Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Illegals sue Oregon over denial of drivers’ licenses

Illegal immigrants are getting a push from the White House to demand citizens' rights.

Illegal immigrants are getting a push from the White House to demand citizens’ rights.

Five illegal immigrants in Oregon have banded together to launch a lawsuit against the state, claiming a voter–approved referendum that denies them the ability to obtain drivers’ licenses is unfair and discriminatory.

A referendum called Measure 88 passed voter muster last year with a two–third majority, disallowing illegals the right to obtain licenses to drive. Now, five illegals say Measure 88 is unconstitutional because it “arbitrarily” denies driving privileges based on status as a “disfavored minority group,” the suit alleges, Fox News reported.

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The suit also accuses Oregon voters of being driven by “animus toward persons from Mexico and Central America.”

Gustavo Recarde, who’s an illegal but not one of the parties to the suit, said he would like a driver’s license to feel more comfortable in the United States and to open the doors of work opportunity.

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“If an illegal [can] get a driver’s license, it would be better because there’s more opportunities to find a job as a driver,” he said, adding that he believes race was a factor in the passage of Measure 88, Fox News reported.

But Cynthia Kendoll, who heads up Oregonians for Immigration Reform, said state residents shouldn’t have to compromise rule of law just to make illegals feel more comfortable, or find employment they don’t have the legal right to obtain in the first place.

from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2015/12/01/illegals-sue-oregon-over-denial-of-drivers-licenses/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2015/12/01/illegals-sue-oregon-over-denial-of-drivers-licenses/

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