The Obama administration has been given permission to argue before the U.S. Supreme Court against safety regulations for the abortion industry and alongside the mob that chanted “hail Satan” when the rules were adopted in Texas in 2013.
In a terse note from the court, the justices granted permission for the U.S. Solicitor General to participate in oral argument in the Whole Women’s Health case.
At the same time, the court refused permission for “counsel or Guardian Ad Litem to represent all unborn persons.”
Matthew Clark, writing for the American Center for Law and Justice website, said the “most pro-abortion administration in history will now bring the full weight of the Justice Department to bear on this landmark case.”
He pointed out that the Texas law essentially bans late-term abortions after 20 weeks, requires abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals so that victims of botched abortions can get immediate help, requires abortion clinics to follow the same safety standards applied to medical facilities and enforces FDA guidelines for handing out drugs.
“That’s right, President Obama’s pro-abortion legal juggernauts will be arguing directly before the Supreme Court to ensure that no regulation whatsoever of the abortion industry be allowed – leaving women and children to suffer at the hands of unregulated, dangerous, money-grubbing abortionists,” Clark wrote.
“This is the culmination of what a pro-abortion mob, shouting ‘hail Satan,’ attempted to do – shutting down the Texas legislature in an effort to block the passage of a state law imposing basic safety regulations on abortion clinics.”
WND reported in 2013 when Texas adopted the limits that pro-abortion activists chanted “hail Satan” in the statehouse.
When the fight was raging, a video appeared showing pro-life advocates singing “Amazing Grace” while abortion activists chanted “hail Satan.”
Another video of the event, posted on a blog site run by Adam Cahm, revealed the chant taken up in unison by several voices, an effect Steven Ertelt of called far “creepier.”
The first of the voices can be heard at about the 3:35 mark of the following video, a portion of the speech delivered by a pro-life advocate identified only as Ashley. By the 5:15 mark, however, the droning chant of several voices can be heard clearly:
Cahm explained after the first released video that abortion activists “have been doing this all day, this is just the first time we caught it on video.”
The first video can be seen here:
As WND reported at the time, Democrats killing a pro-life plan by Texas Republicans in a special session of the legislature with a late filibuster aided by a raucous mob that would not allow representatives to record their vote by the legal deadline of midnight.
Then-Gov. Rick Perry, vowing his state would not succumb to mob rule, called another special session immediately to address the proposed abortion limits, and the limits quickly were adopted.
The fight over abortion was raging at the time because of the murder conviction of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who used scissors to snip the spinal columns of babies born alive.
There were similar allegations in a case in Texas, although no charges resulted:
Clark noted that the abortion industry didn’t challenge the late-term ban – “only the commonsense protections for women and basic safety standards.”
“Think about that for a moment: The abortion industry has refused to comply with these basic, common-sense health and safety standards. As a result, about half of the state’s 41 abortion clinics have already closed. When these final challenged provisions go into effect, it is estimated that another half of the remaining clinics will be shut down because of the abortion industry’s intractable refusal to comply with the law,” he wrote.
“Yet, they are actually using their refusal to comply with the law, which is in turn forcing their closure, to make the legal argument that there aren’t enough abortion clinics left in the state to ensure women’s ‘right’ to abortion is maintained,” he wrote.
“Here’s how their argument works. If you regulate us, we won’t comply. Since we won’t comply, the state will be forced to shut us down. Since there will be no abortion clinics left, women will be in danger and they will have their ‘right’ to abortion denied. So the court must allow these (now unsafe) clinics to remain open and unregulated by even the most basic safety standards.”
WND commentator Matt Barber, when the Texas bill was debated, wrote: “I would like to take a moment to pause and personally thank our Satan-hailing friends for their brutally wicked honesty. What may have seemed, at the time, a glib bid to mock the peaceful Christians in attendance has, instead, demonstrated to the world exactly from whom (or what) derives the revolting inhumanity that is all things ‘pro-choice.’
“Understandably, many leftists now complain that this frank display of ‘pro-choice’ allegiance to the prince of darkness has hurt the multi-billion dollar baby-killing biz. They’re right. It has. It’s blown away the smokescreen of euphemistic ‘pro-choice’ rhetoric and propaganda to expose, naked beneath, that which lies at abortion’s inglorious core: Death, death and more death.”
He continued: “Indeed, the very Satan they hail was the first ‘pro-choicer.’ While Jesus is ‘the way, the truth and the life,’ Satan is the end, the lie and death itself. While Christ is the ‘author of life,’ Satan is the author of abortion. Our ‘pro-choice’ friends in Texas have now revealed that they at least intuitively recognize this reality.”
from PropagandaGuard
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