Thursday, 28 May 2015

Al Sharpton on Texas floods: God’s will?


Al Sharpton

The death toll in Texas due to flooding has hit 21 – and Rev. Al Sharpton, MSNBC host, has now raised the question: Are the disasters and deaths due to God’s will, or climate change?

In a tweet, Sharpton wrote: “#KeepingItReal QOTD: Do you think the #TexasFlooding is related to climate control or God’s rebuke? Call 8775325797 or tweet me your thoughts.”

Twitter was quick to react on the Question of the Day segment.

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“GREAT question,” wrote R. Brock Olson, Mediaite found. “We’re really getting to the bottom of things. And come to think of it, where does rain come from anyway? @TheRevAl.”

And another: “So @TheRevAl Are you saying you think #Katrina was ‘God’s Rebuke’ too?”

Eric D. Silver tweeted: “@TheRevAl Do you think The Rev’s dumb questions are related to a broken education system or just plain idocy? Call 8775325797 or tweet me.”

Jonah Goldberg, from National Review Online, tweeted: “Whoa. I think I knew what ‘Keeping it Real’ meant. Now I’m not so sure.”

Yet another: “If Pat Robertson suggested it was ‘God’s rebuke,’ it would be front-page news.”

Even Glenn Greenwald weighed in, mocking Sharpton.

“@WraithKenny @Pophat @TheRevAl 9/11: Bad Foreign Policy or God’s Rebuke to America over homosexuals? Hey, I was just asking!”

Sharpton, meanwhile, wrote on his Twitter account in response: “Interesting dialogue on my radio show QOTD abt the #TexasFlooding. Though I don’t agree w/ many, the discussion must continue.”


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