Thursday, 28 May 2015

Santorum mocks Hillary on campaign website


Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum, former Pennsylvania senator and recently announced Republican candidate for president, used his campaign website page to take a potshot at Hillary Clinton with a mocking message that red flagged the former secretary of state’s email scandal.

The post?

An error message that states: “We’re sorry, but we couldn’t find that page,” the page says, the Hill reported. “But we do have this search box. You know, for convenience.”

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The post is reminescent of Clinton’s claim of establishing a home-based email server for secretary of state electronic correspondences for “convenience” sake, in order to avoid the need to carry several devices.

Santorum’s not the first to use an Internet bad link message on his campaign site to make a political point.

Clinton’s website includes a photo of her family at Disney park with Donald Duck, and the accompanying text: “Oops, that link wasn’t what it was quacked up to be.”

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee posts a picture with him and his dog while fishing on the error page of his campaign web site.

And Sen. Marco Rubio’s campaign error site touts a football-themed video, the Hill reported.

from PropagandaGuard

from WordPress

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