(DAILY BEAST) On Tuesday, the Internet mourned the death of poor Cecil, Zimbabwe’s most famous lion, and lashed out against Walter Palmer, a dentist from Minnesota who is believed to have paid $50,000 to kill him.
According to the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force (ZCTF), Palmer and his team are alleged to have lured Cecil from a protected area on July 1, when Palmer is said to have wounded the lion with a crossbow. The group found a wounded Cecil 40 hours later and executed him with a gun before skinning and beheading him, according to the ZCTF. To make matters worse, Cecil was fitted with a GPS collar as part of a research project by Oxford University to track his movements, and the ZCTF claims that the hunters tried to destroy it. Two men from Zimbabwe were charged with poaching, since the hunters failed to secure a hunting permit.
It is not yet known if Zimbabwean authorities will levy poaching charges against Palmer, who says he was operating under the impression that it was a “legal hunt.”
from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2015/07/29/trumps-sons-killed-exotic-animals-in-africa/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2015/07/29/trumps-sons-killed-exotic-animals-in-africa/
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