Tuesday, 29 December 2015

A game plan for 2016

I thought John Boehner cashed in his speaker’s digs for the greener fairways of Ohio. The rising tide of conservatism in response to the often-criminal failures of President Barack Obama’s regime was supposed to pull America back from the yawning precipice of socialism. With Boehner working on his savage tan full time, the GOP could finally not only undo some of the damage created by the Democrats’ wearing their jackboots in the house, but confine their goose-stepping to the yard.

The stage was certainly set after the 2014 elections. The Democrats ran their 2008 playbook, “a hope in every pot and some change in the garage” (or something to that effect), against the Republicans’ 2014 (well, 2013-ish) game plan and got spanked worse than the Giants did by the Vikings this past Sunday night. The Republicans had a mandate from the electorate. They’d broken through the Democrats’ defensive front. And with Obama’s erstwhile golf buddy Boehner calling it a career, the only thing between the GOP and the political end zone was green grass.

So, of course, the Republican elite immediately coughed up the ball. Paul Ryan, previously one-half of the least-inspiring Republican presidential ticket since Dole/Kemp, if not Landon/Knox, pulled all the right wires; and the party to which John and Jane Q. Public turned for relief from the left’s Obama-scripted depravity turned its back on them. Exit old RINO; enter young RINO.

Just in case anyone thought Speaker Paul Ryan would represent an improvement over former vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan, his first major act as the Republican foil to Obama arrived just in time for Christmas, in the battle over the $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill. Thanks to Ryan’s machinations, which included fewer than 48 hours’ advance warning of the bill’s contents and a deliberate omission of conservative input, the Democrats were doing their touchdown dance in the Republican end zone.

The bill includes gems like a quadrupling of foreign “guest worker” visas at a time when Obamanomics has forced millions of middle-class parents working multiple McJobs to make ends meet while permanently sending a record 94 million of their countrymen to the bench. It also expands the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority, as if the guys who brought us the Animas River disaster needed a bonus. It even throws billions more dollars into the so-called “green energy” shredder — because most islamofascist terrorists got into the ISIS racket to stand up against your gas-guzzling SUV and aerosol deodorant.

Even the Democrats seemed somewhat surprised. Soon-to-be ex-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid acted like he’d bought the winning Powerball ticket. “(W)e wanted to get rid of sequestration, we were able to do that … All three goals we had, we accomplished.” Sen. Chuck Schumer was even more incredulous: “Well, if you would’ve told me this year that we’d be standing here celebrating the passage of an omnibus bill, with no poison pill riders, at higher [spending] levels above sequesters than even the president requested, I wouldn’t have believed it, but here we are.”

Keep in mind, both Reid and Schumer got demoted to the Senate’s JV following a majority tenure that needed an adrenaline shot to reach “moribund.” These cats, like their house counterparts, lost their starting gigs. But their chamber is guided by Sen. Mitch McConnell, whose leadership style makes Ryan look like Attila the Hun.

Ryan’s and McConnell’s spinelessness is even more shameful against the backdrop of a presidential election that may very well replace a president who acts like a reality TV star with a reality TV star who acts like a president. Any halfway-interested observer can tell that Trump’s populist bellowing is borne of the populace’s fatigue with the Washington elites of both parties self-benefiting, behind-closed-doors machinations.

Meanwhile, the Democrats’ big idea is to try to force-feed us a doddering grandmother who has been the presumptive 2016 nominee since the day she conceded to Obama in 2008. And she’s struggling to ice the game against the communist answer to Doc Brown from “Back to the Future.” Seven years of lead time, and all Madame Hillary has managed to come up with is “Vote for me; I have a vagina.”

In 2015, the Republicans stripped the ball from the Democrats and charged toward the wrong end zone. There’s no real reason to think they won’t continue racing in the wrong direction in 2016. Either they turn around and run for daylight, or I say we cut them all.

–Ben Crystal

The post A game plan for 2016 appeared first on Personal Liberty®.

from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2015/12/30/a-game-plan-for-2016/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2015/12/29/a-game-plan-for-2016/

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