Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Baltimore prosecutor Mosby on cops: ‘Thugs’


Critics of Baltimore City state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby have further evidence of the zealous prosecutor’s bias against police officers, this time from her activities on social media.

Following her May 1 announcement of charges to be filed against six Baltimore police officers who participated in the April 12 arrest and transport of Freddie Gray – who died a week later, apparently from injuries sustained while in custody – Mosby came under fire for her inflammatory language and questionable legal judgment.

The debate online that followed over Mosby’s actions — both pro and con — eventually drew the prosecutor herself in to express an opinion, reported Daily Caller.

On May 6, Mosby favorited a tweet by 3ChicsPolitico calling the charged officers “thugs.”


“Ametia: SA @MarilynMosbyEsq only revealed what was RELEVANT to charge those 6 THUG cops. Nothing more, nothing less. #FreddieGray”

That same day, she favorited another tweet that cast the debate in racial terms.


“Didn’t I say last week that @MarilynMosbyEsq, prima facie, probably INFURIATES a certain kind of white person? Now come the long knives.”

Mosby’s endorsement of a tweet calling cops thugs is ironic, given that the word has been deemed the new n-word when applied to Baltimore rioters, whose damage will cost the city $20 million to repair.

“Of course it’s not the right word, to call our children ‘thugs,’” Baltimore City Councilman Carl Stokes told CNN.

“These are children who have been set aside, marginalized, who have not been engaged by us. No, we don’t have to call them thugs.”

“Just call them n—–s. Just call them n—–s,” he said. “No, we don’t have to call them by names such as that.”

Mosby angrily echoed Stokes complaint during a speech to clergy members, given before the investigation of the Gray incident was completed: “Our young people, I know that they’re called ‘thugs’. Those are young people crying out. There’s a sense of hopelessness in this city.”

Racial violence is back. For too long, the media and politicians ignore it. Now, they’re justifying it. Read “White Girl Bleed a Lot.”

Mosby’s critics have accused her of bias, political ambition and overcharging the officers beyond what a fair jury could be expected to convict.

“To the people of Baltimore, and the demonstrators across America: I heard your call for ‘No justice, no peace.’ … To the youth of this city: I will seek justice on your behalf,” she said when announcing 26 felony charges against the officers.

“This is your moment. … You’re at the forefront of this cause, and as young people, our time is now.”

But playing to the crowd is one thing, playing to the jury quite another.

“I think a prosecutor is going to have a hard time proving that the actions did in fact cause death, since they seem to have no theory as to how it occurred,” John Banzhaf, who teaches public interest law at George Washington University, told CNN. Indeed, he predicted the charges would eventually be dismissed because they “go too far.”

Black conservative, attorney and Project 21 Co-Chairman Horace Cooper agreed, accusing Mosby of putting the cart before the horse.

“If you are going to charge someone with depraved heart murder and someone else with negligence that’s criminal, you are going to have to say who it was that actually took the actions, when did they take those actions and how did Mr. Freddie Gray die?” said Cooper, who believes Mosby charged the officers under the wrong motivation.

“In this case, there was a very clear decision, it appears, by the state’s attorney to bring what she perceives to be the most serious charges that could be sustained, without necessarily seeing where there’s evidence. If this can happen to those officers, this could happen to any American,” said Cooper.

He also ripped Mosby for failing to convene a grand jury before filing formal charges.

“She has bypassed, at least temporarily, the grand jury process, which is a protection to make sure that you actually can support the charges that are brought against any individual,” said Cooper.

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Discovery of Mosby’s public endorsement of calling officers “thugs” can be expected to increase calls for her to step aside from the prosecution, something she has refused to do so far.

Citing “the many conflicts of interest presented by your office conducting an investigation in this case,” Gene Ryan, a police-union official, asked Mosby to appoint a special prosecutor. Mosby has political connections with William H. “Billy” Murphy Jr., the attorney for Gray’s family and donor and transition-team member to her campaign.

Additionally, Mosby’s husband represents the Baltimore neighborhood where Gray was arrested. His future campaigns for re-election “will be directly impacted, for better or worse, by the outcome” of Mosby’s actions, said Ryan.

from PropagandaGuard

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