Wednesday, 2 December 2015

GOP sympathy for victims, Dems call for gun control

Emergency workers set up a triage center for victims of the San Bernardino, California, mass shooting Dec. 2, 2015 (Photo: WKABC screenshot)

Emergency workers set up a triage center for victims of the San Bernardino, California, mass shooting Dec. 2, 2015 (Photo: KABC screenshot)

WASHINGTON – Reaction is pouring in from presidential candidates to the Southern California shooting as it is still underway and before the nature of the incident is understood.

If it is a shooting by a lone gunman it will certainly increase calls for gun control. If it is a shooting by jihadists it will increase scrutiny of plans to take in refugees from Muslim lands, particularly Syria. It also could usher in a new era of terrorism in America.

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On Twitter, Republican candidates are expressing sympathy for the victims, while Democrats are already calling for more gun control in a state that already has some of the nation’s strictest restrictions on gun rights.

  • Donald Trump: California shooting looks very bad. Good luck to law enforcement and God bless. This is when our police are so appreciated!
  • Ted Cruz: Our prayers are with the victims, their families, and the first responders in San Bernardino who willingly go into harm’s way to save others.
  • Ben Carson: My thoughts and prayers are with the shooting victims and their families in San Bernardino.
  • Bernie Sanders: Mass shootings are becoming an almost-everyday occurrence in this country. This sickening and senseless gun violence must stop.
  • Hillary Clinton: I refuse to accept this as normal. We must take action to stop gun violence now.
  • Martin O’Malley: Horrifying news out of #SanBernardino. Enough is enough: it’s time to stand up to the @NRA and enact meaningful gun safety laws.
  • Mike Huckabee: Praying for those impacted by the shooting in California today.
  • Jeb Bush: Praying for the victims, their families & the San Bernardino first responders in the wake of this tragic shooting.
  • George Pataki: Praying for the victims and first responders in #SanBernardino for a quick resolution.
  • John Kasich: My thoughts & prayers go out to those impacted by the shooting in San Bernardino, especially the first responders.
  • Lindsey Graham: Thoughts & prayers are with #SanBernardino.

Developing story…

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