Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Obama’s gun control looms as New Year dawns

Rand Paul

Rand Paul

The New Year dawns – and with it, President Obama’s promised executive action on guns. But at least one congressional member on Capitol Hill has taken swift action to stop the tide of executive overreach.

Sen. Rand Paul has introduced legislation to keep the White House from overextending its jurisdiction and issuing executive orders that curtail the Second Amendment – a measure that comes in direct response to Obama’s vow to enact gun control by dictate shortly after the new year, and one that will likely set the stage for a White House-Congress battle of policy wits.

Paul’s legislation would limit such orders to “advisory” status “only,” Breitbart reported. Specifically, it would limit “any executive action on gun control that either infringes upon congressional authority or potentially violates the Second Amendment,” the Hill reported. The “advisory only” tag means Congress would have to pass the recommended action before it could take effect.

Paul’s bill would also let a “state official, member of Congress or person affected by an executive action on gun control to launch a civil lawsuit,” as Breitbart reported.

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The bill is being fast-tracked and is due to be considered by the Senate after the congressional recess.

As Paul said, Breitbart reported: “In the United States, we do not have a king, but we do have a Constitution. We also have a Second Amendment and I will fight tooth and nail to protect it.”

The bill follows Obama’s mid-December meeting with Michael Bloomberg, New York City’s former mayor and the co-founder of Everytown for Gun Safety, to discuss “ways to keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have access to them and what more could be done at the state and local level to help address gun violence in America,” as MTV News reported.

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Analysts think Obama’s executive actions on gun control will take the shape of tightening the rules regarding who can get a federal firearms license, which impacts the background checks’ process. Currently, only those with federal firearms licenses can perform background checks, MTV News reported, citing Everytown legal director Liz Avore. And to some on the gun control side, that’s a loophole that needs to be addressed.

“[Obama] can’t close that loophold with his executive action, but what he can do is tighten and clarify the definition of who has to get a license and who doesn’t,” she said, in the news outlet. “Right now, it is anyone ‘engaged in the business of selling firearms,’ which is vaguely defined and makes it hard for prosecutors to crack down on those selling large numbers of guns because it’s not clear what ‘engaged in business’ means.”

Bloomberg Business reported Obama’s bypass of Congress to enact gun control will take place shortly after the new year.”soon after New Year’s Day.”

The news outlet reported: “The next shoe to drop on gun control may come by mid-January, when President Barack Obama is expected to issue an executive order requiring everyone ‘in the business’ of selling firearms to perform background checks. … The proble is that an awful lot of firearms are sold [by personal gun collectors] who aren’t technically gun retailers but who sell weapons at weekend gun shows or from their homes.”

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The news site reported about 40 percent of all gun transfers are conducted without that background check and via private, personal sales, and “that’s the so-called gun show loophole.”

Bloomberg goes on: “Presumably the background-check gap permits some criminals and mentally disa bled people to buy guns who otherwise might be stopped. … Obama has let it be known from his holiday retreat in Hawaii, through unidentified advisers, that soon after New Year’s Day he plans to follow through on plans to expand the definition of who’s … required to perform background checks.”

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The National Rifle Association has maintained such a move would lead toward outright government monitoring of gun owners, and eventually, bans and confiscations. As WND reported, such scenario is not far-fetched.

“Under a new law effective New Year’s Day, California cops can now seize guns from law-abiding Americans without charges and without giving any notice,” under the terms of AB 1014, Chelsea Schilling reported in WND.


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