Sunday, 15 January 2017

Those dollars in your pocket are not real

Does your broker have a secret? Maybe he doesn’t really know.

He picks for you stocks to buy and tells you that you are making money. You look at the stock price chart and see that it is up. In nominal dollars that may be so. But are you “making money” in real dollars? Do you know the difference?

Those who don’t understand the difference are headed for impoverishment. Nominal dollars are those inflating or debasing dollars. These are the everyday dollars in your pocket and the paper dollars that you shop with at the grocery store. Most people live and depend on nominal dollars. They save and buy retirement accounts in these inflating quicksand dollars.

Stocks must outrun the depreciation of the currency to be valid investments. But not one in a million stockholders is aware of this.

Let’s shed the illusion! Depreciating currency means eventual impoverishment along with the destruction of law and order.

Do the politicians tell anybody this?

Below is a chart of real versus fiat dollars that all should understand. It shows that the dollar has lost 97 percent of its value since the creation of the Federal Reserve and unbacked fiat money in 1913. Put another way, it now takes $24.38 to purchase what $1 would purchase in 1913.


Nominal dollars are constantly being debased at ever increasing speed. This simply means that purchasing power is eroding 24 hours a day. Why? Because the money creators have accelerated the depreciation.

Yes, every dollar printed makes yours worth less. This is the meaning of that mystery term “quantitative easing” or the government/banker creation of trillions of dollars. But that’s only the first part of what’s happening today. Now, we have the massive creation of debt and “consumer credit.” Magically, the banksters have allowed people to purchase without the need for money. Think about what this means… it means your current dollars are depreciating, and the future dollars that you will need to pay back what you have bought with credit will be even further watered-down. Ultimately, you will have to pay even more money – in nominal terms – because the future dollars you’ll use to pay back the bank will be worth far less.

This is the secret behind debt slavery. Further, this unbelievable inflation of the currency is a tax on all who hold dollars anywhere in the world. It is a hidden transfer of wealth from your savings and retirement income. Not a single gun is held to your head to take your money. It’s all done with the printing press and the computerized creation of debt.

By the way: Don’t buy the folderol coming from the mouths of government men and banksters that inflation is under 2 percent. Real inflation is approaching double digits.

Does the government know this? Yes, they do and they also know that inflating and depreciating currency is the secret and stealth transfer of wealth from dollar holders to the creators of fiat paper money. They also know that inflating-depreciating currency makes so-called “public debt” a hoax.

First, understand this: The U.S. national debt will never be paid off. There is in fact no debt. It is all an illusion of political doublespeak.

Private debt is real. You must pay back the institute that extended you the credit. But how can there be a “public debt” if there is money printing to infinity? Ask yourself another question: If you had a printing press that could print all the money you wanted, would you have any debt? Of course not, and neither does the U.S. government (but state and local governments do have debt).

So if there is no debt, why must you pay your “fair share” of taxes? The truth is there is no need, because as I’ve written, your taxes do not go to pay U.S. debt. Taxes are merely a means of redistributing wealth and compiling an informational dossier on all Americans.

The key word to describe fiat money’s non-substance is infinity. This imaginary money system can be created to infinity and indeed is on its way. The American people (and the world) believe that this non-substance is real money. This is an exercise in an unbelievable and unimaginable delusion that is accepted by the mind as real.

This is socialism at its most perfect creation and it is doing exactly socialism’s work of transferring the wealth and savings of the American people to the state without payment.

Debt implies that there are limits to money and spending. Debt is not a concept that can be applied to Federal government so-called accounting. This is one of the system’s deep dark secrets and proof the whole Federal System is a fiat paper Ponzi scheme.

My friends, you may have title to your home, your savings and your accumulated wealth, but the state is the owner without compensation to you.

How you ask? Everything that you “own” is denominated in fiat U.S. dollars. As the Fed creates fiat to buy up America the nominal dollar ownership of your property diminishes. This system allows no escape from its fiat. It only results in debt slavery of an insidious and invisible sort.

In the near future the U.S. and world stock markets may go exponential in nominal dollars but actually go down in real dollars. But doesn’t inflation always make for a good feeling even though it is an illusion?

Paper money and fractional reserve banking have been created for a thousand years because they allow an alliance of politicians and banksters to enrich themselves at the expense of all other strata of society. It takes the freedom of trade between parties and filters it through the government.

So what should you do? First, stop thinking conventional thoughts. They are not your own. Next you must understand the difference between nominal and real dollars.

Real dollars are dollars that hold their value based on their purchasing power in 1913. They don’t change or cannot be debased.

So how do we change nominal inflating dollars to real dollars? Real dollars exist as a measurement or comparison to nominal or inflating dollars. Gold and silver hold their value in terms of real money.

I told you above that stocks must outrun the depreciation of the currency to be valid investments. Since 2000 the Dow Jones Industrial average is down 59 percent compared to gold. During that same period the NASDAQ is down 74 percent compared to gold.

We can have real dollars by stopping our nominal dollars from inflating or being debased. We can remove this cruel and hidden tax that attacks our wealth day and night by using nominal dollars to buy gold and silver – or by buying hard assets that appreciate in value or simply hold value.

This is called leverage and it gains more than paper money loses. The people who preserve their wealth understand this, and this is why I am working on a new special “hard asset” report that will show you how to convert your fiat dollars and “financialized” investments into things of real worth and tangible value.

Until then, you must preserve your labor, your savings and retirement with gold and silver in your possession. You will know what to do with your precious metals when the time comes — and it will come.

Precious metals don’t pay interest, you say? This is conventional thinking backed by the paper money myth.

Gold and silver are the only real money in existence. They are real money as well as intrinsic wealth. Moreover, gold and silver appreciate in purchasing power as paper money depreciates. That is your real interest. All understanding of hard money has been lost down the memory hole of the fiat paper world money regime. Politicians and bankers never speak the word “gold” in public.

None of what I’m telling you is conjecture. I believe shocking economic events lie dead ahead. We are set up to be slammed by another collapse of the stock market and economy. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

If you want some most excellent and complete advice on buying and keeping gold and silver, I have put all the details in my latest exclusive report, which you can get a copy of by going to the bottom of this page.

I am proud to be an American, but I know that my government and my country have been stolen by the money creators.

The post Those dollars in your pocket are not real appeared first on Personal Liberty®.

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