Monday, 28 March 2016

Pope chides Easter crowd to welcome more refugees

Pope Francis

Pope Francis

Pope Francis issued an Easter message filled with pleas to embrace the refugees fleeing Syria, Libya and Yemen – that it was the Christian thing to do.

“The Easter message of the risen Christ, a message of life for all humanity, echoes down the ages and invites us not to forget those men and women seeking a better future, an ever more numerous throng of migrants and refugees, including many children, fleeing from war, hunger, poverty and social injustice,” he said, during his address from St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, Breitbart reported.

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He then chided those who didn’t want to open border doors to these refugees, saying such rejection was a deviation from Christian principles, Breibart said.

“All too often,” Francis said, “these brothers and sisters of ours meet along the way with death or, in any event, rejection by those who could offer them welcome and assistance.

His comments came just a few days after he washed and kissed the feet of migrants during the traditional Holy Thursday Mass ceremony.

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The pope also drew parallels between Christianity and other religions, saying all come from the same God and all seek the same peaceful coexistence.

“All of us together, Muslims, Hindus, Catholics, Copts, Evangelical brothers and sisters, children of the same God, we want to live in peace, integrated,” he said, Breitbart reported.

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