Saturday, 26 March 2016

Cultural collapse ‘creating zombies’ through drug addiction


Americans are poisoning themselves with a dangerous new narcotic called “spice,” authorities report, with police describing some parks in Florida now like something out of a horror film because of its impact.

And one of America’s leading cultural critics warns this is simply the latest expression of a nation gone mad, as Americans are being driven over the edge and are seeking escape by any means possible.

Police in Florida are reporting a record number of overdoses, as drug dealers are modifying the ingredients of the synthetic drug. Local media quoted Major Eric Gandy of the Clearwater Police Department, who described the scene in a local park as “like one of our zombie movies,”  saying more than a dozen people were wandering around “in various states of incapacitation.”

Station WTSP reported police in St. Petersburg are dealing with an “overwhelming number of overdoses,” with dozens of cases each month or even each weekend. Though each dose of the drug can cost as little as a dollar, saving the lives of drug abusers is costing rescue services tens of thousands of dollars.

Many of those using the drug are homeless. However, Florida has been hosting thousands of students arriving for spring break, and law enforcement is concerned use of the drug is spreading.

The effects of the drug vary. Some police officers report coming across groups of drug abusers slumped over, incoherent or even totally unresponsive. Other users have become violent and confronted law enforcement officials trying to help them, creating a safety issue as well as a medical emergency.

David Kupelian, managing editor of WND and author of “The Marketing of Evil,” argues the unprecedented use of dangerous narcotics shows Americans are unable to cope with the decadent and atheistic culture which progressives have created. It’s a theme he addresses again in his newest book, “The Snapping of the American Mind.”

“For months we’ve been hearing about a huge upsurge in heroin and opioid addiction and death among middle-class whites,” said Kupelian. “Now in Florida we are seeing homeless people taking ‘spice’ and other new drugs and turning into zombies. But this is not really new. As I document in ‘The Snapping of the American Mind’ in a chapter titled ‘The Real Zombie Apocalypse,’ America is in the grip of a ghastly and expanding pandemic of drug-induced zombification. Just add the number of people taking illegal drugs, around 25 million, to the number abusing alcohol, around 60 million, and the number taking mood-altering psychiatric drugs, about 50 million, and you get over 130 million Americans dependent on mind-altering substances just to get through life.”

Feel like the country has gone crazy? You’re not alone “The Snapping of the American Mind” by David Kupelian explores the collapse of our culture, and what we can do to rebuild it. Don’t miss it in the WND Superstore.

Kupelian, a harsh critic of drug use, says increasing use of legal drugs and acceptance of marijuana is leading to the “spice” epidemic.

“‘Spice’ is synthetic marijuana, and since laws and attitudes on marijuana are drastically changing right now, is it any surprise that poisonous ‘synthetic marijuana’ like ‘spice’ would become accepted and popular?” he asked. “And let’s not forget about legal drugs.

“In the section of the book titled ‘Creating Zombies,’ I cite, as one example, the ultra-popular ‘sleep aid’ Ambien, classified as a ‘hypnotic’ drug. It is common, after taking Ambien, to experience sleepwalking, sleep-driving, sleep-eating, sleep-talking, and sleep-sexing. In other words, to become a somnambulistic zombie with no memory of what he or she has done while in a drug-induced hypnotic trance. And we’re talking about ‘America’s No. 1 prescription sleep aid.’”

Dr. Lee Hieb, past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and the author of “Surviving the Medical Meltdown,” argues the use of dangerous drugs such as “spice” is a consequence of the war on drugs.

“Would young people be using this if real marijuana was legal?” she asked. “Making anything like drugs, alcohol, or sex illegal doesn’t shut it down, it just puts it underground where it becomes more dangerous. I liken this drug to the moonshine that occasionally made people blind. In that case, if people had access to fairly priced (not overtaxed) alcohol that was legal they would not have endangered themselves drinking moonshine.

“It is the same case here. Those who made marijuana illegal did it for self-serving reasons. There is nothing you can say about marijuana that isn’t many times worse when it comes to alcohol. Continuing an expensive war on drugs is not helping anyone. If you want to stop ‘spice,’ kick the market out from the under the people making synthetic drugs by legalizing marijuana.”

But Kupelian rejects these kinds of arguments, arguing there is a deeper cultural sickness in the country. And he says the issue of drugs is not just about legality, because tens of millions of Americans are now dependent on drugs which may be legal but have dangerous side-effects and mind-altering qualities.

“The real question isn’t about legality,” said Kupelian. “The real question is why is America becoming a place where well over 100 million people seek solace in toxic, mind-altering substances, where 110 million have sexually transmitted diseases and where one in four middle-aged women are taking antidepressants? As I show in ‘Snapping,’ what we cryptically call ‘the left,’ which has reshaped and redefined America’s culture and almost every American institution – including the most sacred, marriage – is quite insane, and in turn, is literally driving tens of millions of decent Americans right over the edge, into addiction, debauchery, depression, rage, family breakdown, mental illness and suicide. In fact, as I documented recently, the left cannot operate, indeed cannot even exist, without continually violating all of the Ten Commandments.”

Whatever actions are taken by law enforcement, the collapse of traditional values and the increasing dependence by Americans on substances both illegal and legal suggest the use of drugs like “spice” will continue to spread. Even as police in Florida try to contain the drug, law enforcement officials in Colorado recently concluded a multi-year investigation of a “spice” production and distribution ring which led to five men being sentenced to prison. And cities as far away as Syracuse, New York, have been identified as hotbeds of synthetic marijuana abuse.

Kupelian argues the solution will not come just from law enforcement, but from rebuilding the culture.

“Inspired answers and solutions and healing from the ravages of lawless government and godless culture are real and readily available,” he said. “Just not from the left.”

America has lost its mind. And the collapse of our country is not accident “The Snapping of the American Mind” by David Kupelian explains what’s really happening in a country gone mad. Don’t miss it in the WND Superstore.


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