Most people would not connect abortion to radical Islam, but Michael Savage is not most people.
The popular talk radio host and No. 1 New York Times bestselling author looks around the world and sees the Muslim population skyrocketing while the native-born American birthrate declines, and he sees the destiny those demographic trends will bring if the U.S. does not change course.
This is one of the many American problems Dr. Savage diagnoses in his new book “Scorched Earth: Restoring the Country After Obama.”
And autographed copies of this critical election-year tome are available only at the WND Superstore.
“There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world,” Savage writes. “The United States has, at last count, a population of 320 million people… There are roughly four times as many Muslims as Americans. They keep adding to their ranks, and we keep importing illegals because our people eliminate their own babies.
“At this rate we will go the way of Europistan. Italy has had a declining birthrate in recent years. Europe is finished. Its citizens refuse to reproduce while Islamist women keep churning out the next generation of radical Islamists.”
The data back up Savage’s contention. In the first quarter of this year, the U.S. birthrate fell to its lowest point since the government started keeping track in 1909. There were 59.8 births per 1,000 women age 15 to 44.
Muslim women, on the other hand, remain fertile. The Pew Research Center reported last year each Muslim woman worldwide has an average of 3.1 children, higher than the average of all non-Muslims (2.3). Furthermore, Muslim fertility exceeds non-Muslim fertility in North America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region.
Pew projected the world’s Muslim population will grow more than twice as fast as the overall world population between 2010 and 2050, increasing the Islamic share of the world population from 23.2 percent to 29.7 percent.
Meanwhile, the CDC has reported 18 percent of all pregnancies in the U.S. end in abortion. Since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, there have been 54 million abortions. As Savage notes, we have voluntarily killed off between 15 and 20 percent of today’s population.
“The next time you hear a leftist say that illegals do the jobs Americans refuse to do, just remember how many Americans we killed off,” Savage thunders. “Had those babies been born, there would be no labor shortage today. Their children and grandchildren could have joined the U.S. military. Instead, Islamists are breeding and Americans are bleeding. It’s easy for Islamists to chant ‘Death to America!’ We have eliminated one-fifth of their obstacles, made their job 20 percent easier.”
Savage notes with chagrin that radical Islamists don’t want America to exist, and neither do we, based on our abortion statistics.
An unprecedented crossroads in history. A desperate struggle for national survival. America itself is on the line. Don’t miss the most explosive book of the political season from the man leading the nationalist revolution. Michael Savage is here to tell you how to take America back in “Scorched Earth: Restoring the Country After Obama.” With special autographed copies available ONLY through the WND Superstore!
As for those Americans who are privileged to be born, Savage notes they “spend their formative years being taught how to surrender.”
Savage, who grew up in the 1940s and 1950s, recalls the days when kids watched violent cartoons, teenage boys watched films about masculine, violent warriors, and schoolchildren played “kill the guy with the ball” at recess.
Today, however, schools are cutting back on gym class and scrapping “elimination games” like dodgeball that promote aggression. Most Muslims, on the other hand, grow up in patriarchal societies where boys are taught how to act like men.
“It’s no wonder that Islamists produce strapping young men while America produces sensitive crybabies and metrosexuals who use ‘product’ in their hair and lather up with expensive body wash,” Savage rants. “Muslim children are taught hate in madrassas. They are taught how to kill infidels and the blasphemers. American boys are suspended from school for arranging their school lunch vegetables in the shape of a gun.”
Savage noted that during World War II, boys and young men volunteered to go overseas and fight to save the world from tyranny. But today, colleges offer “safe spaces” where students may go to escape from “microaggressions” or ideas they find uncomfortable.
“Islamists cut off heads and limbs and our young boys shriek at the drop of a microaggression,” Savage fumes in his trademark style. “And we haven’t seen the worst of it. Virtual-reality glasses and helmets are coming, with programs and games that will immerse us in a fantasy environment of our choosing. What will happen to our youth then? They’ll be fighting in some first-person shooter game while real shooters walk right up to them and put a bullet in the front of their skull.”
Savage goes on to describe exactly how America went from a nation that was “bold, daring, macho, unafraid, and proud of itself” to a nation of “jellyfish less brave than the average Frenchman.”
When reading through “Scorched Earth,” readers may hear echoes of Donald Trump’s campaign.
That is because Savage has spent 22 years on the radio sounding the same themes on which Trump built his earth-shaking presidential run. As Savage notes in the book, his eternal message of “borders, language and culture” is essentially the same as Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.”
“Fundamentally, ‘Make America Great Again’ means we must secure our borders, conduct our business and vote in the same language – English – and embrace a common culture,” Savage explains. “We all know that. Except for the 30-plus million illegal – excuse me, ‘undocumented’ – aliens who are in our country collecting welfare and food stamps, turning communication into a Tower of Babel, and spurning our traditions while promoting their own. Remember the Mexican children who were waving the flag in our homeland while cursing Donald Trump in Spanish during the primaries? Welcome to the new America. Welcome to the new revolution.
“My warnings are finally being heeded – hopefully in time.”
Like a prophet, Michael Savage foresaw the decline of America years before anyone else. But not many people listened to his warnings. Now he is offering his solutions for how to regain the America we once knew and loved. The answers lie in the pages of “Scorched Earth.”
An unprecedented crossroads in history. A desperate struggle for national survival. America itself is on the line. Don’t miss the most explosive book of the political season from the man leading the nationalist revolution. Michael Savage is here to tell you how to take America back in “Scorched Earth: Restoring the Country After Obama.” With special autographed copies available ONLY through the WND Superstore!
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