Thursday, 31 March 2016

Just plain fools: Liberalism is a mental disorder

Cultural appropriation, safe spaces, public breakdowns and cretaphobia. In honor of April Fools’ Day, here are just a few examples of how the American left is going insane.

American college students are suffering psychological breakdowns over…. sidewalk chalk.

I wish it were a joke, but it isn’t. Grown children on American college campuses are being tormented by the same dusty menace that facilitated games of hopscotch during their, presumably more comfortable, days of sippy cups and footy pajamas.

First, someone at Emory University dared to support Donald Trump in sidewalk chalk and all hell broke loose.

Via the school’s student paper:

Students protested yesterday at the Emory Administration Building following a series of overnight, apparent pro-Donald Trump for president chalkings throughout campus.

Roughly 40 students gathered shortly after 4:30 p.m. in the outdoors space between the Administration Building and Goodrich C. White Hall; many students carried signs featuring slogans such as “Stop Trump” or “Stop Hate” and an antiphonal chant addressed to University administration, led by College sophomore Jonathan Peraza, resounded “You are not listening! Come speak to us, we are in pain!” throughout the Quad. Peraza opened the door to the Administration Building and students moved forward towards the door, shouting “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.”

After approximately ten minutes outside from the start of the demonstration, the gathered students were ushered into the Quad-facing entrance to the Administration Building and quickly filled a staircase to continue their demonstration. Pausing in the staircase, a few students shared their initial, personal reactions to the chalkings.

“I’m supposed to feel comfortable and safe [here],” one student said. “But this man is being supported by students on our campus and our administration shows that they, by their silence, support it as well … I don’t deserve to feel afraid at my school,” she added.

The worst part is that the college’s administration actually responded to the complaints.

And over in Michigan, cretaphobia (that’s what fear of chalk is called, in case you wondered) struck again. So terrifying were the messages scrawled on the sidewalk that the police had to get involved.

From The Washington Times:

University of Michigan police were called Wednesday after students reported seeing the phrases “#Stop Islam” and “Trump 2016” scrawled in chalk at several locations on campus.

A student tweeted a photo of the chalkings on Wednesday. Police responded that evening to document the messages…

“We will continue to monitor campus and work with our campus partners to ensure our students have a safe environment to live, learn and dialogue,” said Diane Brown, U-M Division of Public Safety and Security public information officer.

University spokesman Rick Fitzgerald said several reports were also filed with the school’s bias response team.

“Attacks directed toward any member or group within the University of Michigan community, based on a belief or characteristic, are inconsistent with our values of respect, civility and equality,” the university said in a statement. “We all understand that where speech is free it will sometimes wound. But our message is this: We are fully committed to fostering an environment that is welcoming and inclusive of everyone. Tonight we are reminded there is much work yet to be done.”


White people are not allowed to have nasty, unwashed hair

That’s according to the woman in this video, who attacked a San Francisco college student because of his attempt at dreadlocks.

The white San Francisco State University student wearing dreadlocks was physically assaulted by the black woman for “cultural appropriation.”

“You’re saying I can’t wear a hairstyle because of your culture? Why?” he asked.

The woman replied: “Because it’s my culture.”

She also appears to own the rights to ignorance and antisocial behavior.

A lesson in the consequences of actual assault

The anti-Trump crowd certainly knows a thing or two about claiming assault. Well, this girl in Kansas City tried her hand at the favorite pastime of non-Trump supporters who— for some reason keep showing up at pro-Trump rallies— before actually assaulting another person on camera.

Then she got pepper sprayed.

The police are reportedly investigating.

And then there’s this guy…

He hates Trump, he smokes weed—and he sucks at backflips.

A description posted alongside the video: “Donald Trump held a rally today in Janesville, Wisconsin. Police were forced to put up a fence so the Never-Trumpers wouldn’t beat and bludgeon the Donald Trump supporters. Conservative filmmakers Andrew Marcus and Jeremy Segal filmed the violent anti-Trump demonstrators. One unhinged Never-Trumper screamed “F*ck you! Fat B*tch!” – Then back-flipped into a face-plant.”

Happy April Fools’! Keep it classy.

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