them past the all-important 2016 elections.
  • Second, it will eliminate any possibility of giving Obama an excuse to shut down the government — something the Republican compromisers say could cost Republicans the presidency next year.

Remember the old adage, “It is better to apologize than to ask permission.” That seems to be the attitude of McConnell and his cohorts. They want to tell voters that “this is the best deal we could get,” rather than risk any possibility of Obama vetoing a budget and leading to even a temporary partial shutdown of the government.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who has been leading the fight in the Senate to defund Planned Parenthood, says that the Republican leadership has “preemptively surrendered” on the issue.

“Republican leadership has said we will never, ever, ever shut down the government,” Cruz stated, “and suddenly President Obama understands the easy key to winning every battle. He simply has to utter the word ‘shutdown,’ and Republican leadership runs to the hills.”

Sad, but true.

Is it any wonder the Republican base is furious at the lack of backbone it sees from the politicians in Washington?

Instead of always seeking a compromise that’s acceptable to Democrats, it’s high time for the Republicans to use their majorities in both the House and the Senate to pass bills that deliver on the promises they made to us. After all, that’s why we elected them in the first place!

Use the power of the purse to defund the left! Vote against a measure that would deliver $150 billion to Iraq — the major state sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East. Start standing for the principles that you constantly espouse, but so seldom back with legislation. Rather than being afraid of a presidential veto, welcome it!

This sort of political courage would electrify the base. It would promote the sort of passion and purpose that wins elections.

Conservatives are sick to death of constantly being told that we are the ones who must compromise, that a strong stand on principle will only lead to defeat at the polls.

Just the opposite is true! In fact, even after the last government shutdown, Republicans expanded their majority in the House. In 2014, despite all sorts of dire predictions, they won a majority in the Senate, too. But you’d never know it from the way they’re voting now.

Is it any wonder that the three people at the top of the polls in the Republican race for the presidency have never held elective office before? Voters want a change. They want to see some intestinal fortitude in their lawmakers.

In other words, it’s time for Republicans in Congress to demonstrate some guts. If they won’t, we’d better get some replacements who will.

Until next time, keep some powder dry.

–Chip Wood

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Foodless foods

(I began publishing my monthly newsletter The Bob Livingston Letter™ in 1969. The following is an excerpt from the October 2000 issue. In 2013 and 2014, several studies appeared showing that junk food was as addictive as cocaine and heroin and affected the brains of people consuming junk food much as addictive drugs did. This information finally began to hit the mainstream media at this time couched as new “news,” as you can see here. But as the following article shows, I had been warning readers of my Letter about the addictive and harmful nature of junk foods for more than a decade before the information became mainstream.)

Commercial food processing in the U.S. is the business of selling foodless foods that fuel you with a habit forming crave for junk food. Their goal is to create an addiction to hunger and weight gain. This is as serious an addiction as any drug addiction and the result is a slow death with degenerative disease.

Commercial food is all that beautiful packaged junk that you load up with at the supermarket. It’s loaded with synthetic sugars, carbohydrates, monosodium glutamate (MSG), etc., etc. It is dead, devitalized chemicals made to look good, taste good, addict you and kill you. It’s as empty of nutrition for the human body as Old Mother Hubbard’s cupboard.

Look at just two things: The weight crisis and the massive growth of the hospital industry in America. America is being redesigned for overweight, sick people who are not much more than blobs of protoplasm, motivated by the pull of gravity.

We have in a few years seen our whole society adjust politically, economically and “medically” for wheelchairs, grab bars, and enlarged commodes for a fast-growing handicapped population. I can’t imagine our little commodes of just 20 years ago accommodating our overweight people.

This is to say nothing of behavioral problems like hyperactivity, attention deficit and learning disorders. All schools have new annexes and drug dispensers for this growing crisis. This is new in our lifetime. You never saw this before.

One more thing: We have been neutered sexually by our chemical addictive “foods.” Infertility is growing by mathematical progression. Families are down to one child or no child. The population is committing racial suicide. Did someone plan this for population control?

The commercial food industry has one goal and that is to keep you on a habitual binge sucking caffeinated colas and gorging on junk foods. Remember junk food is a commercial processor business and this includes all the additives injected into canned foods and meats. You won’t escape once you pass the fresh produce section.

In commerce America, every commercial enterprise feeds itself and every other commercial enterprise, including the political establishment.

Bottom line is that commercial food processors sell us foodless foods that pack us with calories and full bellies and starve us for nutrition. Yes, you can eat yourself to death on empty calories and tasty junk and all the time be starving to death for lack of nutrition. The life in the food is missing. We are dying a little every day from starvation.

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Pope Francis, tear down your wall I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty®. Did you watch the hysteria and hype when the pope showed up in America last week? I hate to be the one who rains on the unicorns, rainbows, babies and puppies that the mainstream media puts on the screen every time the pope is mentioned. But the reality is this is America, where freedom of speech reigns. And I have to tell you what’s on my mind.

While Pope Francis may be a nice man and he may have good intentions, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. The reality is the pope appears to be a hypocrite of the highest order — not just a hypocrite, but more like a Hollywood hypocrite.

As a “man of God,” I would expect Pope Francis to be lecturing us about religion, spirituality and morality. Unfortunately, those weren’t his only topics. The pope often sounded like a Hollywood hypocrite looking for the love and adulation of liberal celebrities and the media, by lecturing us on politically correct economic issues that he clearly knows nothing about.

And then there are his pleas about illegal immigration. That was like East Germany lecturing America about a wall. More on that later.

This pope seems neither to understand nor care that his views on issues like climate change and income redistribution often put him in bed with atheists and socialists, who don’t believe in God, mock religion and think the Bible is a work of fiction. Isn’t that strange company for a “man of God” to keep?

He criticizes the death penalty in America, given to heinous murderers, while saying nothing about the Castro brothers killing people for their political views.

He visited a prison in Philadelphia, but chose not to visit or even be seen with Cubans imprisoned because of their political views.

He played best pals with the Castro brothers without ever mentioning that they are evil, murdering tyrants.

This pope condemns capitalism, yet never mentions the poverty the Castro brothers’ socialism has imposed on the Cuban people. He chooses to ignore that the hundreds of billions, perhaps trillions, of dollars of wealth accumulated by the Vatican are the result of donations by successful Catholics in capitalist nations like America. Capitalism has been very, very good to the Catholic Church.

This pope embraces the religion of climate change, ignoring the conflicts of interest and greed of those scientists, whose belief in climate change and global warming just happens to coincide with million-dollar contracts from the EPA. As wrong as the Vatican was about Galileo, it appears to be just as wrong about climate change.

Just like Hollywood hypocrites, this pope chooses to ride around in a small, politically correct car that paints a picture of a frugal man who cares about the environment. At the same time, he flies around the world on chartered jumbo jets.

How offensive to drive around America in a Fiat while escorted by a dozen extra-long-wheelbase SUVs for security! The pope saves $25 on each fill-up, but spends millions of dollars on gas for his chartered jet and cavalry of gas-guzzling SUV security vehicles.

It’s all absurd. Shouldn’t a “man of God” be above staged photo ops?

This pope embraces President Obama as a friend. How can he ignore Obama’s dark history of lecturing Christians on any act or statement that offends Muslims, while never mentioning, criticizing or taking any reasonable action to fight what is clearly a worldwide war on Christians? He ignores the fact that under Obama, more than 250,000 Muslim immigrants per year have entered America, yet Christians being persecuted can’t get into America. The pope said nothing.

And then there’s the greatest hypocrisy and conflict of interest in the world today. Pope Francis lectured America about illegal immigration without a thought as to how to pay for it all, without a thought as to the pain and misery that paying the higher taxes necessary to support millions of illegal immigrants would cause to his American parishioners.

The media don’t mention the hypocrisy of this scenario. This pope gets the love, adulation and donations of millions of poor illegals, but the U.S. taxpayer gets the bill. How convenient.

Here’s an idea: Let the Vatican pick up the bill. After all, a great many of these illegals will be adding to the collection plates at Catholic churches in the U.S., while all of their bills (welfare, food stamps, education, healthcare, courts, cops, prison) will coming out of American taxpayers’ pockets.

While we’re at it, where is this pope’s pledge to compensate the parents of children murdered by the illegal immigrants he embraces and encourages to come to America?

Or better yet, why not open up the Vatican itself to hordes of illegals. Oh, I forgot. Illegal immigrants can’t get into the Vatican because it’s surrounded by a big, fat wall — the highest wall I’ve ever seen.

Hey, Pope Francis, in the words of Ronald Reagan: “Tear down your wall!”

Why doesn’t the pope fill St. Peter’s Square with tents and porta-potties? Where is the compassion and humanity at the Vatican?

This pope’s views on income redistribution, climate change and illegal immigration show a total lack of economic knowledge or common sense. Socialism and communism have proven to create, not alleviate, poverty. Only capitalism has freed billions of human beings from poverty.

Government regulations to affect climate change and promote illegal immigration will hurt the poor and make them poorer and more dependent on government to survive. But worse, these policies will bankrupt the middle class — the very people who fill the pews at Catholic churches. Doesn’t the pope care about their suffering?

This pope grew up in Argentina under the socialist government of Juan Perón. The result of those policies has been economic disaster. Argentina has gone from the world’s 14th highest GDP per capita to 63rd today.

That doesn’t sound like income equality to me, more like shared misery. Maybe a “man of God” should learn not to lecture about economics.

If he truly understood those realities, Pope Francis would be condemning socialism and its atheist leaders. He should be widely promoting conservative, free-market economic views like lower taxes so the people can keep more of their own money; reducing the size of government; less government spending on a failed “war on poverty”; and building a wall at the border to save the U.S. economy from bankruptcy. You know, the same wall that the Vatican already has.

America is the most generous nation in world history, but only capitalism has allowed our citizens to accumulate enough wealth to donate to this pope’s Catholic Church.

Is this pope a bad man? I don’t think so. I certainly hope not. Perhaps he’s naïve. Perhaps he’s ignorant of economic reality. Perhaps he doesn’t notice the big wall around his home. Perhaps Pope Francis has good intentions. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

My parting message to Pope Francis: Before you lecture us about compassion and charity and opening our homes to illegal immigrants, “Tear down your wall!”

I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty®. See you next week. God bless America and save us from hypocrisy in the strangest places.

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Hillary voters punked into supporting Trump tax plan

(London Daily Mail) Donald Trump’s tax plan is so friendly to low-income Americans that even Hillary Clinton fans can be tricked into supporting it, comedian Jimmy Kimmel discovered this week.

The Jimmy Kimmel Live host decided to punk a group of Hillary voters, walking the streets of Hollywood, by sending out a staffer and having him list off parts of Trump’s tax plan – but say it was Clinton’s instead.

Kimmel’s guy ticked off parts of the plan – liberal-friendly items like no taxes for low-income workers, and conservative red meat like killing off the death tax – and received a chorus of ‘yes, I do support that’ before making the big reveal: these ideas came from The Donald.

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Bernie Sanders’ very 1960s love life revealed

(London Daily Mail) Bernie Sanders’ bid for the White House was placed under a shadow Thursday as new questions arose as to why the self-described Democratic Socialist has kept his complicated early love life secret for so long.

Sanders has never discussed his first marriage nor the fact that his only natural-born child was with a second woman.

But Daily Mail Online has pieced together the fragments of his life as a revolutionary living in his adopted state of Vermont.

And they reveal that he was married to one woman, yet had his son Levi with a second – long before he went on to marry his current wife.

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Obama signs funding bill to avert shutdown

(The Hill) President Obama signed a stopgap spending bill Wednesday to avert a government shutdown, the White House said.

“With today’s bipartisan vote, Congress has taken a step away from the brink,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest said in a statement. “But the American people deserve far better than last-minute, short-term legislating.”

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Carson: Blacks ‘manipulated’ by media, politics

(THE HILL) Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson says traditional politicians have long maneuvered African-American voters for their own ends.

“I think American blacks over the course of next year will begin to see that they’ve been manipulated very, very largely,” he told radio host Mike Gallagher on Tuesday.

“[It is] people telling them what they’re supposed to think and what they’re supposed to say,” Carson said. “I believe that is a dynamic that is in the process of changing.”

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Trump vows to boot Syrian refugees from U.S.

(THE HILL) Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump says if he takes the White House, he will send back Syrian refugees coming to the U.S.

“I’m putting the people on notice that are coming here from Syria as part of this mass migration,” he told an audience in Keene, N.H.

“If I win, they’re going back. They’re going back. I’m telling you. They’re going back.”

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