Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Where is the danger?

With the USA Patriot Act set to expire on Sunday, President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and their fellow statists and puppets for the NSA spooks are scrambling to find a way to save their pet project of collecting everyone’s data through the NSA’s bulk collection program.

After all, we are all potential terrorists, according to government. We may do, say or think something that government doesn’t approve of. And there’s ISIS on the doorstep, Muslim terrorists under every rock and behind every tree just itching to behead us or blow up a building or something.

We know this because the administration and grumpy Rep. Peter King (Scaremonger-N.Y.) tell us so, and the FBI creates terrorists, enables them and then arrests them at the last minute… or doesn’t, as in the case of the Garland, Texas, Muhammad cartoon event shooting.

It’s not the NSA that’s the villain, King said, “it’s al-Qaida, ISIS, it’s the whole array of Islamist terrorists we’re against.”

Never mind your 4th Amendment rights to privacy. There are terrorists out there somewhere. And they’ll get you. So we need the new and improved USA Freedom Act to keep us safe… even if it makes us less free.

During deliberations over the adoption of a new Constitution, proponents argued that creating a federal government would save the country from various dangers including a war with France over debt, land disputes with Spain and among the several states, and raids by Indians. In “Foreign Wars, Civil Wars, and Indian Wars — Three Bugbears,” Patrick Henry refuted those arguments and noted that such a government would “oppress and ruin the people.”

One line from Henry’s speech before the Virginia Ratifying Convention is especially noteworthy given the fearmongering coming from Washington today:

Where is the danger? If, sir, there was any, I would recur to the American spirit to defend us; that spirit which has enabled us to surmount the greatest difficulties — to that illustrious spirit I address my most fervent prayer to prevent our adopting a system destructive to liberty.

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