Donald Trump was right when he told CNN’s Anderson Cooper earlier this month, “The people don’t trust you and the media.”
That’s according to the results of a recent Rasmussen poll, which finds that 75 percent of likely U.S. voters believe that the mainstream media is more interested in creating controversies about presidential candidates than providing honest reports about where the contenders stand on the issues.
And here’s some even better news for Trump: Republicans (80 percent) and independent voters (81 percent) are the most likely to disregard unflattering reports about candidates as media attempts to stir controversy.
Among Democrats, the number of people who question the media’s sincerity in covering presidential politics is still pretty high at 60 percent.
In addition to focusing too much on controversy and not enough on substance, the polling agency also found that a majority of Americans (59 percent) believe that members of the news media cover presidential politics with a bias toward their favorite candidate. Thirty-six percent of likely voters expect that the media bias will benefit Hillary Clinton the most. That’s no surprise considering that two-thirds of Americans believe the average reporters leans liberal.
Rasmussen managing editor Fran Coombs said that recent media attacks on Trump for his immigration remarks illustrates that the news bias has very real political consequences.
Coombs wrote in a recent commentary: “It’s understandable why Democrats would criticize Trump, but Republicans as is often the case were ready to jump through the media’s hoop, too, keeping alive the Trump storyline. Jeb Bush, perhaps the leading GOP presidential contender, among others, quickly distanced himself from Trump’s remarks. Even the chairman of the Republican National Committee, obsessed with the elusive Hispanic vote, now has asked Trump to cool his rhetoric.”
But conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh noted on his show Monday that the GOP is fighting a losing battle if it’s trying to turn conservative voters against Trump.
“They have turned to mush,” Limbaugh said of the GOP establishment. “I refuse to believe that they have undergone ideological transplants and have all become liberals or moderates, because none of it makes any sense. So that has created a giant void, and who is filling it but Trump?”
The conservative talker said GOP lawmakers are happy to join mainstream media and Democratic condemnation of Trump because they belong to the same “unified powerful group” upset that Trump refuses to adhere to the unspoken rules of the conventional political dichotomy.
“The ruling class knows they are in the minority, sitting atop an explosion waiting to happen,” Limbaugh said. “The apparent ruling class doesn’t know what to do with Trump. They’re waiting for him to implode.”
The post The political establishment is terrified because Trump knows what he’s talking about appeared first on Personal Liberty®.
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