A newly emerged CBS News video from 2001 flies in the face of the national media pointing fingers at Donald Trump, accusing him of lying about the reports of “swarms” of Muslims cheering on rooftops after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
The video, from September 16, 2001, from WCBS-TV, the CBS owned and operated station in New York City, actually reports just that – that “swarms” of Muslims cheered from rooftops over the terrorist attacks that killed and injured thousands of Americans.
As Breitbart found, the CBS newsman said in the video: “Just a couple of blocks away from that Jersey City apartment, the FBI raided yesterday and had evidence removed, there is another apartment building, one that investigators told me, quote, ‘was swarming with suspects’ — suspects who I’m told were cheering on the roof when they saw the planes slam into the World Trade Center. Police were called to the building by neighbors and found eight men celebrating, six of them tenants in the building.”
Watch the WCBS-TV report from September, 16, 2001:
The newscaster went on, the video showed: “The FBI and other terrorist task force agencies arrived, and the older investigators on the task force recalled that they had been to this building before, eight years ago, when the first World Trade Center attack led them to Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, whose Jersey City mosque lies between the two buildings getting attention today. And the older investigators remember that the suspects that eventually got convicted for the first Trade Center case … lived in the building where these same eight men were celebrating the destruction that they saw from the roof. Calling this a hot address, the task force investigators ordered everyone detained.”
The video would seem to fly in the face of a massive media attack on Trump for his previous claims of seeing Muslims cheering on rooftops over the terror attacks. Specifically, he told an Alabama campaign crowd he “watched the World Trade Center go down” on television and shortly after, watched in New Jersey “as thousands of people were cheering as the building was coming down.” He then went on “This Week” on ABC and said “there were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey where you have large Arab populations … as the World Trade Center came down,” as WND previously reported.
For that, Trump was completely vilified by the press. The Washington Post’s factchecker slammed him with a rating of four Pinocchios, the tag given those who tell the biggest whoppers. The factchecker was later forced to tone down his critical rhetoric, after readers pointed out reports from his own employer, the Washington Post, published on September 18, 2001, of cheering Muslims from nearby rooftops.
Fox News star Bill O’Reilly just told his national television audience Tuesday evening he conducted his own investigation of Trump’s claims, but came up short. Speaking with fellow Fox newsman Eric Shawn, the two agreed there was no evidence to back Trump’s talk of “thousands” cheering in the Garden State and that the frontrunner candidate likely “conflated” two things, Mediaite reported.
At the same time, Trump has enjoyed a massive surge in polls, breaking away from his leading competitor, former neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who has now fallen to third place in the most recent Quinnipiac University polls, as WND reported. As Quinnipiac’s spokesman said: Trump seems to be “wearing Kevlar,” and is leading the Republican pack despite massive opposition from both establishment Republicans and left-leaning members of the press.
Breitbart noted the CBS News video may still not quiet some of Trump’s critics.
Can the Republican Party save itself? Richard Viguerie has the prescription in “Takeover.”
As the news outlet wrote: “People are arguing falsely that the fact that only eight suspects were apprehended contradicts the ‘swarm’ claim. [Think] again. An ‘investigator’ told CBS about the ‘swarm.’ The fact that a certain number were brought into custody does not change the fact that there was a ‘swarm.’ The obvious impression is that of the ‘swarm,’ only eight were brought into custody. Eight people do not swarm on all those rooftops. They ‘gather.’”
And that, combined with the “contemporaneous news reports” about the cheering Muslims, including the Washington Post’s own mention of the fact, gives credence to Trump’s claims, Breitbart’s John Nolte wrote.
Just recently, the New York Post reported about Rudy Giuliani telling CNN’s Alisyn Camerota there were Muslim celebrations about September 11, 2001. As the Post wrote: “Camerota quizzed Giuliani, hoping he would say that Trump is ‘lying.’ She was frustrated when Giuliani merely said that Trump had been ‘exaggerating’ and pointing out hitherto ignored examples of handfuls of Muslims celebrating in New York.”
And as Breitbart noted, MTV ran a news report about Muslim celebrations on Nov. 17, 2001, in which a Patterson, New Jersey, resident describes a group of teenagers chanting and cheering, shortly after the attacks.
As the Hill reported, she said: “They were saying ‘burn America’ and, you know, all these things about America.”
Breitbart’s Nolte concluded his piece with the blunt assessment: the media’s wrong; Trump’s right.
He wrote: “From all of those reports, it is perfectly reasonable and nothing close to lying to put together a picture of ‘thousands.’ Fact: Donald Trump is now 100 percent vindicated. If these celebrations did not occur, the only thing Trump did wrong was to believe the same media that is now calling him a liar – and doing so to cover up the truth about American Muslims celebrating 9/11 and their own covering up of that fact.”
from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2015/12/02/huge-for-trump-tv-proof-of-911-cheers/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2015/12/02/huge-for-trump-tv-proof-of-911-cheers/
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