Sunday, 1 January 2017

Greetings to 2017! Here are my predictions for the coming year

If we are to do the right things we will need to think the right thoughts. For most people this will not be possible. Sorry!

Frankly, my wife and I enjoy life. Great entertainment comes from observing people and their understanding of religion, politics and money. In short, most people don’t have a clue and how they make it from one day to the next is a mystery to us.

My mother used to say that the Lord takes care of drunks and fools. Well, that worked in her day, but it’s more complicated now. We have the unprecedented problem of ignorance and mass deception, coupled with poverty and mass malnutrition. These are real problems and they are getting worse.

Exceptions are our loyal readers, and may God bless all of you.

Speaking of deception, that’s how we are ruled.

People have to be deceived to be the walking zombies that they are. Really, most people just move through space and time. What monotony when there is so much to learn and get excited about!

I surely hope that your New Year’s resolution for 2017 will be to read more, and I don’t mean the gossip rags.

If you are too busy to read, you are too busy and foolishly so. Reading has everything to do with your health, your wealth and your happiness on this earth. I find that serious readers are scarce… very scarce.

Turn off the television. It’s feeding you nothing but garbage and state propaganda. Let’s do away with the frivolity and nonsense and get into real living and the real world. Simple people think frivolity is living. What a deception and what a waste.

Read, read, read and insist that your children read.

You should read to your young children and grandchildren yourself. You will be surprised out of your mind how they will blossom, and it will last the rest of their lives.

Here’s what I expect for 2017 and beyond:

  • A contentious battle, but Senator Jeff Sessions will gain confirmation as Attorney General on a roughly party-line vote. He is a drug warrior, so he will ramp up the faux drug war.
  • The police will become increasingly militant and increasingly militarized (also because of Sessions and his drug war). Donald Trump will reinstate the 1033 Program for selling surplus military equipment to police that President Barack Obama amended in 2015.
  • The police state will grow stronger. Attacks by police – emboldened by Trump’s pro-police stance — on civilians will increase, followed by a corresponding blowback of citizen ambush attacks on cops.
  • More “lone wolf” terrorist attacks on U.S. soil which will lead to more anti-privacy legislation and possible gun control.
  • Trump will nominate faux conservatives to judgeships and the Supreme Court. Their rulings will mostly be disappointing to real conservatives and will likely be in the mold of recent “conservative” picks like John Roberts, Anthony Kennedy, Sandra Day O’Conner and David Souter.
  • The present state of euphoria of the American people over the coming Trump presidency signals a time of caution. Newfound consumer confidence in the wake of Trump’s victory cannot cover the downturn in the real economy or the rickety legs upon which the banking industry stands. Historically, when everybody is happy, markets collapse. Such events usually occur abruptly. They are large and violent. We need to make sure that we don’t get caught. Better to cry wolf too soon than too late, always. If we are to err by getting out too soon, it should always be in favor of asset protection. That should be via gold and silver. Gold has outperformed stocks — including reinvested dividends — since 2000, and will continue to do so.


  • A strong dollar and steady economic growth in the beginning. For U.S. exporters, however, the strong dollar will dampen profits. But don’t be fooled. All economic and financial rules are out the window. As 2017 dawns we sit on an economic powder keg. Authorities would have us to believe that the system will recover and prosper and Trump is restoring confidence in the system. Reality: there is no system. It is a patched-up paper money monster that has nothing left but shaky confidence. When that falters, she blows! The truth is we have eaten our seed corn! Not only that, we have borrowed from our future.  Americans have been sold completely the idea that lower interest rate policies were the ticket to eternal material prosperity. Mainstream economists continue to insist this is so despite eight years of evidence that it is a failed policy. Consequently, the American consumer has already borrowed from next year’s consumption, and the next. The ones that still have/had decent credit have used up their home equity and refinanced on lower interest rates. When interest rates begin to rise again, as they already have begun to do and as the Fed promises will continue, the bubble will burst and we will be in a bigger crash than 2008.
  • More war on cash. Authorities want to grab every dollar they can. Cash allows for an underground economy out of reach of taxing authorities. Several countries have already eliminated their notes equivalent to the U.S. $100 and U.S. $50 notes (and some even less). Look for the end of the $100 bill soon (ostensibly to fight the drug war and save the children).
  • The Fed’s promised manipulation of interest rates (to save the banking system from systemic collapse, not to facilitate economic growth, as it claims), repatriation of massive amounts of U.S. cash being held offshore, and the bursting bubble mentioned above will cause massive inflation. Real inflation, as measured in 1990, stands above 5 percent already, not the phony 1.9 percent government statisticians tell us.
  • More censorship. Congress passed and Obama signed “Ministry of Truth” legislation in the NDAA. The ongoing clamor over “fake news,” which means any news not filtered through the mainstream gatekeepers, is a hoax and distraction and is the final flailings of the dying media beast, government propagandists and establishment politicians. An increase in terrorist attacks at home will go hand-in-hand with this.
  • Winding down the war in Syria possible. Depends on which branch of the deep state wins its internecine battle; the branch supporting Trump or the branch supporting the establishment. If Trump’s branch wins out then the U.S. will cut funding (or cause “allies” to cut it off) to ISIS and the Assad/Russia will prevail quickly. Otherwise, the war will drag out and expand.
  • Establishment Republicans will clash with Trump over most of his policies. This, too, is evidence of war within the deep state. Establishment Republicans want Trump to fail so they can replace him with an establishment candidate more to their liking – Republican or Democrat does not matter to them.
  • War with Iran possible. Trump has vowed to tear up the nuclear deal. Many of Trump’s picks for Department of Defense Offence leaders – like James Mattis — are decidedly anti-Iran. One theory is that as a Marine, Mattis continues to want revenge for the Marine Corps barracks bombing in Beirut in 1983.
  • If you have interest in stocks, look at the coal and defense industries. In coal, look for companies that produce more coking coal and less thermal coal. Coking coal is also called metallurgical coal. In defense, Lockheed Martin shares took a hit over Trump’s comments on Twitter about the F-35 fighter jet, while Boeing’s rose on the news that Trump had asked that company to price out a replacement via the F-18 Super Hornet. This bears watching, but is probably all for show by Trump.

With politics aside for the next year, our columns will focus more on wealth and health.

Happy New Year! And good riddance – in 18 days – to the undocumented usurper who for eight years has despoiled the People’s House, committing all manner of high crimes and misdemeanors against Americans.

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