Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Pro-Cruz Beck, pro-Trump Palin, unite on Iowa

Sen. Ted Cruz and Donald Trump

Sen. Ted Cruz and Donald Trump

Conservative pundit, television host and author Glenn Beck, who’s endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz for president, and fellow conservative pundit, former governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who’s given her backing to Donald Trump, found common ground on the results in Iowa, taking to their separate Facebook pages to express the similar thought: America won.

Beck, cheering his pick, who came in first at the caucuses, wrote: “It is a great night for the [C]onstitution, America and Ted Cruz. We are one step closer to restoring our principles.”

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And over at Palin’s Facebook page, where her choice came in second, it was more of the same.

“Tonight – America wins, the permanent political class does not, and that is good! To restore [c]onstitutional government, the status quo has got to go. The Iowa caucus proves many Americans feel the same.”

Beck, who has been an outspoken opponent of Trump’s campaign, also promised grace in winning.

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“You know how I feel about Mr. Trump’s policies and principles,” he wrote. “I do not share them, but it was a fair contest and it should never be personal. … [I will] try to set the example of not being a sore winner as I wouldn’t want it done to me. … We are all Americans. Unite.”

Polls had put Trump in the lead in Iowa, some by six points. Pundits analyzing the results said Cruz came out on top because of a massive ground game that drove evangelicals to vote, and because Trump’s recent criticisms of fellow Republican candidates, combined with his skip of the last GOP televised debate, sent ballots Sen. Marco Rubio’s way. Rubio, considered the more establishment Republican candidate, came in third and election analysts saw the race to the nomination, post-Iowa, as basically a three-man show, Trump versus Cruz versus Rubio.

from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/02/02/pro-cruz-beck-pro-trump-palin-unite-on-iowa/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/02/02/pro-cruz-beck-pro-trump-palin-unite-on-iowa/

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