Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Fox News star slams Cruz as ‘obvious hypocrite’


Ted Cruz

Fox News star pundit Brit Hume – and the cable outlet’s former leading news host – took to national airwaves to call out Sen. Ted Cruz for attacking Sen. Mitch McConnell but not Donald Trump, saying the Texas presidential candidate violated his own standards against speaking ill of fellow Republicans.

Cruz has separated from most of the rest of his Republican Party presidential hopeful pack and refused to publicly denounce Trump over comments the billionaire has made about immigration and other issues that struck controversial tones. One of his stated reasons for the silence? He’s said he doesn’t want to participate in what he calls a media game of getting Republicans to attack fellow Republicans, Mediaite reported.

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Yet a week ago, Cruz came out in full attack mode against Senate Majority Leader McConnell, saying the Republican lied to fellow senators over a looming Export-Import banking deal. For that, Cruz faced some backlash from his senate colleagues, some of whom said he was the one not being truthful.

Regardless, Hume used his Fox News “Special Report” commentary platform to harshly criticize Cruz as a “hypocrite,” given the silence on Trump but simultaneous condemnation of McConnell.

“[Cruuz] insisted his stance was born of fidelity to the so-called 11th commandment, made famous by Ronald Reagan, thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican,” Hume said. “Two days later, Cruz was on the Senate floor calling Republican leader McConnell a liar. … It may have shown Cruz to be an obvious hypocrite, but for one day, at least, he Trumped Trump, and that means mission accomplished.”

from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2015/07/28/fox-news-star-slams-cruz-as-obvious-hypocrite/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2015/07/28/fox-news-star-slams-cruz-as-obvious-hypocrite/

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