Monday, 28 March 2016

Loretta Lynch presses courts to back off criminals

Loretta Lynch

Loretta Lynch

Attorney General Loretta Lynch issued a nine-page letter through her civil-rights division to municipal and state judges around the United States, warning them to ease off prosecution of criminals, particularly those of minority status, or else face loss of federal funding.

Specifically, she wants the 6,500 municipal level courts in the country to offer community service in lieu of jail time, or provide more “amnesty days” to those with outstanding warrants so they can pay a fee instead of serving behind bars, the New York Post reported.

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And the recommendation comes with a caveat: Those who fail to comply could face the same type of federal scrutiny that Ferguson, Missouri, local police and courts saw after the police shooting of a black teen. The officer was found by local and federal authorities to have acted in self-defense, but the attorney general’s office tasked the locals to change how they conducted some investigations and court hearings.

Lynch said she’s currently “evaluating discrimination complaints against several court systems,” the New York Post reported.

In the letter, Lynch’s civil-rights team also warns locals that policies that mandate arrests for failures to pay court fines and fees have an adverse “disparate impact” on blacks.

Colin Flaherty’s book, “Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The Hoax of Black Victimization and Those Who Enable It,” documents black crime in America and exposes how the media and politicians are willing partners in what the author calls “the greatest lie of our generation.”

“In court systems receiving federal funds, these practices may also violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, when they unnecessarily impose disparate harm on the basis of race,” the letter stated, the New York Post reported.

Critics say the Justice Department’s watchful eye is only going to drive up crime rates in the coming years.

“In five years,” said one senior level Justice Department official who was cited anonymously in the New York Post, “the crime rate is going to be crazy again. I don’t see liberal judges even attempting to make people pay or spending the time making an accurate determination of a person being indigent [and unable to pay]. It’s another way of not holding people accountable for their actions.”

And another critic, Hans Bader, a former federal civil rights attorney who now works with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, predicted the guidance letter from the feds would prove a “massive assault on the criminal justice system,” he said.

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