Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Dad saves daughter as Muslim rape frenzy plagues Germany

Muslim migrants head out of Slovenia toward Europe. More than 1.3 million made their way to the wealthy welfare state of Germany, welcomed by the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Muslim migrants head out of Slovenia toward Europe. More than 1.3 million made their way to the wealthy welfare state of Germany, welcomed by the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Germany is enduring a fresh round of sexual assaults by Muslim migrants, but until police are less concerned about being called “Islamophobes” than they are about the safety of German women, the attacks will continue, says a top freedom activist in the U.S.

In one case, a German father is being called a hero for rescuing his daughter from a Syrian refugee who had stalked her as she was walking home early Sunday morning from a disco.

The woman, 23, called her 57-year-old father to say “there’s a man following me home dad…”

He raced to the scene in a push scooter, only to find the man had punched his daughter almost unconscious, was on top of her and tearing off her clothes, the U.K.’s Express reported. He had dragged her from the side of the road into some underbrush.

He pulled the drunken Syrian off his daughter, punched him several times and pinned him down while calling police on his cell phone. The Syrian is facing charges of assault and attempted sexual assault.

The Syrian, 23, lives in an asylum seekers’ home in Kleve, according to the Express.

“This man in a hero,” said police. “He saved his own daughter from something terrible happening to her.”

The story was reminiscent of another attack last month in Austria in which a group of teenage migrants attacked a girl in a subway in Austria and were about to rape her when two men arrived on the scene and scared off the gang.

America is on the same suicidal path as Europe but is it too late for Donald Trump to fix the problem? Get all the facts in Leo Hohmann’s brand-new investigative book “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad.”

Austrian legislators moved this week to draft regulations that would ban the Islamic face coverings from being worn by women working in public-sector jobs. While a minor step, it sends a strong message, said activist Pamela Geller.

“This is just common sense,” wrote Geller in a post on her website, the Geller Report. “Measures like this one are long overdue all over Europe. Either the West preserves and defends its own societal and cultural traditions, or it surrenders to those of Islam. It’s one or the other.”



In another case reported Monday out of Hamburg, Germany, police were searching for five men of “African appearance” who lured a nurse into a park with fake cries for help, then beat her unconscious and sexually abused her, the Express reports.

Officers in Hamburg said the 28-year-old nurse was unconscious for so long she had hypothermia.

She was walking to her car from work at the Asklepios hospital when she heard cries for help coming from a nearby park.

But when she rushed to render aid she was ambushed by five men who beat her unconscious and stole her money.

When paramedics arrived she was suffering from hypothermia and some of her clothes had been torn from her body, according to the German newspaper Bild.

German women have been the targets of thousands of attacks, many of a sexual nature, since New Year’s Eve 2015, most of them carried out by recently arrived refugees.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has welcomed more than 1.3 million refugees into her country over the past two years.

Geller, author of “Stop the Islamization of America,” told WND that Merkel’s government is either ignorant of or willfully ignoring Islamic texts that give men license to treat women, especially non-Muslim women, as “less than.”

“This is what Germans can expect on a more and more frequent basis,” she said in an email. “The Quran allows men to use infidel women as sex slaves and implies that women who are unveiled can legitimately be molested. So this is Merkel’s legacy.”

Robert Spencer, author of the Jihad Watch blog for the David Horowitz Freedom Center, said he still has hope that Europe can turn things around but time is running short.

“Western Europe is in immense crisis, and it isn’t going to get better anytime soon,” Spencer told WND in an email. “However, the move to ban the veil for public-sector workers in Austria is a small bit of pushback.”

That pushback will grow as Muslim migrants continue to rape and sexually assault their way across the continent, Spencer said.

“I still have confidence that Europe is not simply going to commit suicide and go quietly,” he added. “But there needs to be a massive change in European leadership for free societies there to survive.”

Geller said the heroic father provides a valuable lesson.

“It’s chaos in Europe, and you are responsible for your security and your family’s safety,” she told WND. “Merkel’s cowed police force — and all the police departments of Europe fearful of being ‘Islamophobic’ — is something of a Potemkin allusion.

“Parents in Europe cannot allow their children walk alone, especially daughters,” she added. “Sounds like the status of women and girls in Muslim countries. Is it any wonder that gun-permit applications have skyrocketed in Europe amid growing Islamic terror attacks?”

America is on the same suicidal path as Europe reports the brand-new investigative book “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad,” which lays out a strategy for Donald Trump to right the ship.

from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2017/01/11/dad-saves-daughter-as-muslim-rape-frenzy-plagues-germany/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2017/01/10/dad-saves-daughter-as-muslim-rape-frenzy-plagues-germany/

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