Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Book-banning Greens bent on programming school-age children

Welcome to the Brave New World. As in the novel by Aldous Huxley, we live in a time where even children are targeted with propaganda.

Yet another example of this occurred last month in Portland, Oregon when a resolution was introduced by school board superintendent Mike Rosen. Rosen wants to ban from all public schools any material that questions the veracity of man-made global warming.

You might think that some of the students would object. To the contrary, at least some students have embraced removing materials that question the truth of global climate change; the same climate change that is discredited by some of the world’s top climatologists who have since stood up to criticism from the zealous Greens who carry themselves much like a fanatic religion.

“It is unacceptable that we have textbooks in our schools that spread doubt about the human causes and urgency of the crisis,” Lincoln High School student Gaby Lemieux said during board testimony last week. In her wisdom she added that “climate education is not a niche or a specialization, it is the minimum requirement for my generation to be successful in our changing world.”

It is as though Gaby fears she might come across materials that would challenge her beliefs, which is an indication to me that this student and perhaps millions more have made up their minds on climate change.

Not so long ago public education was approached with elements of Ancient Greece and the penchant for questioning all things. Today, public education has become a fascist institution where the teacher is seen as an oracle not to be challenged.

I find this troubling because I have known a lot of teachers over the years and they typically do not have exceptional intelligence, but they are certainly sticklers for rules.

Quite an education

I was called into my son’s principal’s office. Her complaint was that my eldest had openly questioned the use of atomic weapons on Japan. She said that the use of them was in the curriculum. As I was leaving I told her that I thought it was good for children to question things.

I urge you to watch a documentary that questions man’s impact on climate. It is titled, “The Great Global Warming Swindle,” by Martin Durkin and is available for free.

Top scientists in it cast doubt on carbon being the primary cause of global warming. Among many of the scientific facts is that carbon makes up less than 1 percent of the elements in the atmosphere. It is argued by top climatologists that this is too minuscule an amount of carbon in the life cycle to cause warming. The truth is, volcanoes produce more CO2 than humans, as do animals. But the largest amount of carbon comes from the ocean.

The history of temperature change is an interesting study. From 1940 until 1975, when industry was spewing carbon, the earth’s temperature actually fell.

Further studies show tremendous variations in temperatures of the earth’s surface over time. As the Dark Ages came to a close a millennium ago, ice core samples show that the earth’s surface temperature increased significantly. This was the age of building great cathedrals in northern climates, and some archeologists speculate this was aided by the particularly warm temperatures of that period. But the heat did not last and Europe was faced with the Little Ice Age, a period so cold that the Thames River in London froze over.

As you can see extreme climate change happens without any actions by man. Studies have shown that the earth’s temperature lags sea temperatures by decades. Thus, the prime driver in the earth’s temperatures is the oceans which absorb very little surface CO2 but are heated by the sun. Sun spot activity and thus solar radiation has been correlated with the earth’s temperatures.

While you can’t build a case of political and economic gain based on the sun, you can make a bundle of money and win political advances by blaming industries. When Al Gore lost the 2000 presidential election he had a net worth of $1 million dollars. In 2015 he was reported to have a net worth of $300 million.

The political left is using climate change as propaganda and will not tolerate doubters. Fortunes change hands and money flows to unscrupulous scientists and politicians, some with little or no background in climatology. It doesn’t matter the notion of man-made climate change is all one big lie. It serves its purpose enriching the elite and entrenching the leftists.

Certainly President Barack Obama does not have the consensus for man-made warming that he claims. He tweeted that 97 percent of scientists believe that man-made CO2 is warming the climate.

Skeptical Science reported less than half of published scientists endorse man-caused global warming. Klaus-Martin Schulte examined all papers published from 2004 to 2007. Of 528 total papers on climate change, only 38, or 7 percent, gave an explicit endorsement of the consensus. Thirty-two papers, or 6 percent, reject the consensus outright. Forty-eight are neutral on the subject, refusing to either accept or reject the hypothesis. Just one published paper made any reference to climate change leading to catastrophic results.

Admittedly, the review is dated, but there has been no breakthrough in climatology studies over the past decade so I doubt many minds in the scientific community have been changed.

Global warming was first swallowed up by the peaceniks that who longer had a cause after the Berlin Wall fell. They then moved on as opportunists who saw the personal gain in preaching global warming.

The 21st century inquisition

If you are a scientist who questions man-made global warming, it’s not the principal’s office you will be sent to but the Department of Justice (DOJ) for investigation.

Last Wednesday, five Republican Senators sent a letter to the DOJ arguing that efforts to prosecute climate-change skeptics constitute a “blatant violation of the First Amendment and an abuse of power that rises to the level of prosecutorial misconduct.”

Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders thought he needed to clear the air with a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch signed by Sanders and three Democratic Senators. The gist of the letter was for the DOJ to keep probing non-believers.

This reads like an episode of “The X-Files” and makes me wonder if there is not a conspiracy to cripple oil and gas producers by using a false ideology.

In time the federal government will have cradle-to-grave oversight on Americans’ use of energy. And who would rebuke it? After all, what can be more important than saving the planet for our children and grandchildren?

Yours in good times and bad,

— John Myers

The post Book-banning Greens bent on programming school-age children appeared first on Personal Liberty®.

from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/06/01/book-banning-greens-bent-on-programming-school-age-children/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/book-banning-greens-bent-on-programming-school-age-children/

This spice fights fat

Burning off more body fat may be as simple as sprinkling a common spice on your dinner. And now scientists are starting to investigate the fat-fighting natural chemicals in this condiment that you can start using today to vanquish fat cells.

Korean researchers have found that black pepper contains a chemical called piperine that can block the formation of new fat cells. This laboratory research, performed at Sejong University shows that piperine interferes with genetic activity that controls fat cell formation.

Consequently, piperine may also initiate a metabolic chain reaction that helps keep fat in check via other physiological channels. The researchers believe that their discoveries may help illuminate ways to use of piperine or black-pepper extracts to fight obesity.

The post This spice fights fat appeared first on Personal Liberty®.

from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/06/01/this-spice-fights-fat/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/this-spice-fights-fat/

Millennials turn to ‘sugar daddy’ prostitution to pay debts

NEW YORK – With college graduates increasingly unable to find well-paying jobs after graduation, the dating website SeekingArrangement.com is gaining market share by appealing to millennials looking for a wealthy “Sugar Daddy” willing to help pay off their student loan debts, typically in return for sexual favors.

“Facing a lifetime of debt slavery, the millennial generation is doing whatever they can to avoid homelessness,” noted the widely read economics blog ZeroHedge.com, drawing attention to statistical evidence that since 2009, the number of student sugar daddies has grown by 1,200 percent.

“Whether its stripping or working at Rent a Gent, all options are open, ZeroHedge.com continued. “Now they are flocking to SeekingArrangement.com to prostitute themselves so they can pay for school.”

“Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children” reveals how the architects of America’s public school disaster implemented a plan to socialize the United States by knowingly and willingly dumbing down the population.

The SeekingArrangement.com homepage says finding a sugar daddy means “unpaid bills no longer have to be a concern” and you can “indulge in shopping sprees, expensive dinners, and exotic travels.”

ZeroHedge.com points out the millennials facing enormous tuition loan debts and looking for a sugar daddy is not limited to women, as 15 percent of “sugar babies” are men, and “Sugar Mommas” advertise on the site along with “Sugar Daddies.”

The Denver Post reported an increased registration on SeekingArrrangement.com, coming largely from among the state’s university population.

“There are more than 2,700 sugar daddies registered with Seeking Arrangement in the Denver area and 202 sugar mamas, according to the website,” the Denver newspaper reported. “More than 15,300 Denver women – some college students, some not – are using the site as a sugar baby, and nearly 2,300 Denver men are registered sugar babies, too.”

The Village Voice reported that according to data released by SeekingArrangement.com in 2015, more than 1,000 undergraduates and graduate students at New York University alone, some 2.6 percent of the school’s 45,000 full-time students, had active accounts at SeekingArrangement.com. It is more than any other American college listed in the report, topping Columbia at 1.8 percent, the New School at 1.7 percent and CUNY at 0.25 percent.

More than 1,000 college students from Indiana are currently signed up on SeekingArrangement.com using their university email addresses, WTTV in Indianapolis reported. The television station noted sugar babies receive an average allowance of $3,000 a month from sugar daddies.

The Village Voice article noted SeekingArrangement.com, the largest and oldest of the matchmaking websites, had 2.6 million registered sugar babies listed in 2015, with half of those registered being college students.

Does a college education pay off?

A key dimension of the growing crisis in college education is the increasing evidence that, contrary to conventional wisdom, a college education will not necessarily lead to a high-paying job.

In April, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis published a chart showing that the civilian labor force participation among those aged 25 years and older with a bachelor’s degree or higher has dropped from just over 80 percent approximately a quarter-century ago, in 1992, to just under 75 percent today.

SUGAR BABIES ARTICLE labor force participation for college students FEDERAL RESERVE BANK ST LOUIS

The Washington-based Economic Policy Institute reported in 2015 that since the economic downturn officially ended in June 2009, seven classes of college students have graduated “into an acutely weak labor market and have had to compete with more-experienced workers for a limited number of job opportunities.”

The EPI concluded that since 2000, college graduates have confronted “suboptimal labor market conditions, resulting in stagnant wages and limited job opportunities,” with wages for university graduates 2.5 percent lower than they were 15 years ago.

Tuition loan debt crisis building

According to data the New York Times published, college-tuition costs have grown an alarming 500 percent between 1982 and 2007, while median family income has risen only some 150 percent in the same time period.

SUGAR BABIES ARTICLE rising cost of college tuition NYT

As a result, total outstanding tuition loan debt has risen from $500 billion in 2006 to $1.3 trillion in 2014, according to the Federal Bank of St. Louis.

In March 2013, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported that balances of student loans have eclipsed both auto loans and credit cards, making student loan debt the largest form of consumer debt outside mortgages.

With the default rate currently at estimated 27 percent and rising for student loans in repayment, rising tuition costs have pushed up the number of student loan borrowers from just over 20 million in 2004 to just under 40 million in 2012. The average balance per borrower rose from approximately $15,000 in 2001 to just under $25,000 in 2014.

Meanwhile, the federal government has gone from zero participation in student loans in 1993 to being responsible for $800 billion in student loans in 2014, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The change resulted largely through legislation advanced by the Obama administration and passed by the Congress in 2010, transforming the student loan program in the United States from a largely bank-financed operation to federal government control over student loans.

Today, the U.S. Treasury Department calculates that student loans now make up a surprising 37 percent of the total $3.2 trillion in assets held by the federal government.

from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/06/01/millennials-turn-to-sugar-daddy-prostitution-to-pay-debts/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/millennials-turn-to-sugar-daddy-prostitution-to-pay-debts/

France making payments for terrorists’ salaries


In just the last year or so, there was a man who yelled “allahu akbar” and attacked a police station in Tours, France. Then there were back to back attacks by drivers yelling “allahu akbar” that ran down crowds, but with a low death toll, nearby. And there were the Charlie Hebdo attacks by Islamists that killed 12.

In the middle of last year a jihadist attacked a couple of churches there, and an Islamist delivery driver decapitated a man in another attack. Four were injured in an attempted mass shooting on a train to Paris and some 130 people were killed in a series of Muslim attacks on Paris in November.

Now the U.S. State Department has warned about possible terror attacks in France during this summer’s Euro 2016 football tournament.

“The large number of tourists visiting Europe in the summer months will present greater targets for terrorists planning attacks in public locations, especially at large events,” said the agency. “Euro Cup stadiums, fan zones, and unaffiliated entertainment venues broadcasting the tournaments in France and across Europe represent potential targets for terrorists, as do other large-scale sporting events and public gathering places throughout Europe.”

Still, however, the nation continues to contribute to a fund paying salaries to jailed murderers.

According to a new report from Palestinian Media Watch, several other funding sources, such as the U.S., the EU, Norway and others, have pulled funding after it was revealed that the Palestinian Authority funds payments for those jailed for violent and horrific crimes.

“ISIS Exposed: Beheadings, Slavery, and the Hellish Reality of Radical Islam” is veteran investigative reporter Erick Stakelbeck’s story of the true motivations, inner workings and future plans the new caliphate

Not so with France.

PMW’s Itamar Marcus reported, “The PA announced last week that France signed agreements to give the PA money for various projects and in addition: ‘financial aid directly to the public treasury in the amount of 8 million euro.’”

He continued, “The PA general budget that France is contributing to pays monthly salaries to terrorists like Hamas bomb maker Abdallah Barghouti, whose bombs murdered 67 people, and Abbas Al-Sayid, who planned two suicide bombings in which 35 were killed, as well as all other Palestinians imprisoned for terror crimes.

“The French government should note that the PA pays more than $12 million a month in salaries to terrorist prisoners. [Official PA TV, June 11, 2014] Accordingly, France’s 8 million euro ($8.9 million) will cover approximately three weeks of terrorists’ salaries,” he wrote.

PMW notes from a PA daily was the report, “[PA] Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah briefed the government members during the weekly meeting held today [May 25, 2016] in Ramallah, regarding results of the meeting he held in his office yesterday with French Prime Minister Manuel Valls… The [PA] prime minister expressed his gratitude to the French government for the ongoing support that it gives to the Palestinian people, whether directly or through the European Union. Likewise, he praised the three agreements that were signed during the visit. They are the agreement to fund the administration of a wastewater project in Hebron in the amount of 13 million euro, the agreement to carry out research and for the French Agency to give technical aid for future development of Palestine in the amount of 500,000 euro, and the agreement to give financial aid directly to the public treasury in the amount of 8 million euro.”

WND reported earlier when the PMW reported on the Western money being paid into a fund that pays out salaries to those terrorists, as well as when Norwegian officials objected.

PMW’s “money trail” showed the Palestinian Authority was paying those salaries, although in secret since it had promised several years ago to stop.

PMW said it found Palestinian Authority Ministry of Finance documents that show a transfer of money from the PA to the Palestinian National Fund, the body that funds the Palestinian Liberation Organization, in the amount needed to pay the salaries.

The PA has received an estimated $25 billion in financial aid from the U.S. and other countries over two decades, according to the Gatestone Institute.

The PA’s payments became an issue for donor nations in 2014 after PMW exposed them.

“ISIS Exposed: Beheadings, Slavery, and the Hellish Reality of Radical Islam” is veteran investigative reporter Erick Stakelbeck’s story of the true motivations, inner workings and future plans the new caliphate

PMW said that among the likely recipients is Abdallah Barghouti, now serving 67 life sentences for preparing explosives for terror attacks over the years that killed 67 people.

After having been imprisoned for 13 years, Barghouti would be receiving about $1,600 a month now, according to the PA law.

When the Western donor nations objected in August 2014, the PA announced it had closed its Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs and promised “that salaries to prisoners will no longer be paid by the PA but by the newly formed PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs.”

But the PMW report revealed the new PLO Commission is identical to the old PA Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs in everything but name.

The commission and the salary payments to prisoners remain under the “supervision” of the Palestinian presidency, meaning Mahmoud Abbas. The PA minister of prisoners’ affairs became the director of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, PMW explained

In 2014, the last year the PA Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs operated, its budget was 442 million shekels ($118 million), PMW noted. The year after the “closure” of the PA Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs, the PA raised the amount it transfers to the PLO by 481 million shekels ($128 million), from 294 million in 2014 to 775 million in 2015.

PMW found the additional $128 million the PA gave to the PLO in 2015 “is the amount the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs needed to take on the responsibilities of the PA Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs, which is primarily paying terrorists salaries.”

It means, PMW said, Western nations were duped into believing the murderers’ salaries no longer were being subsidized by taxpayer funds.


from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/06/01/france-making-payments-for-terrorists-salaries/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/france-making-payments-for-terrorists-salaries/

New Obama scheme could damage 90% of U.S. cars

traffic jams

The Environmental Protection Agency wants to raise the amount of biofuels in America’s gasoline once again, but an energy industry executive says the move could severely damage most of the vehicles in the U.S., reduce the amount of energy per gallon and add to the national economic uncertainty.

The Obama EPA recently unveiled its proposal for the 2017 Renewable Fuel Standard. The administration says the call for additional biofuels is part of its ongoing effort to reduce dependence upon fossil fuels and develop cleaner burning energy sources.

But that’s not how the energy industry sees it at all.

“The new rule continues to push us toward breaching the blend wall. That is our big concern here, and that is reaching above 10 percent ethanol in the fuel mix,” warned American Petroleum Institute Downstream Group Director Frank Macchiarola.

He told WND and Radio America on paper the new Renewable Fuel Standard, or RFS, would still keep biofuels below the 10 percent threshold, but demand levels could actually drive the percentage above 10 percent. He said that could be a death sentence to the engines of most personal vehicles in the U.S.

“What AAA has said is that up to 90 percent of the vehicles on the road are not compatible with higher-blended ethanols such as E15,” Macchiarola said. “The more you push toward that, the greater the potential threat is to your fuel system and to your engine.”

Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with American Petroleum Institute Downstream Group Director Frank Macchiarola:



Far from embracing higher biofuel levels, the American Petroleum Institute is asking Congress to significantly lower them or scrap the RFS altogether. Macchiarola said the original legislation came in response to conditions that no longer exist.

“We’re asking Congress to repeal or significantly reform the RFS,” Macchiarola said. “Our basic argument here is that when the RFS was passed 10 years ago, that the energy world looked very different here in the United States.”

He said the energy conditions in the U.S. have effectively made a 180-degree shift in the past decade.

“We were a net importer of energy,” Macchiarola said. “We were increasing our dependence on foreign oil. Our production levels had flattened and were in decline. Fast-forward 10 years, we’ve had this shale revolution in both oil and natural gas, and we’re the world’s leading producers of energy.”

As if the potential damage caused by breaching the blend wall weren’t concerning enough, Macchiarola said there’s a deeper economic downside, too.

“The one thing about this mandate that is certain is the uncertainty every year,” Macchiarola said. “There’s nothing more damaging to economic growth, in my judgment, than an uncertain business environment.”

He said the uncertainty will run from the refineries to automakers to “anybody who is looking at input costs.” And consumers are not immune, either.

“On the consumer side, it creates uncertainty at the pump,” said Macchiarola, who points to a Congressional Budget Office report showing that higher biofuel content could lead to a 26-cent hike per gallon of gas.

And all for less energy.

“Those higher-blended ethanol fuels have less energy content,” he said. “That means people are driving less between each stop at the gas station.”

There is legislation underway on Capitol Hill that would forbid the EPA from ever exceeding the blend wall. It’s sponsored by Rep. Bill Flores, R-Texas, and Rep. Peter Welch, D-Vt. Macchiarola anticipates a bipartisan consensus on the issue because interests on both sides see problems with the RFS proposal.

“Environmental groups, both from an air emissions standpoint and a land-use standpoint, are really concerned about a proliferation of corn-based ethanol,” Macchiarola said.

from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/06/01/new-obama-scheme-could-damage-90-of-u-s-cars/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/new-obama-scheme-could-damage-90-of-u-s-cars/

Ohio AG to Washington: Transgender edict ‘is not law’


Already, 13 states have joined for a lawsuit against Barack Obama’s transgender agenda for schools – which was announced to the country in the form of orders to all schools to let a male or a female use the restroom, shower room, locker room and more of the gender they happen to believe they are.

On that day.

And while Ohio, considered a key state in any election year, hasn’t yet joined the action, the state’s attorney general has made it clear that isn’t out of the question, a move that could create turbulence among its voting population as what many consider a critical president election plays out this year.

“If Ohio is the bellwether of America, then the president’s agenda is in a heap of trouble,” said a commentary at Family Research Council. “The Buckeye State isn’t about to stand back and let the Obama administration take its schools hostage to a transgender agenda that puts its students at risk.”

That statement was based on a letter dispatched from Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine  to Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Education Secretary John King Jr., over whose names the Obama White House dispatched the demands to schools.

WND reported that Texas took the lead in filing a legal challenge to Obama’s transgender restroom demands, and so far as been joined by Kentucky, Alabama, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Tennessee, Arizona’s Department of Education, Maine Gov. Paul LePage, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Utah, Georgia and Mississippi.

The special Whistleblower edition “Trans-Mania” exposes the left’s “latest – and strangest – war on reality and normality.”

Critics have charged Obama is threatening the safety of students and trying to blackmail states with his threat to withhold federal funding for schools.

“This lawsuit is challenging the way that the Obama administration is trampling the United States Constitution,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said.

White House officials describe the issue as a civil rights matter, but critics argue Obama’s mandate sacrifices the privacy of hundreds of millions for the lifestyle preference of a few.

DeWine told the federal bureaucrats that their letter’s demand that schools allow males to enter, use, change clothes in, and shower in, rooms for females if they say they are female, lacks validity.

“As the chief law officer of the state of Ohio, I write to advise you that this judgment of the ‘Dear Colleague’ letter is wrong, both in its elitist disregard for our 21st Century communities and as a matter of law. … Our state and our communities are much better equipped on these matters than even the most well intentioned federal ‘principal deputy assistant attorney general’ or ‘assistant secretary’ to advance the important dignity and privacy intersts of every student – of all students – at a school in our state.”

“It is not law,” he wrote. “Here, Congress has not enacted a federal decree along the lines the letter advocates, and I am not aware that the administration has even proposed such legislation.”

He pointed out the demands have not even gone through the minimal requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act.

“If your departments act against our state contrary to law, I will defend vigorously the interests of the state of Ohio. … The federal government does not need and is not empowered to make every decision for every social institution in our country: There are many, many questions that, consistent with constitutional guarantees, are best left to the decent, commonsense judgment of individuals and communities at the state and local level.”

Including “how schools work to handle locker room questions involving students’ gender identities.”

The FRC noted Ohio officials simply are telling their school district leaders the mandate belongs “in the trash can.”

“If the uproar from attorneys general like DeWine is any indication, President Obama is making one of the biggest political miscalculations of his eight years. Like Congress, these state leaders are tired of being bullied, bypassed, and berated on issues that have nothing to do with the real priorities of the day. Never underestimate the outrage of a country in a debate where the safety and innocent of children hang in the balance. This administration may not have learned that lesson – but thanks to states like Ohio, it’s about to,” the FRC commentary said.

The special Whistleblower edition “Trans-Mania” exposes the left’s “latest – and strangest – war on reality and normality.”

WND reported how Washington is trying to make sexual alternatives mainstream.

The conflict reached a high point in 2015 when the U.S. Supreme Court departed from millennia of precedent and the Judeo-Christian foundation of Western civilization to create “same-sex marriage,” a ruling condemned by a four-justice minority as unconnected to the Constitution.

But that wasn’t the end, as the following headlines attest:

The federal government made its latest move after North Carolina lawmakers adopted a law in March requiring people to use gender-designated public facilities that correspond to the gender listed on their birth certificate. The aim was to protect women and children from being confronted by a naked man.

But the Department of Justice then threatened the state with financial penalties, claiming the law violates the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

That argument presumes Congress, in 1964, wanted men to be allowed to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms and vice versa, which is ridiculous, contends Kellie Fiedorek, a legal counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom, which specializes in civil and religious rights.

“North Carolina’s bathroom privacy law, HB2, fully complies with federal law,” Fiedorek said.

“It’s absurd to assert, as the Department of Justice does, that by placing the word ‘sex’ in federal nondiscrimination laws, Congress intended to force states to open their restrooms to people of the opposite biological sex,” Fiedorek continued. “Gov. McCrory and the state of North Carolina are fulfilling their duty to protect the privacy rights of their citizens.

The FRC earlier poked fun at Obama with a video suggesting he has bathrooms on the brain.

“So … while ISIS is infiltrating America … President Obama seems confused about human biology. While Russia taunts our military … President Obama is fighting for men to access to women’s locker rooms. While Iran and North Korea fire ballistic missiles … President Obama is demanding grown men have the right to use women’s bathrooms,” the video states.

“Who knows what’s next? President Obama could issue an executive order wiping out single gendered bathrooms in national parks … or in federal buildings … or tell the TSA to stop requiring those who fly to declare their biological sex. It’s absurd.”

The video:




from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/06/01/ohio-ag-to-washington-transgender-edict-is-not-law/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/ohio-ag-to-washington-transgender-edict-is-not-law/

Bishop facing ‘hate crime’ claim – for preaching


A Catholic church official in Spain has delivered a harsh condemnation of a secular agenda to give formal recognition to same-sex duos – and now he’s facing possible prosecution for committing a “hate crime.”

Under Barack Obama, the U.S. administration has promoted, profiled and praised same-sex relationships as well as other alternative sexual lifestyles.

On Tuesday Obama released a proclamation naming June LGBT Pride month and noted that his efforts have not stopped at America’s borders.

“Advancing the fair treatment of all people has long been a cornerstone of American diplomacy, and we have made defending and promoting the human rights of LGBT individuals a priority in our engagement across the globe,” he boasted.

“Outlasting the Gay Revolution” spells out eight principles to help Americans with conservative moral values counter attacks on our freedoms of religion, speech and conscience by homosexual activists

Under that influence, many jurisdictions around the globe have been falling in line behind Obama’s social agenda, and the American taxpayer money that accompanies it, and promoting homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism and more.

According to a report in the European-based The Local, one such location making changes was Valencia, Spain, where officials were proposing laws to give unmarried duos the same rights as married couples, where new protections were being instituted for those who comprehensively promote transgenderism, and more.

In that context, Cardinal Antonio Cañizares, archbishop of Valencia, said, “This is what is destructive, the ideology most insidious and destructive to mankind throughout history is the ideology of gender, which is trying to force the world powers in a more or less sneaky way throughout the world, with cruel legislation that does not have to be obeyed.”

He also said during his Sunday sermon, “Also in our community there is new legislation inspired by this ideology, and I ask those whom it may concern to avoid going against humanity.

“Valencia does not deserve this, nor should it be spearheading the implementation of such insidious and destructive ideology,” he said.

So the Valencia LGBT advocacy group Lambda said in a statement that it would file a formal hate speech complaint against the archbishop for his comments.

The Spanish-language El Espanol reported that the archdiocese explained he was defending “the eucharistic project in everyday life” versus “forgetfulness of God,”

The report said Canizares was objecting to laws allow cohabiting, the assignment of same-sex duos to equal statues with married couples, and a proposal addressing transsexuality.

In America, in one recent move, Obama appointed a prominent transgender man to a key faith advisory position.

His recent announcement named Barbara Satin to be a member of the president’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, a choice commentator Tim Brown at Freedom Outpost scorched as a “mentally sick transgender man.”

“And America tolerates this depravity!” Brown wrote. “Satin needs repentance, not an advisory position, but I don’t blame Barack Obama for that. Instead, I blame the United Church of Christ for its lack of loving discipline towards Barbara. They have allowed this person to wander into sin without any loving restraints to call him to repentance and allow him to stay in good standing in the body of Christ rather than a stern and sharp rebuke of his sin towards the Creator.”


Obama had described Satin, along with others on a list of appointees, as “fine public servants [who] bring a depth of experience and tremendous dedication to their important roles. I look forward to working with them.”

Obama’s statement said Satin was the assistant faith work director for the National LGBTQ Task Force.

“Outlasting the Gay Revolution” spells out eight principles to help Americans with conservative moral values counter attacks on our freedoms of religion, speech and conscience by homosexual activists

“She is an active member of the United Church of Christ and served on the denomination’s executive council as its first openly transgender member. Ms. Satin recently worked on the development of Spirit on Lake, a LGBTQ senior housing project in Minneapolis. She served on the board of directors for OutFront Minnesota from 2001 to 2008 and has served as chair of GLBT Generations since 1999. She has also served on the board of directors of PFund Foundation, a regional LGBTQ community foundation advancing social justice in Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin, since 2013,” Obama’s statement said.

Derrick Wilburn wrote on Allen West’s website, “Barack Obama has appointed a man who identifies as a woman to serve on his Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.”

“It’s nothing short of amazing how far this president has come since his public affirmation of belief that marriage is between one man an one woman just a few years ago,” he wrote. “Satin has a published biography which states in part, ‘At age 54, Barbara took early retirement and then began to explore more fully her transgender identity.’ ‘With the support of her children and a knowledgeable therapist, Barbara came to understand that her transgender identity was how God had made her and rather than being a curse it could be a blessing in her life.’ ‘As a way to more fully explore her identity, she moved out of the family home to live full-time as Barbara.’”

Bishop Harry Jackson, senior pastor at Hope Christian Church, said the common assumption that the civil rights issue covers both race discrimination and discrimination based on alternative sexual lifestyle choices is just wrong.

And he warned, “The church cannot afford to be asleep. She’s got to stand up. She’s got to engage, and believing Christians have got to understand this problem is coming to a bathroom near you. Your kids and grandkids and great-grandkids are going to be affected if we sleep on our watch this time around.”

Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Bishop Harry Jackson:




from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/06/01/bishop-facing-hate-crime-claim-for-preaching/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/bishop-facing-hate-crime-claim-for-preaching/

Woman welcomes Muslim ‘refugee’ into home, gets raped

Refugees Welcome protesters in Germany.

Refugees Welcome protesters in Germany.

The rape crisis in Sweden and Germany continues unabated but news of the attacks sometimes doesn’t leak out for weeks, even months.

And sometimes the victims are those you would least expect.

Take the case of a 26-year-old Afghan man who last Thursday was sentenced to 30 months in prison for raping a 20-year-old woman who had let him live in her apartment. The sentence was given by the court in Cologne, Germany, reports Kölner Rundschau.

The migrant came to Germany two years ago, the local news outlet reports, and the contact with the woman came through the group “Refugees Welcome,” or “Flüchtlinge Wilkommen.”

The attack occurred Oct. 25, 2015, when the Afghan rapist sneaked into the 20-year-old woman’s room while she was sleeping.

The story sounds eerily similar to another out of Sweden earlier this month. A mother there, working with a welcoming group, decided to open her home to a male refugee from Eritrea. She made her daughter leave her room so she could offer the child’s room to the migrant. That migrant then decided to sexually assault her 10-year-old daughter, the Daily Caller reported.

In fact, Muslim migrants raping those trying to help them is not that unusual.

A 24-year-old spokeswoman for the socialist “Linksjugend Solid” (“Left Youth Solid”), identified only as “Selin G.” was attacked and gang-raped in a parking lot in February. She reported the crime but two weeks later in a fit of guilt said she identified with her rapists as “victims” of German and Western culture, U.S. Herald reported.

The woman posted an apology on her Facebook page to the three men who raped her, blaming their actions on the “racist” atmosphere and “sexist society” in Germany, beginning the post with, “Dear male refugees, I am so sorry!”

A Norwegian man who is an activist in support of the anti-racist “Welcoming” cause was anally raped earlier this year by a Somali migrant and expressed guilt and remorse that the rapist had been deported back to Somalia. Karsten Nordal Hauken, a member of the Norwegian Socialist Left Party who described himself as an ardent “feminist and anti-racist” confessed to a documentary team about his despair at seeing the man deported, Breitbart reported.

The left’s ‘suicidal death wish’

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, explored the leftist mentality toward rape at the hands of Muslim migrants in an interview with Jaimie Glazov last month titled “Avoiding Rape is White Privelege.” In that interview Greenfield said progressives believe it’s impossible for an “oppressed” class of people such as Muslims to commit rape against a white person. They are merely lashing out in violence against those they see as oppressing them.

For this reason many of the rapes of women volunteering as aid workers in the Palestinian territories and in refugee camps across Europe are never reported or quietly reported without media coverage.

Glazov calls it a “suicidal death wish of the left.”

“This reflects and manifests very much the whole narrative of fellow travelers, of leftists and communists, who are very willing to sacrifice others including themselves on the altar of utopian ideals,” Glazov said.

Pamela Geller’s field manual for stopping radical Islam is the
‘How-to’ book offering proven strategies to halt Shariah in the U.S.

Greenfield said the leftist activists will usually put their “anti-racist” agenda ahead of their feminist leanings. The feminists, in short, have to take a back seat to the anti-racists and anti-Islamophobes.

“They are very big on guilt and this is Stockholm syndrome in action as the entire left has an obsession with the idea that if a Muslim does something bad then something worst must have happened to the Muslim and therefore the really guilty party is not the rapist – the rapist was probably driven to it – the real guilty party is the privileged party, which is the white guy (or woman) who was raped because of his privilege and now he’s just acknowledging his privilege by feeling very guilty about it, which again is what the left does really well,” Greenfield said.

This exposes inherently racist mentality of the left, Greenfield said, because they are furthering a narrative that says the rapists possess no free will over their actions – they rape uncontrollably because they are from a certain country or background.

More sexual assaults reported in Germany over weekend

Meanwhile, at least 26 German women were sexually assaulted by Muslim migrants at a free concert Sunday in Germany in attacks the Daily Mail described as “similar to those carried out in Cologne over New Year’s Eve.”

More than 500 German women were sexually assaulted on New Year’s Eve in Cologne and several other cities across Germany.

Three Pakistani men are already under arrest after 26 women filed complaints that they had been inappropriately touched, fondled and groped during the festival in the city of Darmstadt.

Police said the number of complainants could rise and at least two other migrant suspects are being sought.

All the female victims said they were “surrounded” before being “touched and fondled” at the Schlossgrabenfestes music festival.

The three men arrested were said to be between 28 and 31 and are Pakistani nationals seeking asylum in Germany.

Media reports said more women are expected to come forward to file criminal complaints after they were groped at the festival, a four-day event.

Sweden ‘transformed’ into Europe’s rape capital

In 1975, before Sweden began experimenting with a multicultural immigration policy, it was one of the safest countries in the world.

Sweden and Denmark now have the highest rates of sexual assault in the European Union, according to a study by the European Agency for Fundamental Rights. The findings were based on data from 2012 that was published in 2014.

Read more about Sweden’s rape crisis in WND’s recent report.

Read WND’s in-depth report on Muslim rape gangs operating in Britain, covered up by police, media and social workers for years.

Sweden, once a peaceful, low-crime welfare state, has come to be known as “Absurdistan” by critics of its extreme multicultural policies that ignore the economic and social interests of Swedes in favor of migrants.

Last year 163,000 asylum seekers came to Sweden and the prognosis is that between 70,000 and 140,000 will come this year, to a country with a total population of just 9.5 million. Germany has taken in many more Muslim migrants, more than 1 million over the last year, but its population is 80 million, so Sweden has actually transformed itself at a faster rate based on per capita population.

Swedish journalist Ingrid Carlqvist of the Gatestone Institute filed an insightful report on the country’s migrant situation recently.

“One of the things Swedes are most scared of is rape,” says Carlqvist.

Even though it’s illegal for police in Sweden to keep stats on the ethnic background, immigration status, or religion of criminals, Carlqvist says it’s the worst-kept secret in Sweden as to who is responsible for the near-1500 percent increase in rapes.

Watch video of Swedish journalist Ingrid Carlqvist reporting on the country’s rape crisis:



“Almost every day we can read in the alternative media about rapes of Swedish women and girls, committed by asylum seekers or other migrants from the Third World,” she said.

Up until a few decades ago, no one had ever hear of gang rape, she said. Now it happens every week.

“This has of course been going on for many years but the swedes have been so brainwashed by the government and the main-stream media that no one has protested about the rape on Sweden. But that has all changed. These days, no one can escape the horrible realities. Just a few of miles from here is a little village that used to have 900 inhabitants but last year the authorities placed 400 asylum seekers in that little village. That means that almost half of the total population is now people from Somalia, Eritrea, Afghanistan and Syria. It’s really turned the whole village upside down. I have talked to people who lived and work around there. At first, they were happy to welcome people to their part of the world. They arranged lunches and Christmas celebrations and donated clothing to the migrants. Now, many of the locals are afraid and confused. With tears in their eyes they tell me how their friendly village has been totally transformed by these young, aggressive, male asylum seekers. The asylum seekers scream at the locals, call the women whores, they steal from the shops, and don’t seem at all grateful or happy to be here. Many wonder what these asylum seekers expected when they arrived in Sweden.”

The Daily Svenska Dagbladet interviewed “Salar from Iraq,” who complained:

“We can’t sit here and wait for the decision on resident permits indefinitely… We sit at the asylum house al day long and do nothing. Our children have nothing to do, there is no playground there. And the food that is served here is strange, it doesn’t look like the kind of food we are used to.”

“The people here, they wonder if peace will ever come back to this place,” Carlqvist said.

Germans fleeing Germany?

The situation in Germany is getting so bad that some Germans are leaving in a rare case of “reverse migration.” According to Hungary Today, the number of Germans inquiring about emigrating to Hungary is on the rise.

Munich-based broadcaster Bayerische Rundfunk aired a report last week that documents an increasing number of Germans moving to the Lake Balaton area of Hungary, citing their dissatisfaction with the German government’s asylum policy and a fear of migrants.

The German reporter says Germans generally appreciate the good weather and low costs near Lake Balaton, as well as the presence of a relatively large German community. But recently they have also begun taking into account the fact that the vast majority of Hungarians are Christians and “there are hardly any migrants” in Hungary.

Hungary: The anti-E.U. European country

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been vilified by the establishment media for saying he wishes to keep Hungary a Christian nation.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been vilified by the establishment media for saying he wishes to protect Europe from the invading migrants and preserve Hungary a Christian nation.

That’s because Hungary, led by no-nonsense Prime Minister Viktor Orban, is building a razorwire fence along its southern border with Croatia, Serbia and Romania, stopping the migrants in their tracks and infuriating the European Union’s globalist leaders. The globalists running the E.U. have roundly criticized him for “splitting Europe in two” and stopping the free flow of migrants into their continent.

Orban has said he wants to preserve Hungary’s Christian heritage and he will only accept Christian refugees from the Middle East.

Once the fence is completed, migrants will only be able to travel further into Europe by squeezing through a sliver of Slovenia to the West, or risking the trek through war-torn Ukraine to the East.

Hungary has also implemented a no-nonsense deportation system that allows it to boot illegal aliens from the country within hours, the U.K.’s Express reports.

Orban has also been pilloried by globalist publications in the U.S. including the New York Times and Foreign Policy magazine.

Pamela Geller’s field manual for stopping radical Islam is the
‘How-to’ book offering proven strategies to halt Shariah in the U.S.

from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/woman-welcomes-muslim-refugee-into-home-gets-raped/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/woman-welcomes-muslim-refugee-into-home-gets-raped/

Top Hillary aide suffers memory loss in deposition

NEW YORK – Cheryl Mills, Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff during her four years as secretary of state, demonstrated a repeated inability to recall key information about her former boss’s private, unsecured email server in a deposition with Judicial Watch, according to a 270-page transcript released Tuesday.

Cheryl Mills

In testimony Friday that lasted seven hours, three attorneys representing Mills and four from the Justice Department interrupted Judicial Watch attorneys approximately 250 times, shouting “objection” to argue why Mills should not answer the question posed.

When Mills finally did answer, she responded “I don’t recall” 40 times and “I don’t know” to another 182 questions. Her testimony was characterized by pleading she was too busy, too stressed or not sufficiently expert to have appreciated the legal implications of Hillary Clinton’s decision to use two BlackBerry phones to conduct her official State Department correspondence via a personal server in her Chappaqua, New York, residence.

Get a first-hand account of the Democratic presidential front-runner’s character in “Hillary The Other Woman.” Then take action with the Hillary Clinton Investigative Justice Project and let others know, with a bumper sticker calling for “Hillary for prosecution, not president.”

Nevertheless, Mills confirmed that President Bill Clinton first established ClintonEmail.com on the private email server to communicate with his office staff, evidently while he was still president.

Rather than establish a separate private email server for Hillary Clinton after she became secretary of state, the Clintons decided simply to use ClintonEmail.com.

The testimony is part of a lawsuit by Judicial Watch related to Clinton’s use of a private server. Mills’ deposition is among seven of former Clinton top aides and State Department officials that the Washington watchdog has scheduled over the next four weeks

Memory lapses

Consider the following exchange in which Judicial Watch attorneys asked Mills if she had any discussions with Secretary Clinton prior to Clinton leaving the State Department about leaving the emails stored on her ClintonEmail.com account with the State Department so they would be available to her successor, John Kerry.

Mills: I don’t recall having those discussions. And, you know, I can only speak to what I can recall.

Judicial Watch Attorney: Okay.

Mills: And I don’t recall having those discussions.

Asked if she communicated with Clinton by email about the Benghazi attacks, Mills responded:

Mills: I may have, I don’t recall. Because in real time obviously her office is about, happily, or sadly, five to seven feet from mine. And so given the set of events that were happening in that time period, there was a lot of, obviously, direct communication.

As an immediate follow-up, Mills was asked, “Okay. Did you communicate with Ms. Abedin [Huma Abedin, Clinton’s deputy chief of staff at the State Department] about the Benghazi attacks via email?”

Mills responded:

Mills: I absolutely might have. I don’t have a recollection of doing that, but I might have.

Despite Mills’ obvious attempts to avoid answering direct questions asked by Judicial Watch attorneys, Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch president, told WND the deposition included valuable information that he estimated would be very important as the other Judicial Watch depositions in the Clinton email scandal develop.

“We now know more than we did prior to Mills’ testimony regarding the Clinton email system,” Fitton told WND, “but there remain many important questions yet to be answered.”

Server ‘preexisted’ secretary

The key question-and-answer session regarding the creation of Hillary Clinton’s private email account is on page 259 of the deposition transcript:

Judicial Watch Attorney: ClintonEmail.com. Do you understand whether that was on a server that Secretary Clinton set up or on a server that was set up by President Clinton?

Mills: The server preexisted Secretary Clinton’s arrival at the State Department. President Clinton had established a server for the purposes of his own staff office, and – and her – her email was subsequently put on that. That was not information I had contemporaneous knowledge of. It is information that I’ve come to learn over the course of my time period since then.

Then, on page 265 of the transcript, the line of questioning resumes.

Judicial Watch Attorney: How did you learn how the server – or who had – who had purchased the server?

Mills: So, I’m not sure how to answer your question. But maybe I should answer it what your goal – I don’t know what your goal is. But, in other words, the server was in place at the Clinton’s residence prior to Secretary Clinton becoming secretary. It subsequently was upgraded. And it was being used for the president’s personal staff, and the email was put on that server.

Fitton also stressed that Mills admitted knowing Brian Pagliano, the Clinton family technical assistant who was hired by the State Department to make Hillary Clinton’s private email operational and integrated into the State Department’s secure government server.

from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/top-hillary-aide-suffers-memory-loss-in-deposition/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/top-hillary-aide-suffers-memory-loss-in-deposition/

Trump picks up support from North Korea

(TORONTO SUN) — North Korea is apparently backing Donald Trump’s bid for the U.S. presidency.

An editorial Tuesday in the state-run DPRK Today praised the Repulbican standard-bearer as a “wise politician” and a “far-sighted presidential candidate.”

Likely Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton was described as “dull.”

from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/trump-picks-up-support-from-north-korea/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/trump-picks-up-support-from-north-korea/