Friday, 13 January 2017

The WIRE: Your week in review

From the dummies in Washington to the dumpster out back — and most points in between — it’s time for a look back at the week that was. Personal Liberty Digest® presents: The WIRE!

Snowflake protesters showed up in their finest threads to disrupt the Senate confirmation hearing of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General.

I haven’t seen so many KKK members at the Capitol since Robert Byrd retired!

Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut attacked Sessions with a bizarre question as to whether Sessions had ever received an award from the KKK.

The same number as the number of medals Blumenthal earned for his service in Vietnam.

Representative John Lewis took the stand to rail against Sessions’ nomination; complete with the usual charges of racism. Guess ol’ Johnny forgot this touching moment with Sessions, together on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, back when Lewis’s principles meant more than his politics.

Does Lewis really believe Sessions is a bigot? Depends on whether he knows if the cameras are on.

During the confirmation hearing of Mike Pompeo as CIA Director, California Senator Kamala Harris got to the heart of the matter, grilling Pompeo on his stances on CIA-relevant topics like same sex and marriage climate change.

Lest anyone forget Dianne Feinstein is the “smart” senator from Californistan.

In response to Russia’s thuggery, Obama deployed troops to Poland this week. So now he finds his testicles?

Eight years late and a Ukraine short.

Although they promised Obamacare would be exactly what America needed, Democrats attacked the GOP this week for not proposing a way to “fix” the fraud-riddled disaster.

You don’t fix a dumpster fire by lighting another one.

Reports indicate Trump aide Monica Crowley may have plagiarized large sections of material which appeared in her dissertation at Columbia University. In response, Trump elevated her to the position of vice president.

Gotta stick with precedent.

Boy, did BuzzFeed take a golden shower on their latest foray into pushing political hoaxes. A lot of the media is pissed at them for this dip in the toilet. Urine real trouble now, Ben Smith!

Don’t worry! I hear Gawker is hiri… um, never mind.

Quoth the White House: “Yes We Can. Yes We Did. Yes We Can. Thank you.”

“Impose Obamacare. Wiretap citzens. Weaponize the IRS against political “enemies” and double the national debt. You’re not welcome.”

During his latest “farewell” address, President Obama referred to the Constitution of the United States as just “a piece of parchment.”

After he spent eight years treating it like toilet paper, I guess that’s a step up.

Obama’s references to the Atticus Finch character in Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” drew squeals from the snowflakes who, apparently, didn’t know he could read.

Rules for Radicals, Das Kapital, Prairie Fire, Go, Dog. Go! All the classics.

The snowflakes also had a sad over Trump’s likely elevation of his son-in-law to a senior advisory position.

Nepotism in the White House? The devil you say!

Just a week after President Obama “earned” an “award” from the Defense Department, he surprised his buddy Joe with the Presidential Medal of Freedom Thursday afternoon. Nice to see the nation’s highest civilian award reduced to a participation trophy.

“Take one, Joe. I got a box of ‘em in my desk!”

Charleston mass murderer Dylann Roof will be meeting his maker at the business end of a needle; sentenced to death for his homicidal attack on a church in South Carolina. Being pro-life, I’m anti-death penalty.

However, this psycho has tested that principle.

The granddaughter of the company’s founder made a personal donation to Trump’s campaign?!? Boycott L.L. Bean, which sells great gear at fair prices, backed by a lifetime guarantee.

No wonder the snowflakes hate it; it’s the exact opposite of Obamacare.

Meryl Streep’s anti-Trump rant at Golden Globes was easily her best awards show performance since she gave Roman Polanski a standing ovation for drugging and raping a 13 year-old girl and fleeing the country to avoid prosecution. But it’s different, because he’s an artist.

Neat-o. So was John Wayne Gacy.

And that’s your week in review! For the Personal Liberty Digest®, I’m Ben Crystal saying “See you next week on the WIRE!”

The post The WIRE: Your week in review appeared first on Personal Liberty®.

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