Monday, 28 December 2015

Democrats think Christians bigger threat than Muslims


A Muslim man caught on camera going on a bloody attack in London, England.

Editor’s Note: This is another in a series of reports on the polling by Clout Research, a national opinion research firm in Columbus, Ohio, for

A new poll reveals that 45 percent of the Democrats who responded believe that Christians are a greater threat to America than Muslims.

No shock that 72 percent of atheists agree.

But the surprise is that 18 percent of those who consider themselves ” very conservative” agree.

As do 29 percent of Protestants.

And 23 percent of Catholics.

Interestingly, the sample of Muslims was very small, but 100 percent said it is Muslims who are the greater danger.

The results are from a new WND/Clout poll by Clout Research, a national opinion research firm in Columbus, Ohio. The telephone survey of registered voters was taken Dec. 18-27, except for the holiday, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.35 percentage points.

Trust the government? Maybe you shouldn’t. Read the details in “Lies the Government Told You,” by Judge Andrew Napolitano.

Poll chief Fritz Wenzel said, “A surprising finding in the survey shows that one in three respondents said they believe Christians pose a greater threat to America than do Muslims. Among Democrats, 45 percent said Christians are more dangerous than are Muslims, while 36 percent of political independents said the same. Among Republicans, 20 percent said Christians are the greater threat.”

He said the opinions “may well have to do with the Colorado Springs shootings at the Planned Parenthood office there that resulted in three deaths. That shooting was carried out by a deranged man who opposed abortion. His religious affiliation is unclear, but many may have extrapolated that he must be a Christian conservative. This conclusion is bolstered by the fact  that women were more likely than men to name Christians as a bigger threat than Muslims – but that said, still 63 percent of all women still said Muslims are the greater threat.”

His analysis continued, “The more conservative the respondent, the more likely they were to identify Muslims as the greater threat to America.”

The survey included very few Muslims, but they all said Muslims were the greater threat to the country. Among Protestants, 29 percent said Christians were the greater threat, while 72 percent of Atheists said Christians were a greater threat, he noted.

“A majority of blacks said Christians were the greater threat, but all other races said Muslims were the greatest threat to America,” he said.

The question asked was simple: “Which do you believe pose the greatest threat to America – Muslims or Christians?”

Fifty-five percent of Democrats, 80 percent of the GOP and 64 percent of the independents identified Muslims.

Among those who identify themselves as liberal, it was approaching 50 percent that believe Christians are the greater danger.

Among whites, 67 percent identified Muslims, among Hispanics, 90 percent identified Muslims and among Asians, 82 percent identified Muslims. It was blacks, who by a 55-45 majority, said Christians are a bigger threat.

Trust the government? Maybe you shouldn’t. Read the details in “Lies the Government Told You,” by Judge Andrew Napolitano.

See the results:

Question 13: “Which do you believe pose the greatest threat to America – Muslims or Christians?”

from PropagandaGuard

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