Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Trump promises Obamacare repeal, border wall

(WASHINGTON TIMES) Republicans will have a replacement for Obamacare ready to go at the same time they repeal the massive health law, President-elect Donald Trump said Wednesday, raising expectations for the GOP and its top priority in the new Congress.

At his first press conference in nearly six months Mr. Trump said he thought about ignoring Obamacare this year, predicting it would collapse on its own and be a major political problem for Democrats. But he said the GOP will push ahead anyway.

He also said Vice President-elect Mike Pence is working on plans for the border wall, said the government will start doing a better job of controlling spending by making companies bid on contracts, including negotiating better prices for prescription drugs bought through government health programs, and he repeated his vow that companies who move operations outside the U.S. will pay a “border tax.”

from PropagandaGuard

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