The goal of the undercover videos currently being released periodically by the Center for Medical Progress that reveal Planned Parenthood executives discussing the prices of various unborn baby parts isn’t a viral video.
It isn’t even the discomfort created for those caught in the recordings.
It’s evidence of criminal activity and prosecutions that can result.
That’s according to Cheryl Sullenger of Operation Rescue, which worked with CMP on the undercover project.
Each day there seems to be another video or another development. Just on Thursday, the fourth video was released, documenting how a Denver Planned Parenthood executive discussed how to get more “intact” specimens.
Sullenger, and Troy Newman, the chief of Operation Rescue, say the investigation shows the effectiveness of the techniques they taught pro-life activists in their book “Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time.”
Sullenger told WND the recent undercover video investigation of Planned Parenthood is only a confirmation of what many pro-life activists already knew – abortion clinics profit from the sale of the body parts of aborted children.
But it takes more to effect change, she noted.
“In 2000, Mark Crutcher and Life Dynamics Inc. first reported on how abortion clinics profit from the sale of aborted baby tissue. However, while this story made a short splash in the media, I think the political climate was not ripe for the explosion of interest we are seeing today.”
In contrast, Sullenger says the goal for pro-life activists today is to actually create legal consequences for those who break the law, not simply cause bad public relations.
“Part of what we do at Operation Rescue, as explained in our book ‘Abortion Free,’ is to expose criminal conduct within the abortion cartel, report it, and demand enforcement,” said Sullenger. “In Crutcher’s investigation, [those] prosecutions and enforcement were never really achieved. When David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress approached Troy about the undercover project creating headlines today, it dovetailed into what we were doing. It was a natural partnership.”
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Sullenger identifies video as the key to contemporary pro-life activism.
“Nowadays, as we mention in the book, if you don’t have documentation to back up an allegation, it will go nowhere. Besides, the point isn’t just to create viral videos. It is to document beyond doubt criminal activity at Planned Parenthood.
“One of our goals at Operation Rescue and for the book ‘Abortion Free’ is to gain criminal prosecutions of abortion providers that are breaking the law. The difference between what we do and what has been done with other undercover reports is that we are focused on gaining those prosecutions and not just making a big media splash.”
Sullenger says such an approach is laid out in detail in “Abortion Free.”
“‘Abortion Free’ is a manual that explains step by step how to uncover abortion abuses that can easily be used by the average pro-life activist. We explain in detail how to document abuses, how to disseminate the information publicly, how to file complaints, and how to go about demanding enforcement of existing laws that are being broken every day by Planned Parenthood and other abortion businesses. Using these very steps, we have successfully shut down dozens of abortion clinics, forced abortionists to lose their medical licenses, and have put abortionists behind bars. Those who read our book can have similar successes.”
Operation Rescue provided assistance to Daleiden’s investigation, including advising him on tactics found in the book. The goal was to build an irrefutable case Planned Parenthood was breaking the law.
“Troy Newman shared his vision and experience – lessons learned from trial and error – with David and many of those same things are shared in ‘Abortion Free.’ For this investigation, the evidence had to be ‘bullet proof’ so to speak. The documentation had to be detailed and above reproach. David Daleiden had a plan to go deep undercover like no one had done before and Troy was very supportive.”
She said, “Primarily, Troy is the one who interfaced with David because the circle of people that knew what he was doing had to remain very small. Troy became one of only three board members for Daleiden’s Center for Medical Progress. He advised him on tactics we discuss in ‘Abortion Free,’ and provided friendship and emotional support as well throughout this very difficult three year investigation. Operation Rescue provided what material support we could afford. We also facilitated in introducing David to legal experts that could advise him.”
Sullenger says more videos are on the way, though a judge recently blocked the release of video including certain workers for California’s StemExpress, a company involved in the baby parts business.
“Eventually we expect that Planned Parenthood will lash out with some kind of legal action in order to stop the public relations hemorrhaging and loss of big money donors,” Sullenger said.
In Sullenger’s view, now that videos exist proving Planned Parenthood engaged in criminal conduct, the Republican-led Congress needs to act.
“As for defunding Planned Parenthood, Congress is making an attempt, but it is my understanding that the bloated federal bureaucracy may not allow it. Those people need to sit down and figure this out because if we cannot defund Planned Parenthood after the criminal conduct, horrors that have been exposed so far, then our government simply does not function.”
Whatever Congress does, Sullenger hopes the success of the current campaign will lead more pro-life activists to use similar tactics.
“We are seeing the success of the concepts and tactics we lay out in ‘Abortion Free,’, which was actually written as this undercover project was beginning. David has been amazing at taking these ideas and tactics deeper under cover that we have ever been before, but our focus of obtaining criminal prosecutions through documenting abortion abuses has been a guiding star throughout this.”
Related stories:
Goal of undercover videos: Catching criminals
Judge suspends release of video of tissue company execs
Planned Parenthood facing new charge it broke state law
New video: Planned Parenthood plots to provide ‘intact’ baby parts
Planned Parenthood’s hacked website called ‘facade’
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