Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services, discusses selling baby parts during a lunch
(Editor’s note: This is part two of a four-part interview with Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz. Read Part one: Cruz fires back at Romney: ‘This is why we keep losing’)
WASHINGTON – Are the Planned Parenthood videos a game-changer or a turning point?
“Absolutely,” somberly confirmed Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.
“The Planned Parenthood videos are gruesome.”
He paused, as if to look for just the right word.
“They’re horrifying.”
It was unlike any encounter WND had ever had with the fiery Texan, who routinely scores his rapid-fire points with vigorous animation and a dazzling intellect.
During a half-hour phone interview, Cruz was extremely deliberate, spoke very slowly, and measured his words with such care one could practically hear him thinking during numerous pauses to reflect.
That was true of the entire interview, but seemed especially pronounced while he discussed this most delicate and important of subjects: an accusation of infanticide for profit.
“I believe every American should watch those videos,” Cruz told WND in hushed tones.
Because, he said, “The question every American should ask is, ‘Are those my values?’”
“Even if you are an abortion supporter, watching those videos is horrifying.”
The Center for Medical Progress recently released four videos, and promises eight more, of Planned Parenthood officials discussing selling aborted baby body parts. The most recent video included graphic pictures of dissected limbs and organs. Those videos may be seen here.
Selling body parts for profit is illegal. Planned Parenthood insists it is reimbursed only to cover expenses, but its officials have been caught on tape negotiating sale prices. One official bragged she would like to make enough profit off dead baby parts to buy an Italian sports car.
Cruz is so horrified by the videos he may risk another government shutdown to try to get the mainstream media to at least begin covering the story, and to try to eliminate the $528 million the government gives to Planned Parenthood every year.
The Texan expressed sheer disbelief at videos that “show senior officials of Planned Parenthood laughing, swilling Chardonnay, while bartering and selling the body parts of unborn children.”
The presidential candidate recalled how earlier in the week he had called for reporters to ask Hillary Clinton if those were her values, and if they were reflected in senior officials of Planned Parenthood selling the body parts of unborn children, caught on tape apparently committing multiple felonies.
“I was pleased to see that reporters followed through and asked her those questions. And even Hillary Clinton was forced to say the videos were disturbing.”
“Well, as the adage goes, talk is cheap,” Cruz dryly observed. “If the videos are disturbing, then Secretary Clinton should return every penny she has received from Planned Parenthood over the years.
“And she should demonstrate the integrity to call for a fair and impartial criminal investigation into whether each of these Planned Parenthood officials, and Planned Parenthood as a national enterprise, committed multiple felonies which carry significant jail terms.”
Clinton told the New Hampshire Union Leader Tuesday she had seen the pictures “and obviously find them disturbing.”
She then immediately defended her longtime ally, saying, “Planned Parenthood for more than a century has done a lot of really good work for women: cancer screenings, family planning, all kinds of health services.”
But the Democratic Party presidential front-runner then may have swung the door wide open for an investigation into the entire abortion industry by adding, “[T]his raises not questions about Planned Parenthood so much as it raises questions about the whole process, that is, not just involving Planned Parenthood, but many institutions in our country.”
Clinton likely stunned fellow pro-abortionists by continuing, “And if there’s going to be any kind of congressional inquiry, it should look at everything and not just one part of it.”
Most stunned of all may be Planned Parenthood, which had given her a 100 percent rating for her Senate voting record and donated $8,000 to her 2000 campaign and $1,837 to her presidential campaign in 2008.
Planned Parenthood is a member of Hillary’s foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative, and trains “youth peer providers” on ways to promote birth control in Latin America, Africa and the United States.
Politico reported Thursday, according to the Clinton foundation website, Planned Parenthood will “create a national youth organizing strategy to help push for increased investment in access to reproductive health care.”
In other words, the Clinton foundation will help Planned Parenthood organize young people to push for more money for the abortion provider.
Cruz told WND, “If Secretary Clinton was speaking the truth when she said the videos of Planned Parenthood were disturbing, then she should join with me in calling for Congress to stop spending taxpayer money funding an entity that sells the body parts of unborn children, laughs about it, and whose senior officials hope they can sell enough body parts to purchase a Lamborghini.”
It looks like the senator and a growing number of his colleagues are willing to risk another government shutdown to stop federal funding of Planned Parenthood.
Republican senators have introduced a bill to defund the abortion provider, but the consensus on Capitol Hill is that the measure will never get the 60 votes needed to overcome a potential Democratic filibuster, at least not with the mainstream media’s near total-blackout of coverage on the video story.
“We do not need a legislative show-vote,” Cruz told the Dallas Morning News on Wednesday. “I would support any and all legislative efforts to defund Planned Parenthood.”
Cruz and fellow conservatives including Sens. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., and James Lankford, R-Okla., are considering attaching an amendment defunding Planned Parenthood to “must-pass” legislation, such as the spending bill that must be passed by October to keep the government funded.
Republicans were unsuccessful in attempting to defund Obamacare in 2013 when Democrats, instead, allowed the government to shut down and the GOP took the blame in the media.
Conservatives hope this time could be different, with such emotion fueling the debate.
“Hard to imagine a Republican-controlled Congress voting to continue federal funding of Planned Parenthood in September,” said Dan Holler, a spokesman for Heritage Action.
“When people are using illegal abortion procedures, that’s something that most people find barbaric and that’s something that most people don’t want funded by their taxpayer dollars,” said David Daleiden, head of Center for Medical Progress, which is releasing the videos.
Follow Garth Kant @DCgarth
Related stories:
Senate showdown to defund Planned Parenthood
Cruz: Abortion videos are game-changers
Congresswoman compares abortion to heart surgery
2nd abortion group wants comments to undercover activists suppressed
from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2015/08/01/cruz-abortion-videos-are-game-changers/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2015/07/31/cruz-abortion-videos-are-game-changers/
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