Despite all the tough talk by Speaker Paul Ryan and GOP leaders in Congress about Syrian refugees and the need for better screening, the true intent of those leaders will be laid bare on Dec. 11.
That’s the day that a catch-all “omnibus” budget bill is scheduled to be voted on in the House.
In that bill there is expected to be full funding of President Obama’s refugee resettlement program, which costs $1.2 billion annually to bring in 85,000 refugees from more than two dozen countries around the world. About half of them will come from countries with active jihadist movements including 10,000 from Syria, about 8,000 from Somalia, nearly 10,000 from Iraq, and several thousand more from Burma, Uzbekistan, Bosnia, Democratic Republic of Congo and Afghanistan.
The United Nations will choose which refugees from what countries get to come to America at the U.S. taxpayer’s expense. The nationalities of these refugees will be concealed in most cases until after they arrive in the more than 180 cities and towns across the U.S.
The House passed a bill, the America SAFE Act, by a lopsided vote two weeks ago that calls for a “pause” in the resettlement of until the White House can provide certain assurances that they have been properly vetted.
But that’s a smokescreen as the SAFE Act won’t stop a single refugee from arriving in any of those 180 cities, says Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., who is chairman of the Senate’s subcommittee on immigration and the national interest.
Of the 132 Syrian refugees admitted to the U.S. since the attack on Paris, all of them have been Muslim. Not a single Syrian Christian has been allowed in over that period through the U.N.’s refugee program, government databases show.
There is only one way to stop the refugees, as the governors of more than two dozen states have said they want them stopped.
Sessions released the following statement Tuesday addressing the refugee program and its close cousin, Obama’s policy of “welcoming” illegal alien women and children from Central America.
“This year’s appropriations bills – which will be combined into a catch-all ‘omnibus’ by Dec. 11 – amount to a blank check for the President to carry out his refugee resettlement plans [as well as to]: fund the continued placement of illegal aliens from Central America into U.S. communities; continue federal funding for ‘sanctuary cities’; allow for the continued operation of the President’s 2012 executive amnesty program; and [could also] include a huge expansion of the H-2B foreign worker visa program.
“The President’s annual funding requests are just that: requests. It is the exclusive and sole constitutional prerogative of Congress whether or not to accept his requests, reject them, or impose whatever conditions Congress deems proper on behalf of taxpaying Americans.
“Now is the hour of choosing for Congress; will we surrender – funding Obama’s entire immigration agenda – or will we assert Congress’s power on behalf of the interests of the American people?”
Not only will Obama be allowed to bring in the 85,000 refugees he has announced on top of current record immigration levels, but this will include at least 10,000 refugees from Syria who will subsequently be able to bring in their foreign relatives, Sessions said.
All refugees are eligible for lifetime government assistance and can draw funds from Social Security and Medicare at Americans’ expense. More than 90 percent of recent Middle Eastern refugees are on food stamps, Sessions said. As soon as they arrive on U.S. soil they are placed on a fast-track to becoming full, voting citizens.
“Altogether, we can expect to issue nearly 700,000 green cards – or lifetime residency cards – to migrants from Muslim nations over the next five years (as we did over the last five years),” he said. “Terror groups have demonstrated that they will recruit from among this inflow. We have already identified nearly 30 foreign-born individuals charged or convicted of terrorism offenses in the last year – investigations which required the deployment of vast manpower, financial and legal resources.”
A bill in the House, HR 3314 introduced by Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas, would cut off all funding for the refugee program until a full audit can be completed on both the costs and the risks to national security. Thus far Ryan has not brought it to the floor for a vote and Babin has said he wants the bill’s language to be inserted into the omnibus spending bill coming up for a vote on Dec. 11.
While the cost to administer the program is known to be $1.2 billion a year, that figure does not include the heavy welfare usage by refugees.
The Obama Administration has said it may bring in up to 30,000 Syrian refugees in fiscal 2017, following the 10,000 in fiscal 2016.
“There is, however, no limit on the number that the President can admit this year or any year under current law, if Congress continues to write blank checks,” he said.
“It is also expected that the omnibus bill will fund the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s continued placement of illegal aliens from Central America into U.S. communities – instead of deporting them – on top of the enormous green card flow.”
The omnibus will also likely continue federal funding for “sanctuary cities” and allow for the continued operation of Obama’s 2012 executive amnesty program, which provides work authorizations and certain government benefits to some 700,000 illegal aliens under the age of 30.
And, finally, the omnibus may also include a huge expansion of the H-2B foreign worker visa program, used to fill blue-collar jobs such as truck driving, landscaping, construction work and hotel service.
“This action would further replace and reduce wages of American workers during a time of record immigration and historically low workforce participation rates,” Sessions said.
Obama’s annual funding requests are just that: requests. It’s up to Congress whether to approve them.
“It is the exclusive and sole constitutional prerogative of Congress whether or not to accept his requests, reject them, or impose whatever conditions Congress deems proper on behalf of taxpaying Americans,” Sessions said.
“Now is the hour of choosing for Congress; will we surrender – funding Obama’s entire immigration agenda – or will we assert Congress’s power on behalf of the interests of the American people, and declare by appropriations what programs are worthy and what are not?”
from PropagandaGuard
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