Sunday, 27 March 2016

Russian foreign minister: Time to create ‘Eurasia’

Russia Moscow

The adoption of Christianity in Russia in 1988 made it “a full member of the European community” and it still remains an “integral part of the European context,” according to a commentary from Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who wrote recently in the Russian foreign affairs journal Russia in Global Affairs, according to a new report from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

He writes, “Not a single European issue can be resolved without Russia’s opinion,” according to a report from the Middle East Media Research Institute, which located and reported on the statements.

While Russia has been exhibiting expansionist tendencies in recent years with inroads into Ukraine, involvement in Syria and more, and making plans for a reportedly massive re-armament effort, it still isn’t getting the recognition that it should, Lavrov suggests.

So he calls for “Eurasia” as a new political entity from “Lisbon to Vladivostok.”

He moves step by step through the region’s history and explains a developing state often leaps forward with a development in technology, though that does not “necessarily imply the renunciation of its ‘cultural code.’”

“There are many examples of Eastern societies modernizing without the radical breakdown of their traditions,” he wrote. “This is all the more typical of Russia that is essentially a branch of European civilization.”

MEMRI’s analysis noted Lavrov was laying out how “Russia has played an important role in shaping both European history and contemporary European policies.

“Lavrov also sketches out a bipolar world in which Russia confronts the U.S. by expanding its own realm of political influence and power from the Atlantic to the Pacific, as part of a new political entity – Eurasia. The vision of Eurasia and the resultant political goals are in essence an ideological blueprint for an ideological agenda to counter the U.S.”

Get the rest of this report, and more, from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

The report, by Anna Mahjar-Barducci and Guiseppe Rippa, was headlined, “Understanding Russian Political Ideology and Vision: A Call For Eurasia, From Lisbon To Vladivostok.”

Lavrov quotes French President Charles de Gaulle, “who never questioned that Russia belongs to Europe.”

“It is not by chance that a Russian politician quotes a French president, as de Gaulle’s France had several points in common with the Russia of today,” MEMRI reported. “After WWII, France was in a predicament: It felt that it could either choose submission to the new superpower, the U.S., that had saved France from the catastrophe of Nazism – and give up its dreams of grandeur – or take an anti-U.S. approach so that it could rebuild the global power that it had once had.

“The second option was more appealing to de Gaulle, and he looked to Russia to build a strong Europe that could counterbalance the American strength and give France an international role as a major power,” the report said.

Lavrov, in fact, cites several moves on the part of the region that now is Russia over the generations.

“Relying on tough domestic measures and resolute, and successful, foreign policy, Peter the Great managed to put Russia into the category of Europe’s leading countries in a little over two decades. Since that time Russia’s position could no longer be ignored. Not a single European issue can be resolved without Russia’s opinion,” he wrote.

He cites the 1917 revolution in Russia, calling it a terrible tragedy, but says it was a “major event which impacted world history in many, controversial ways.”

“Serious researchers clearly see the impact of reforms in the Soviet Union on the formation of the so-called welfare state in Western Europe in the post-WWII period. European governments decided to introduce unprecedented measures of social protection under the influence of the example of the Soviet Union in an effort to cut the ground from under the feet of the left-wing political forces,” he wrote.

Get the rest of this report, and more, from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

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