Monday, 29 February 2016

Rubio-Trump trash talk heats Super Tuesday trail


Sen. Marco Rubio and Donald Trump

Sen. Marco Rubio and Donald Trump

The campaign heat between Sen. Marco Rubio and Republican front-runner Donald Trump has blazed in recent days, with rhetoric ratcheting and verbal assaults rocking as Super Tuesday looms and hundreds of delegate votes from 12 different states hang in the balance.

The latest verbal sparring comes from Rubio, who unleashed a series of trash-talking attacks against Trump during his last few campaign stops, some of which were made in direct rebuttal to the billionaire’s own hits against him.

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From a stop in Virginia to a mostly college-age crowd, Rubio fought off Trump’s repeated characterization of him as “little Rubio” by first conceding the billionaire businessman, at 6-foot, 2-inches, is taller than he is – but then adding this: His hands are freakishly small, he said.

“He’s always calling me little Marco,” Rubio said, Fox News reported. “[He] has these small hands … You know what they say about a man with small hands.”

He paused, while the crowd laughed.

“You can’t trust them,” Rubio finished, NBC News reported.

Rubio also mocked Trump for his “spray tan” and said, “Donald is not going to make America great – he’s going to make America orange,” Fox News reported.

Shortly after, Trump took to “Fox News Sunday” and attacked Rubio as a political “lightweight” who was “little” and “couldn’t get elected dog catcher.”

On Sunday, Rubio also mocked Trump’s clothing line and referenced “those tacky ties,” the New York Times reported. He also referenced Trump’s former Trump University financial scandal and the fact the billionaire didn’t quickly enough repudiate white supremacist David Duke’s endorsement.

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“We cannot be a party who nominates someone who refuses to condemn white supremacists,” Rubio said, the New York Times reported.

Trump, meanwhile, took to Twitter to say “I disavow,” a reference to his earlier interview on CNN when he responded to several questions about Duke’s endorsement with a statement that included this: “You wouldn’t want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about,” the New York Times reported.

The billionaire on Monday lashed out at CNN for ignoring his multiple rejections of Duke’s support over the weekend.

“I’ve disavowed David Duke all weekend long on Facebook and Twitter, but it’s obviously never enough,” Trump said. “I disavowed David Duke the day before in a major news conference.”

Trump on Monday also blamed a poor earpiece for sparking the misunderstanding over Duke’s support.

“I’m sitting in a house in Florida with a very bad earpiece they gave me,” he told hosts Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie on NBC’s “Today” show.

During a rally in Dallas, Texas, Rubio said this, of Trump’s showing at the last Republican debate: “He called me Mr. Meltdown … [but at Thursday’s debate] he went backstage, he was having a meltdown.”

Rubio, whom Trump has described as one of the “sweatiest” candidates he’s ever seen, turned the commentary back on the billionaire and said, CNN reported: “[Trump had] one of those little sweat mustaches.”

Rubio said Trump wanted a full-length mirror during backstage preparations for the debate, adding: “Maybe to make sure his pants weren’t wet,” CNN reported.

And to that, Trump responded in a press conference by repeating some of his past characterizations of Rubio as a “choker,” “lightweight” and “clown,” CNN reported.

“Can you imagine,” Trump said, during this press conference, imagining a situation where Rubio meets with Russia President Vladimir Putin, “[Rubio] walks in and he’s drenched. I have never seen a human being sweat like this man sweats … looked like he had just jumped into a swimming pool with his clothes on.”

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