Bill Clinton
Feminist iconoclast Camille Paglia is drawing attention for comparing former President Bill Clinton to Bill Cosby.
There was a time when that would have been tremendous praise. After all, Cosby was the immensely talented and hugely wealthy entertainer who played a father on television and was admired by multiple generations.
That was before dozens of allegations of what society today would call date-rape were leveled against him. Now, his sponsors and even some friends have abandoned him.
So how is Clinton like Cosby?
In an interview with Salon, Paglia notes Cosby has been accused by dozens of women of using drugs to sedate and then sexually assault them. And then there’s the other B.C.: Bill Clinton.
“The actual facts of the matter are that Bill Clinton was a serial abuser of working-class women – he had exploited that power differential even in Arkansas,” she said in the interview with Salon writer David Daley.
Daley noted the recent WND story featured by the Drudge Report reporting Kathleen Willey, one of the many women who alleged harassment by Clinton, was beginning a website to compile claims against him.
WND’s report explained her website, “A Scandal A Day,” targets Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Calling Hillary Clinton “without a doubt the most corrupt politician that this nation has ever seen,” Willey announced the launch of her new website on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and Philadelphia’s NewsTalk 990 AM.
Willey, the former volunteer aide to Bill Clinton who says she was sexually harassed by the president in the White House, explained the website is part information-oriented and part political activism.
“The Clintons have made it extremely easy for me,” she said in the radio interview. “I don’t have to do a lot of research, because it’s not just a scandal a day. It’s about two or three scandals a day. So what I’m doing is kind of a compilation of these scandals and explaining them in simple terms so most people can understand what’s going on, and what they’re up to and why they are lying every day.”
Listen to Klein’s interview with Willey:
Paglia said she knew the Cosby scandal would hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
“Young women today have a much lower threshold for tolerance of these matters,” she said. “The horrible truth is that the feminist establishment in the U.S., led by Gloria Steinem, did in fact apply a double standard to Bill Clinton’s behavior because he was a Democrat … [and] supported abortion rights.”
It’s different now, she said.
“Young women have absolutely no memory of Bill Clinton. It’s like ancient history for them; there’s no reservoir of accumulated good will.”
Not that an affair by a president would upset her, she said.
“That doesn’t bother me at all. But the point is, they are sophisticated affairs that the European politicians have, while the Clinton episode was a disgrace,” she said.
Now Hillary Clinton will have a price to pay, too, Paglia said, since “she took an antagonistic and demeaning position toward her husband’s accusers.”
If Clinton was in office today and Lewinsky was an aide, she said, he would be viewed like Cosby.
Paglia said “young women today have a much lower threshold for tolerance of these matters.’
“The horrible truth is that the feminist establishment in the U.S., led by Gloria Steinem, did in fact apply a double standard to Bill Clinton’s behavior because he was a Democrat. The Democratic president and administration supported abortion rights, and therefore it didn’t matter what his personal behavior was,” she said.
She Clinton and Cosby “are emotionally infantile – they’re engaged in a war with female power.”
“It has something to do with their early sense of being smothered by female power – and this pathetic, abusive and criminal behavior is the result of their sense of inadequacy,” she said.
She noted Cosby “required the women to be inert.”
“He needed them to be dead! Cosby is actually a necrophiliac – a style that was popular in the late Victorian period in the nineteenth-century. … That’s exactly what’s happening here: to give a woman a drug, to make her inert, to make her dead is the man saying that I need her to be dead for me to function. She’s too powerful for me as a living woman.”
The London Daily Mail reported Linda Tripp, a key figure in the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, revealed the decision to out Lewinsky as Clinton’s mistress was “about Hillary.”
Tripp told the publication it was Hillary who manipulated and managed the story.
Tripp, now 65, said Hillary Clinton was the true “ruler” in the White House. She says Hillary Clinton blatantly lied to the American people and was ruthless in pursuit of power.
She warned that Hillary Clinton never must be allowed to be president – even though she believes herself entitled.
Tripp told the publication, “I think the most compelling thing about Hillary is that she will stop at nothing to achieve her end and that she views the public as plebeians easily seduced into believing her point of view.”
She continued: “I believe for all his faults as a flawed man, Bill Clinton is not as unscrupulous as his wife. He is complicit but he is not as deceitful as Hillary Clinton is. Don’t get me wrong, they are both missing the integrity chip but while she is inherently dishonorable, his seems to be learned behavior.”
from PropagandaGuard

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