Sunday, 31 May 2015

Kathleen Willey: Hillary a ‘money-hungry hypocrite’

Kathleen Willey

Kathleen Willey

Kathleen Willey, the former White House aide who claims President Bill Clinton sexually assaulted her in 1993 during his first term, now suspects the former president suffers from dementia, and calls Hillary Clinton a “money-hungry” hypocrite who looks “awfully haggard” and is the “worst role mother for a wife and a mother and a politician.”

Willey, author of the book “Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton,” made her scathing comments in an interview airing tonight on Aaron Klein Investigative Radio, broadcast on New York’s AM 970 and Philadelphia 990 AM, as well as online.

She is now seriously questioning the mental health of both of the Clintons.

“[Hillary] is really looking awfully haggard these days,” Willey said.

“After watching [Bill’s] performance with [NBC News’ Cynthia] McFadden, when he said that I’ve gotta pay my bills, I think he’s showing early signs of dementia or something. He’s not the old Bill Clinton that we all remember. I mean, he was all over the place. Now you’re seeing clips of [Hillary] talking to herself all the time. I think that I want somebody in there who knows what they’re doing, and money isn’t the No. 1 issue for them. They have enough money. They made $30 million … in the last 15 months on speaking engagements. Isn’t that enough?”

Speaking of Hillary Clinton’s behavior during those White House years, Klein said, “There’s no way Hillary did not know what was going on, that women were being abused and accosted by her husband. You took it further on my show. You said Hillary was the war on women.”

“She’s absolutely unqualified to run this country,” stated Willey. “Just look at something as simple as her judgment. … I question her judgment on a number of issues when it comes to being the president. She enabled his behavior. It’s as simple as that. She looked the other way. She might throw a tantrum, but she enabled it to happen again and again and again and again. Then she chooses to go after the women that he hooked up with to ruin them again and again and again and again. That’s how it works. I don’t see how anybody can respect a woman like that, especially another woman. She is the worst role mother for a wife and a mother and a politician, anything. … She is a hypocrite.”

Read the book that indicts Hillary in her own words: “Hillary Unhinged”

Regarding finances, Willey said Hillary’s desire for wealth overrides her judgment:

“She is money-hungry, absolutely … She says they were dead broke? … They’ve got money hand over fist. They just can’t seem to make enough. And she doesn’t see any reason whatsoever that there’s anything wrong with this. That’s what bothers me. Where’s the woman’s judgment? She has no sense of good judgment whatsoever. I don’t want that woman to be my president.”

Given a choice between Democrat candidates, Willey came down firmly in the camp of former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley.

“If I were a Democrat – which I’m not anymore for obvious reasons – if it came down to a choice between Hillary Clinton and O’Malley, I would vote for him in a New York minute. … He’s a good family man, he loves his wife. … I don’t agree with all his policies, but he just seems to me to be a regular, normal kind of guy. I think he was well-liked in Maryland. … He seems to be at least a moderate.”


Bill and Hillary Clinton

Willey has high praise for Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard.

“When it comes down to my choice, the more I hear Carly Fiorina talk, the more I like her. I mean, there’s a role model for you,” she said.

“I would love to work on her campaign. She doesn’t hedge when she’s asked questions, she gives you straight answers, she’s direct, she’s not afraid of anybody. … I mean, she’s just got more cajones than everyone in Washington combined. … I think she’s great, I think she’s wonderful. …

“She didn’t get where she got on the coattails of other men like Hillary did. She worked her way up. … She did it on her own. I have got a lot of admiration for that woman. … Women in this country who want a woman for president ought to be paying a whole lot more attention to Carly Fiorina than to Hillary Clinton, because Hillary Clinton has nothing to offer. She won’t talk, she won’t answer questions, she hides behind the Secret Service, I haven’t heard one innovative idea come out of her mouth since all of this started. What does she have to offer this country except for the fact that she thinks that she’s entitled to this? What has she accomplished? I can’t think of a thing.”

from PropagandaGuard

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