The polls may show Donald Trump is the front-runner in the Republican presidential race, but one of his fellow GOP candidates says the billionaire businessman and reality-TV star will never become the next president of the United States because “he’s a birther.”
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., doubled down on his criticism of Trump during an interview Thursday on Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show.”
Graham, who will not make it onto the main Fox News debate stage next Thursday night due to low poll numbers, argues Trump isn’t “marketable” and would be the end of the GOP’s chances in 2016.
“I don’t think you’re going to elect a man president of the United States who is a birther,” Graham said. “I don’t believe you’re going to elect a man president of the United States who spent thousands of his own dollars, he claims, trying to find out if Obama was born in Kenya. I don’t think you’re going to elect a man president of the United States who basically said most illegal immigrants are drug dealers and rapists (and) who slandered veterans like John McCain.”
As WND reported, Trump recently expressed doubts once again about the site of President Obama’s birth, while answering a question from CNN anchor Anderson Cooper.
“I don’t know. I really don’t know,” Trump said, when asked if he thought Obama had been born in America. “I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”
Polls show many in the public still have doubts about Obama’s birth. In February 2014, an Economist/YouGov poll showed 61 percent of those asked if “Obama was born in the United States” expressed doubts. And 15 percent in the same poll outright said they’re positive Obama wasn’t born in the country.
“Here’s what I would say to the Republican Party,” Graham continued. “You’re about to hire somebody that everyone else is firing.”
According to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released the same day Graham leveled his criticism, Trump is shown with a commanding lead in the Republican race for the White House, with the support of 25 percent of GOP voters. Trump has a double-digit advantage over nearest rival Jeb Bush. The former Florida governor trails far behind Trump at 12 percent.
The poll also shows that if Trump fails to secure the nomination and runs in a three-way race as an independent, he would drain enough support from the Republican nominee to propel Hillary Clinton into the White House.
Trump would tie Bush at about 23 percent among likely voters, with Hillary Clinton winning election with 37 percent of the vote.
Trump, who has refused to rule out an independent run if he fails to secure the Republican nomination and has consumed the summer’s political headlines, will finally be confronted, face to face, by his rivals, who are busy figuring out how to handle him during the upcoming debate, reports the Washington Post.
“He’s very aggressive by nature and prepared to say virtually anything,” Newt Gingrich told the paper. “It’s like dealing with nitroglycerin.”
In recent days, Trump has cast the others as the hunters and himself as the hunted, telling reporters this past weekend in Iowa, “From what I’ve heard, every one of them is going to come at me. … For two hours, I’m going to be, like, in the lion’s den, right?”
The debate strategist working with Graham suggested one way to judge the outcome of the first debate: “The candidate who is able to handle Trump strongly but not make him the center of attention, and walk that line and pivot back on Hillary and President Obama — that’s going to be the candidate who has a pretty good debate performance.”
from PropagandaGuard

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